Hi Andy, I’ve been playing at least a year longer than you and still have difficulty with this (no matter what version of open G I play). I’ve had some success by actively focusing on reaching for the G on string 6 first, and not thinking so much about the rest of my fingers. Admittedly when I started doing this, I landed that (and the B on string 5) before the others, but at least it was different. From there I’ve made progress in landing my fingers more simultaneously on all strings. And in the meantime, I think it’s a “better” problem to land on 5 and 6 first because they are usually the strings you play first - so if there is a lag, it will have less impact on the sound.
Thanks all.
I’ll give your suggestions a go and see if I can get my fingers to cooperate.
Welcome @neophytosdm . All of your observations and comments are correct. This is just one way to play the simplified G chord. Later Justin introduces the 3 4 simplified G chord in Module 10 Grade 2 in the Weak Finger G lesson. It is a great G chord shape to use when changing quickly between G and C chords such as in the chorus of “I’m A Believer”.