This could be worth a visit for some "window shopping"

As I’m under an hour from London on the train I can see myself visiting once it’s opened!! I’ll only be looking I’m sure… :wink: :slight_smile:

Gibson Garage London


Yes, I’ll be keeping that in mind for next time I visit that London…probably several years from now, but hey ho!

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The first step is admitting you’ve got an addiction. :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks like a cool place but I think it would be better if they put these things in the middle of the country. Did they not think about me when they were deciding on a location?


Mark on both the following points I agree with Stefan :wink:
Sure you’ll have a great time there…let us know :blush:




they wanted their stock to last more than a day :wink:


Good day everyone, my name’s Notter and I am…no, no I can’t do it, sorry!


there’s one in Nashville also, just sayin…

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If you are going to take the time to visit one you might as well visit the one in Nashville… just travel there on the plane with lots of empty guitar cases and remember to remove the tags from the guitars that you buy so it looks like you traveled with them for an international gig in the states :wink:

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…and lots of new credit cards as well eh James? :wink:

best to pay with cash Mark so that there is no record of the multiple transactions :wink: so he will definitely need a bigger wallet :laughing:


he’ll need a suitcase full of cash for that place. :beers:


The video for the London Gibson Garage isn’t up yet but the Nashville one is The Scene Nashville: The Gibson Garage - YouTube


Wow. What a place! But surely there is no way a shop like that could make a profit despite high Gibson prices. It’s a marketing exercise.

It will be interesting to see the store and try out all the guitars but think Peach Guitars will still be worth a visit


You’re not wrong James. Saw them come up in a thread last year sometime and looked at their website, looks a stunning place. Cash AND credit cards for that one! :wink:

I work 10mins walk away from Oxford Street, so will be definitely visiting.


It’s good to see they sell t-shirts, so at least I’d be able to come away with something.


Oh, this sounds very dangerous for your bank account, Mark :sweat_smile:. The best thing you can do, is to visit the shop only with a little bit of cash and leaving your credit/debit cards at home :wink:.

Oh wow, this shop is absolutely jaw dropping :astonished::star_struck:!
I looove the saloon-style room :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. Beautiful!

But tbh, I would be absolutely overwhelmed by the number of guitars available :face_with_peeking_eye:.
Lucky me, that there is no similar shop in my vicinity :joy:.



Ooooer, Window shopping……… famous last words :roll_eyes: :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Bricks & mortar stores don’t scare me one little bit.
It’s knowing that we’re all one click away from eBay Armageddon that is truly frightening :exploding_head: