… and well done for bringing these wayward threads back were they belong, James
An audience with the great guitar guru deserves a bit of gravitas.
what a simple joke came up with in bed while it was a bit warm ,become a lot of …
Luckily I keep most of the nonsense to myself…
i sincerely love most of you all…
Greetings …way to late
Your among friends on the forum, feel free to share all your nonsense
…Life is too short for that
, and it would obscure some good things
,…because there is always a lot of nonsense going through my head
, …although in recent years this has been increasingly overruled by all the serious matters that threaten to destroy the world and what we do to each other in the process… so we’ll just apply it with appropriate fits…

Roger has a fan!
Hi Brian,
Are you feeling better already? you are old so hopefully the covid doesn’t get too much hold on you…
In the meantime, my amount of Fans has doubled…
I hope that for and with most of you it is not too bad with the heat … although that is of course not limited to this small country … good luck and especially if you belong to the weaker or sick, …
Kind regards and keep your cool,Rogier
I’m not sure whether I should bless or curse you Roger-
I thought I had turned the Covid cornier last night and am not feeling as bad as I was, but have not yet picked up a guitar, so there must still be something wrong with me.
It is hot here too and whether it was the ambient temperature or my illness, the sweat running down my forehead, combined with the image of you having fans blowin’ in the wind made me brave the attic furnace and search for the one stowed up there many years ago. I’d like to say my fan or fan base is bigger than yours, but I would be lying.
On the bright side I did watch the whole Neil Gaiman’s Sandman series on Netflix in two days…
As Arnie says, I’ll be back
You leave some space for some witty texts but I’ll let you enjoy the cooler wind…