The Captain's Commandments

Donā€™t know if itā€™s just the awkward heat or what was I supposed to have read here? Iā€™m a little confused. :melting_face: :face_with_spiral_eyes: :woozy_face: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


If you think thatā€™s bad then DONā€™T Google the National bird of Peruā€¦




Hi Brian. Youā€™ve finally done it, this thread has me totally defeated! I havenā€™t a clue whatā€™s going on. :thinking::woozy_face:


Well done Brian for resurrecting the ghost of the long lost Captain. A great post. Not really sure what happened after that, as I all I see is random chatter with zero relevance. Did I miss a meeting ?



Blockquote3. Practice in front of a bush

Will practicing in front of a cactus work? Maybe it depends on what music.

Use a bush for folk and cactus for punk rock. maybe find a nice large redwood and set up a large Orchestra. The mighty redwood are deserving of such large full sound.


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Weā€™re all just confusedā€¦


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Perhaps I do need to do some drugs after all.

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Canā€˜t get rid of the impression he started a field test, how much he can spread confusion all over the world within 24h :joy:. And the joker :bird: sits on a comfortable arm chair and dies of laughter :rofl:. And he made it even to NZā€¦. . Iā€˜m sure, as soon as we stop commenting, heā€˜ll come out of the dark and shed some light on us :man_mage:


Haha, not sure if youā€™re referring to me or Mr. Van Vliet, but I agree that this stuff leaves me scratching my head and wondering what it all meansā€¦
I bought Trout Mask Replica as a teenager (based on critical acclaim) and found it impossible to listen through. Like Zappa who he worked with, much of his work remains inaccessible to me, but some of it I love.
Iā€™m giving TMR another spin as I type this and it doesnā€™t seem quite as strange anymore :rofl:

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Actually, I was referring to you :joy:. When I read your initial post first, I didnā€˜t get the point or your intension. I then checked the time, too early for a drink too much, then temperatures on your wonderful isle. Comfortable 25 degrees, so it couldnā€˜t be the heat eitherā€¦
As you are known for thoughtful posts :partying_face:, my brain started to work and I came to the conclusion above.
(APART FROM ALMOST FALLING INTO A RABBIT HOLE, digged out by this whimsical Mr. Van Vliet and his misterious music.) On a positive side, I learned, that Iā€˜m simply to young to deal with such an enormous special stuff like Trout Mask Replica :joy:, on a serious side I realized, that obviously I missed a milestone of rock/experimental music history, given the fact that this album is considered as number 60 out of 500 on the Rolling Stoneā€™s list of the best albums of all time. I wonā€˜t go deeper into it, no fan of disharmonics or atonality.
But you still owe us the solution of yesterdayā€˜s post? What was your intesion??? :face_with_monocle:

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I second that. Your intention, Brian, @brianlarsen cannot have been to have us all play our best tunes while trying to escape death by drowning - or to have us all putting on massive amounts of weight by eating large amounts of bread since any kind of bushes remain unresponsive to our music? :worried:

For anyone who thinks it is necessary to be on topic in a post by Brian :upside_down_face:ā€¦ I certainly was on topic a kind of with the first post because I always listen and therefore also play in the garden for the birds (2 days before this I was and can still be heard on video)

No one ever has to do that until the end of timeā€¦unfortunately the mod Richard erased the evidence of the eternal get-out-of-jail-free ticket because there was too much chatter and there was also (not by Brian of course) nasty things were saidā€¦ but under this post ~~~~

it was clear talking that it is never and often even better not to stick to those rules in this kind of topic ,ā€¦

Ps: do you remember anything about that what you said there to me Brian ? :grin:

So back of topic ā€¦


We call it Rode Rotshaan ā€¦ nothing weirds there :sunglasses:



I agree, you were on topic addressing the birds :bird: And listening and or following the birds seems useful for music indeed. The video below might serve as a proof (song name translated to English = ā€œTit manā€ :bird:)


Itā€™s not supposed to make sense. Itā€™s Captain Beefheart.