In an effort to improve my singing and to expand my vocal range here is my version of Linger by the Cranberries.
Thanks for the listen.
In an effort to improve my singing and to expand my vocal range here is my version of Linger by the Cranberries.
Thanks for the listen.
Good job Eddie! Good singing and clean playing.
Awesome @Eddie_09 !! I don’t think that I’ve ever heard that song sing by a guy before. It’s definitely a tricky one to sing and you did great with it! Nice, smooth guitar playing too.
Hello @Eddie_09 , what a surprising song choice .
For expanding your vocal range it was definitely the right one. Such a challenge… But you really did well on it . I also like the dynamics of your strumming. Really well done - thanks a lot for sharing
Nice one Eddie
I was back in Dublin for the weekend so my Celtic heart strings are still tugging!
When you say expanding your vocal range, are you talking in the lower register here? If so you’re doing well. If you’re wanting to expand the higher notes, I think you could slap a capo on a couple of frets higher and see how you go.
I grabbed my guitar to strum along. What was the chord after the D? It looked like A minor without the index?
Keep 'em coming
Thanks Alexis. Really appreciate you taking the time to listen and comment!
Thanks Travis. Definitely not an easy one to sing but thought I’d have a crack off it anyway . Thanks for listening and commenting!
Thanks Nicole. Really appreciate your comments and thanks for checking it out.
Thanks Brian. I was going for the higher notes so will try the capo out a couple of frets up. Thanks for the tip.
After the D I used an Asus2 chord ( your eagle eye spotted correctly that it was just the Am with the first finger taken off). With the C chord I added my pinky on the B string 3rd fret which I don’t think is the correct chord for the song but it sounded good so went with it. Actually I think the Asus2 should also be a regular A chord but I used some artistic license and again it sounded good so just rolled with it.
Well done, Eddie! I thought that was great! Vocals sounding good to me and I love your restraint as well, it would be easy to go over the top on this one and take away from the emotional aspect. Great stuff!
Thank you so much for the positive comments and feedback Jeff. Very much appreciated!
Nice job Eddie. This one that I would love to try.
Hi Eddie,
Nice song
I was about to say the same as Brian ( @brianlarsen 1)…although unfortunately I haven’t been to visit Dublin , and I always forget to mention the importance of the capo when I want to say something about improving/doing things differently with vocals and I knew about that A of course
…Ooo ,i will stop now ,have a fantastic day
Thanks Mark for your comments. It’s not a difficult one to play but not the easiest to sing. I mentioned above that I experimented with the chords and used Asus2 in place of A and added my pinky on the b string 3rd fret when playing C and it made it sound a little sweeter. Give it a go!
Thanks Roger! Always appreciate your comments. I haven’t been back to Dublin since last summer but hoping to go this year again. Dublin is pretty bad for my health though as I gorge myself on Guinness when I am there , and I like to visit my old pubs, but only for the live music of course
i love this song
nice job taking it on
Dolores is hard to copy
Nice job Eddie! liked it. like this song and will try to learn it myself. so thanks for sharing…
Beautiful song Eddie played and sung so well.
Thanks Danny. I really appreciate you checking it out. Dolores is definitely not an easy one to copy.
Thank you Trond. It’s a pretty straightforward one to learn so shouldn’t take you long. Thanks for listening!