The Ride (Remixed)

Cover of The Ride. Recorded in July of 2020. This is a remixed version created in September of 2020.

The Ride (Remixed) (Dropbox/WAV)

Acoustic guitar and vocal recorded together.


Way to put your own spin on it. :+1:

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Another brilliant offering Jason. I enjoyed every moment of it.

That’s a great song and a great performance by you. :heart:

Good job!
Confident singing and playing.
Solid rhythm

I like the subtle vocal vibrato you apply now and then.
use it smart!

@Crystalcz @SgtColon @pkboo3 @LievenDV - Thank you, everyone. I appreciate the feedback.

I loved that Jason. Loved the guitar playing and the vocal. I’d pay to see you perform that.

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