The Bruiser, Black and Blue. HH turns to HSH project

I was thinking about this project then I saw funky fingers thread. His and Lievens discussion got me excited and pushed me, so here it is finally.

So I Picked up this cheap Johnson strat for about $37 USD total in cash and trade items.

I know Johnson bodys are suppose to be ok. It was in terrable condition, smells disgusting and it was coated in something who knows what? oily maybe.

But underneath it looked ok, neck looked straight I think? I already have a SSS strat, I like electronics and building stuff so why not mess around. I want a HH so this would be good to mess around with.

I got it home, I tested it and no sound, so pulled most of it apart and gave it a good gave it a good cleaning.

I decIded to pick up a pre built HSH pickguard to pop in to see how I liked it with the thoughts of upgrading parts in the future if I like the sound.

I needed to make room for the humbuckers and the shape of this middle single.

The plan was to use the pick guard as the template and eyeball it

I have a couple of routers, but I decided to use hand chisels since this was my first time doing It with the guitar. It’s that silly right of passage and you need to earn it as they say. “Feel the wood”

Finished and test fitted.


Hi Jason ,
How cool and for only 37 usd learning so much :sunglasses:

Have fun and greetings


So there were some small finishing work issues. Totally not important but i wanted it solid and what ever.
I filled in the gaps no one sees the inside but just like my trucks and all my gear. I dont care what it looks like on the outside its the inside tech that counts. Maybe. Lol

Its basically wood amd epoxy stuff. No shrinkage at least not much. I have used it on other projects. I live in the dry desert it holds up over yeas so should be ok on this. And sands down nicely.

I decided just gave it a touch up spray job just protect the inside. I am glad I did, it made laying the shielding so much easier since it was all much more smooth.

Yeah there wwas some over spray oh well.

I did the shielding too. I figured its 7 usd, might as well practice. Its a pain in the butt doing the cavities but I got through it.

And there we go
Sweet Punk Rock Noise!


There were some trade items as well. But stuff I didnt need. Haha so yeah you cant beat a deal

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Kudos to you.

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You did a really amazing job, Jason. Great idea and equally great implementation.

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Thank you. This is my first real guitar project. I always jump in feet first.

I appreciate the compliment. I could not find a les paul type to work on so this had to do for now. :wink:

It was a learning experience and it took a while. I admit most of the men in my family do wood working. I didnt not get into it, but I have some tools and a little experience with wood.


Very cool mate.

Looks like a weapon. I find I enjoy playing the one I built more than ones I bought because it’s my work. Hope you’re finding the same.

Mine is also the guitar I now leave tuned a half step down.

I’m looking to start a new project in the not too distant future.

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Well done. I think having a SSS strat and an HSH strat is a great idea. You’re sorted for most sounds/styles now.

I love fixing and modifying my guitars. I was scared of doing any work on my guitars when I was younger in case I damaged them. I now realise that most things on an electric guitar are quite easy to fix or modify. I think buying a cheap guitar to learn on is very sensible. That’s what I did.

I still get a professional to do fret work on my guitars though. I haven’t worked up the courage to learn how to level or replace frets yet. Maybe someday? :laughing:

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Haha totally, it can be my Nirvana In Utero guitar :joy::rofl: But seriously, altered tuning has become a very enjoyable thing as a lot of my favorite bands do a bit of it. I would love to have multiple dedicated guitars in electric and acoustic for that purpose. That may take a while.

Thanks Dave

Man the double humbuckers really make things sound different. I really needed this sound. Its amazing paired with my different distortion pedals I have been messing with. Oh yeah. Everything sounds closer to the original artists idea in a lot of the stuff I was trying to emulate. Very satisfying. Now lots of playing and practice. So I can actually play like them, maybe.

I have only done some minor fret polishing and a small level on my acoustic. I have not tried any replacments. I dont think it would be too hard, but it is a bit intimidating and once you start i am guessing you are very locked into it. I would definitely get a beater from Goodwill, fleabay or another thrift store to start.

Rodger one thing I learned is next time I may use my router. It was good to “feel the wood” as my uncle always was saying about woodwork. The fact is im not making a victorian chair for the oval office or for the queen of england. And it took a long time and I lost motivation during the project with family issues stuff. So yeah if needing to do it much fast next time I will dust off router and set up the rounting table. I will probably mess it up trying to go fast, that way tho. I am sure there are benifits both ways. I bet Luther’s have pages of debates about stuff like this in their own forums.

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Great stuff, I love trawling junk shops looking for victims for my experiments :laughing:. It’s amazing what you can find if you know what you’re looking at, fortunately quite a few junk shops don’t have a clue! At the moment I’m on the lookout for a reasonable Bass to remove the frets and fill the resulting holes in to make a Fretless Bass, maybe if it’s decent put better hardware in, if not just use it as a learning tool!
You’ve made a pretty decent job of it and (hint hint) I wonder what it sounds like?


That is how a built a fair amount of my really good automotive tools and other electronic tinkering tools. That and some handovers from respected oldtimers.

I would love to learn the bass guitar someday in the future. But I am still very much in my learning stages of guitar. I am Justin’s level 3 and 4. Also in the Theory Class. Which I will probably be focusing on that really hard soon.

I am still also just getting my video legs under me. :grin: that stuff and recording I am just not good at yet.

I do appreciate :pray: the comments and interest.


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That’s cool!

by combining parts from cheap guitars and “providing a bit of your own added value”, you can learn a lot about guitrs without having to worry too much.

You took a lot more effort than my wonky punkness and it turned out quite fine af I may say so.

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Right on Lieven, that means a lot coming you. I really enjoy your lessons ever since your surviving a live gig which was the first one I attended. Now the trick is to make it growl and purr like you and the rest of our Jedi Masters are teaching us. :metal:t2:


I decided had to add and qoute this part also because, I chuckled. I know how to shapen a blade, including a chisle. So one slip gives a “bit of your own” blood. Fair to say it was donated to this project a couple of times.


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Ok a little update.

The sounds is off some. to be honest I guess I am not really sure what an HSH should sound like. so I did a little more real set up work on it.

Clamped it at the top amd getting my Low and High E string set up at the 12 about where I want it.


No im going to new fret radius tool and cheak it. Seems to be a 12

Now that the E strings ad cool i put the radius tool unser the strings and lined the up are goodand in line.

Now I can set the other 4 strings.

Now the pickups. The neck pick up is crazy loud the back ones are super low in volume I will try and fix it with the pick up heights.

I ran out of time but i think it is a little more even, but the neck is still more loud than the middle and back, but the tone is different. I will figure it out tomorrow and get a video if I can. I have hurt shoulder so it also hard due to the injury.


Jason, I went back and had another look at your HSH modded Strat after your post on another thread.

I was wondering if you use the middle single coil or whether it’s a bit too weak in combination with either of the humbuckers.