That was excellent Joe. A personal favorite of mine. Always a pleasure to listen to you. Thanks
That was great Joe. I particular liked how you managed to play the riff throughout the song and strum at the same time. I’ve posted this one in the past on AVoYP but only picked the riff at the appropriate parts and strummed the rest. Well done.
That was very good and I agree that Rubber Soul is excellent.
Excellent job, Joe. Your fluidity of play is something to aspire to.
Super well done! I have been working on this one for a while, but can’t get that seamless feel between the picked riff and strumming, like you have, down. More practice needed. Enjoyed it and inspired, thanks!
Thank you, David.
Yep, this was the song that actually inspired me to pick up the guitar. Tried to learn it right out of the gate with zero experience.
Thank you. I tried looking for your post of this song. I guess it was on the old site?
So many great songs on that album!
Thank you. “Fluidity of play” – Ha! Sure doesn’t feel like it at times. But I guess it’s all part of the journey.
Sometimes Just listening and counting with songs in 6/8 is helpful.
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6… etc.
Or sometimes…
1 2 1 2 etc.
Got the major pieces in there. Could feel the pulse of the song. Nice work!
That was great! I agree with @sairfingers about admiring how you picked out the melody while still strumming.
Clever you with your nimble fingers and dependable drive moving the song along. Your staging and colours are soooooo good Joe.
Yes. To me this is one of the key things in this piece and the aspect I am trying to learn and struggling with.
@Thejoechoi nailed it pretty well, getting the melody picked out In the same strumming motion as the chord strumming. That is what makes the piece bounce. It is similar in “Wish you Where Here”, in my thoughts. To pick the riff in the same motion as the strumming really makes the piece pop.
Nicely done, Joe!
Well done! The full and complete package. Nailed it!
While we’re sharing personal covers, here is my slowed down fingerstyle version:
That’s a great rendition. Also trippy video. Somewhere near Malibu I’m guessing?
Thank you!