Been a bit busy the last few days and now have some time to reply.
Due to high winds, tall trees, broken trunks n branches and living on a main road (despite being in the sticks) with a fair amount of traffic a key time, aggri and freight, I’ve been out and about totting chains saws and climbing ladders. Never a dull moment. Think Madman Chainsaw Masa"Something".

@NicoleKKB So thank you Nicole, the good thing about plans is actually sticking to them which I hope to this year. But mixing the music styles up should keep it interesting for sure. 
@roger_holland Roger like you said yours was an equally good read. Always good to draw a line in the sand and see what the next possibilities will be. I look forward to some deeper Dutch Blues diving, always good to push the boundaries. 
@Jeff ain’t work a bummer ? I not only had that but I also had over 2 decades in Martial Arts, running a club and loads of courses and training weekends. Hardly surprising the 17 guitar years before retiring sucked before I found Justin. But hey ! Hang in there and use it as a destresser, Thanks for the comments on the last year its been fun and always good to share and get feedback. 
@DavidP The man may have a plan but let’s hope they are more successful than Baldrick’s !
Structured yes, disciplined ? Well it depends on the wind but I try to stay the course for sure. The integration was always there but stepping back allows you to see the connection between what you think is 2 styles/genres. We know the Blues underpins all modern music but that 100W light bulb goes BANG when you see the dots join up. To be honest the recording has been really simple this year. Not many multi tracks and less Reaper, mainly straight into OBS and yes the standard portal into Zoom for the OMs. The tech issues have been a bit of a mystery but the biggest thing has just been RBS. Go figure ? 2024 ? We’ll see. 
@Socio James you are more than welcome to nick my framework, one reason I share if it inspires others, Speaking of which, you do yourself an injustice sir ! You have made great progress on your own acoustic Blues journey, so its been good to watch and be inspired by someone plotting a similar course. You should be proud of your achievements. Good job !
And on that score the “kid” has already delivered, so keep an eye on what-are-you-currently-listening-to. Posts to follow this weekend.
And on the JG Ground Up Review, after 2 days I am half way through Grade 1 Module 2 !!! Am I going too fast ??