The final Thumb Blues 😎

The last of three in a row…

From now on I think I will zigzag through the others from the Solo Blues Study and pick out the best one (I still have 5 to choose from :smiley: ).

I hesitated a lot between 7 video recordings… which mistake did I mind the least and in fact I always chose a perfect B7 because that is the most difficult part …but but but … in the final choice I went for something else :upside_down_face:… . a very small mistake and I hope that my smile here and there is enough not to … ooo who am I kidding, of course I am forgiven. :grin: :sweat_smile:

After a good conversation with a forum member this morning, I chose this one without hesitation because when I look into the camera I look directly at her here for more thn one time :smile:

Three other videos had a missing or very soft thumb stroke exactly at the 15 second mark :see_no_evil:…I didn’t allow Brian @brianlarsen that pleasure :roll_eyes: … (Oh what fun I had yesterday, wanted to quote you and place a wiki post as a 2nd post for you so you could add comments :laughing:) … but my wife thought this one was a fraction better

Haven’t really played the guitar since December 20 due to a cold/flu? and many additional complaints in the joints, bones and certainly also due to the coughing… if you make me laugh hard, my back often hurts, you can guess… but since this week I have been playing again, so my mood is improving nicely and I’m almost back to my best…

happy with this end result and hopefully everyone thinks so too…if not, please let me know :sunglasses:



That was really great Rogier. Your notes and timing sounded pretty spot on to me.
This has been a fascinating experience for me Rogier watching you make your way through all those thumb blues studies. Well done.

ps. I’m surprised you’ve got time to practise between watering all those house plants! The humidity levels must be perfect for your guitars. :smile:


Lovely stuff Roger, very tidy. Extra points for smiling …


How nice to have you ‘back in action’ Rogier, and I’m so glad you’re on the mend :smiley:
I recall you mentioning you were under the weather but not to the extent that you were’nt playing :open_mouth:
Well, this was an enjoyable watch/listen (OMG, autocorrect just suggested that I subsitute a smiley for ‘an enjoyable’ :open_mouth:)
As you well know this genre is not my cup of meat, and you have my gratitude for keeping it short :wink: You are also aware that I do listen out for any ‘wobbles’ to use as ammunition for a witty tease. I’m afraid I didn’t even find the one you mention, so congratulations! :bouquet:
Nice to see you relaxed, smiling, engaged, although you might want to check the the slightly ‘high action’ on those eyebrows at 35 sec :astonished:


Excellent Roger, such smooth steady left hand work and tone was great.

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Hi Gordon @sairfingers
Thank you very much …very nice to hear :smiley:

:grin: well…Haha, you could say that, but that’s my wife’s job (for the sake of flooding)…but if you look closely just behind my left arm, you’ll see that she did a bad job this week…

at the moment 49% humidity ,it was bad for long but now the best in 2(?) months :sweat_smile:

Hi Paul @mathsjunky
Thank you for dropping by and the extra points :grin:

Hi Brian @brianlarsen
Thank you and :grin:

Short is my thing last years ,certainly shortened by 10 cm … and with the music it means less chance of mistakes :roll_eyes:

I scanned the entire second frame by frame but I don’t see anything regarding my eyebrow at 35 seconds :ant: … really not :laughing:

Greetings all and thank you :hibiscus:


I was extremely disappointed that it only lasted just over a minute, I was hoping for a few more choruses from you, now I have to manually hit the replay button :roll_eyes:

You have done a great job learning these pieces to point you can play them so smoothly whilst raising your eyebrows to @brianlarsen just in time for the new course being released at the end of the month.

Very well done my friend. You should be very proud of your efforts.


Right on! Job well done! Like Socio you should be proud of this, it was spot on! Nice playing!


That was Super Rogier! Thumb was steady and you nailed speed too, which was actually the most challenging aspect to me.
I’m sorry to hear you haven’t been well and hope you’re back on track soon! Greetings from damn cold Italy :blush:


Well done Rogier as always nailed it mate nice work cheers Hec

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Your from Italy? Thats so cool! Its cold to here in the U.S Lol.


Nice Rog. Good to see you back in the swing.

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Hi David @DavidP
Thank you very much that is nice to read :smiley:

and :smile: James @Socio those blues arrangements are simply no longer … let’s dis Justin for that :japanese_ogre:( O wait …no, no longer ones because then I’ll spend days/weeks extra doing about the same things :roll_eyes:)

:smiley: …I didn’t know that so quickly… although I expect that these are the updated lessons from the purchased blues studies that I already have, I will also buy the new one just for the support… and boy, does it look good looking young and hairy in those old videos :rofl:

Thank you very much for your comments :sunglasses:

Hi Byron @Bytron08 Thank you for dropping by and comment :smiley:

Hi Silvia @Silvia80
Thank you very much and yes, I also worked hard at that speed for a while :sweat_smile:…I even manage to play at Justin’s speed when I play for my wife…on video an extra unwanted string pluck is too noticeable
Thank you and just looked at Italy and it is even colder than here …brrr :scarf: :scarf: :fire: and ofcourse the most helpful for some warmth :people_hugging::smile:

Hi Hec @DeltaTyne
Thank you for your nice words :smiley: and dropping by , :sunglasses:

Hi Jason @Ontime
Thank you very much :smiley: and yes it is :sweat_smile:

Greetings all and :man_bowing:


Wow that sounds superb Rog. Where did you learn to play the blues like that - have you done any courses lately? :rofl:

You managed to get it through the Larsen filter too! We should make it our mission to make him a bluesman :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Get thee back to thy cave and groove with a Pict, ye prog progeny :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Well done Rogier, that was very clean and steady.
I am glad to see you back. :slightly_smiling_face:

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That was real good Rogier.
Ya didn’t miss a beat.

I’ve been working on these myself and I’d say you do it better than I do it.
Something for me to work on I reckon.

Well Done!

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What a sweet little treat, Rogier! :smiley:

At least, I could enjoy this one completely, before the little boy woke up again from his nap. But therefore, I have to shorten my comment a bit, just saying:

:clap: :clap: :clap:

That sounded very good, especially given the fact you couldn’t play for a while (:frowning: sorry to hear that!). Hope you are doing much better now - take good care! :four_leaf_clover: :people_hugging:

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Hi Phil @twistor59
Thank you for dropping by and well…This is part of a course that I think I have had for almost 3 years :see_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:

ha ha that Larsen guy is just nice and accepts that…cough…sometimes…cough…some blues is played by his friends :roll_eyes: and then responds nicely… :smile:
Although I must say that my girl really doesn’t like blues and can appreciate these very short songs… every now and then :blush:

Hey Brian …you here again :wave::grin:

Hi Boris @Boris1565
Thank you very much for dropping by , I really appreciate it… :smiley:
Thanks …me too :sunglasses:

Hi Jim @HappyCat
Thank you very much and nice noted :sweat_smile: :smiley:
Ooo …I have seen/heard you do things, which means that it only takes a short time before you master them :smiley: :sunglasses:


Hi Lisa @Lisa_S and Vincent (although you act more as a disruptor in this story and maybe not simply woke up to listen better :roll_eyes::grin: )

Thank you for dropping by in this busy time for you :smiley:

Things are going quite well here with very light remains and tomorrow after 4 weeks we will have dinner again at the good Italian Alberto’s in the village here. :smiley: :sunglasses:

all the best for you and I wish you lots of rest and sleep :smiley: :people_hugging:

Greetings all and thank you,

And a special thanks to the new people who came listening and let that know :smiley: :wave:

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Glad you’re back on top form Roger, really nice sound

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