The G Chord... hacked!

Richard I can also confirm Justin shows the G hack as fingers 2 & 3 and not the pinkie in this lesson. Just completed my Grade 1 Review this evening. I was expecting to see the 3 & 4 fingered G, so was surprised it was the 2 fingered version I often use, unless I’m going G to C. :sunglasses:

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Hey, just shows it happens to the best! :wink:

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That’s in Grade 2 module 10


is it cheating if i use my pinky instead of my ring finger on the E string
cause my damn ring finger keeps on bending

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No. It’s fine. No cheating :slightly_smiling_face: If it feels better for you, playing like this, please go for it.

Your pinky will be on the thin E string anyway when you learn the “Big G”. Similarly the pinky is on the thin E string in the “weak finger G”


I use my pinky a lot for this. Also makes C>G changes easier.


Also useful for the stuck 3/4 (Oasis) chords when you get to the Deborah so go for it. It would be worth continuing to practice using finger 3 though imo but don’t get hung up on it.

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im not sure that practicing in.a wrong form is a good idea

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Hi Deborah,
To me it looks like your ring finger is bent… that is something you should try to avoid… it may take a while so don’t stress if it doesn’t work right away (I had to work on my pinky for a long time befor it didn`t do that ) but maybe is this only because of the photo… in that case have fun and good luck with all possible G possibilities,



That’s exactly what you’re saying here, right? :see_no_evil: and you don’t mean’ the vinger bend the string’ (because that happened to me very often and for a very long time)

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I actually use a different way to play G depending on the song. Weak G with pinky or ring finger on E, stuck 3/4 muting the A string or playing it… if it sounds good then it’s good.

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i tried several grip on the neck but the ring finger keeps on being too straight
i can t use only the first joint of the finger and if i force its not natural at all or comfortable

since the pinky is used on the E string for the big G
i thought i might use it here too
works way better , it just needs a little bit of practice


When I have had my hand shape be off a bit, it wound up being a problem later.

In your case here, it looks like you have low strength and probably poor control over bending the ring finger. I recommend doing some exercised to improve that. I’ll bet you have some trouble grabbing string 5 with that finger without it flexing into string 4? If so, that will come back and bite you later :slight_smile:

Also, there will be some embellishments in your lessons soon that will require either pinky or ring finger free to move around. If your finger is weak or poorly controlled, those techniques will be difficult until you get your strength and dexterity up.

Take a look at stretching as well. Often I have found that I had trouble because I was fighting a lack of mobility. Couple that will a lack of strength and you just cannot get into position until both are improved.

If you want to play a song, then you can use the grip that works, but keep improving on the other until you can start to use it instead. At least that way you are not waiting to learn a song.

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not at all but i do have neurological issues and was not even able to hold a pen 10 years ago
If django reinhardt could play without his fourth and fifth finger , i think i can manage to overcome and find alternatives to my problems


Ah, yes. then you get to experiment your way around the problem. :slight_smile: I watched a couple play at Christmas. Both of them had suffered hand injuries years ago and it was quite interesting to see how they handled playing.

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exactly what im trying to do … i ll never play a G until my retirement if i wait for my fingers to get trained properly
I ll do it slowly and try alternatives


i asked a guitar teacher to help me on this issue