Toby The Madman ... a round of applause

After two years and sixteen Open Mics as the lynch pin holding it all together, Mr Mad has decided to take a step back from organising the JustinGuitar Community Open Mic events.

I am confident that plaudits and appreciation will flood in to show our thanks and respect for the amazing work and commitment that Toby has given so freely.

Let’s have a huge round of applause for that man.





Absolutely - Huge appreciation for all the work you’ve put in to organising these Toby!!


Toby is absolutely the Madman.

Thank you for running open mics for the past two years and for keeping all the things running in the background! :metal:


Toby, you are very much appreciated. Thank you for all your work on the OMs, it has been a pleasure. :clap: :clap: :clap:


Hey Big Man, you know I was only joking every time I took the mick? :rofl:
You ran a tight ship over the last two years and the constant tributes to the organisers at each OM are a testament to how appreciated you are.
Tell your successor to change the date for the next one (not 13 April) and maybe pin this thread to a more appropriate category?
What’s wrong with me? I’m already giving your follow-up a hard time :roll_eyes: :laughing:


Whoop whoop and a huge thank you from me for everything you’ve done @TheMadman_tobyjenner , your stewardship has helped me achieve a lot.

Enjoy the new found freedom :smiley: :guitar: :heartbeat: :clap:


a BIG BIG BIG Thank you for somebody who is a BIG contributor in the JG Community in general!

Guided by your hand, you made this thing happen and kept it going.
In an era where “internetfora” might have seen more glorious times and aspiring guitarist might be doubtful about recording themselves and doing it LIVE… Chapeau!
You didn’t do that alone but your mark on the lifecycle of the OM’s is unmistakable!


I’ve attended a few open mics as an audience member and found this to be a wonderful platform to learn from and to enjoy guitar performances from community members from all over the world. Thank you :smiley:


Toby @TheMadman_tobyjenner
I think as a member of the audience and as a performer you don’t really understand the effort that goes to make these things happen. Well done and thanks, you have definitely done your fair share.



A well deserved round of applause for you @TheMadman_tobyjenner :clap: :clap: :clap:

The OM’s were a tight and well oiled machine under your leadership and whoever your successor may be has some big shoes to fill.

I hope to see you perform in the future OMs :grin:


:clap: :clap: :clap:


Toby, from day one I joined this community, you’ve been a solid rock and one of the most active and helpful members here. Thanks for organising all those OMs for us, which do a lot to keep this platform together and give us lots of inspiration. Thanks for all the work put in, for the never ending engagement and the encouragement you give to your fellow guitar buddies. I didn’t join a lot OMs, not out of a lack of interest, just because Saturday evenings collide with other obligations. I hope, your decision doesn’t have any serious reason and it’s just to get more time on your hands to follow the Blues Immersion or other interests.


:clap: :clap: :clap:

Thanks Toby!


Job well done Toby.


Thank you for all the work you have done on this Toby. You have been an essential part of the OM for so long. Enjoy your break from it and I hope it doesn’t mean you won’t be partaking with a song or two, from time to time.

:clap: :metal:


Something had to give way for the BLIM course :wink: well done mate, you done a fantastic job :clap: :clap:


Oh yes, a mad round of applause :clap: :clap: :clap:
and a huge “Thank you!” :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower:
for everything you have been doing so far not just for the open mics but also for this wonderful community here.

You had also been so kind to answer a stupid question from a complete newbie, when I joined this forum nearly one year ago. I won’t forget this, I just thought “Oh, that’s a wonderful community here and I’ve finally found the perfect place to learn guitar.”
I’ve always enjoyed your contributions a lot and I’m looking forward to reading more of your posts and comments :smiley:

All your time, ideas and efforts you’ve put into the OMs are very much appreciated.
Thanks again! :clap: :clap: :clap:


:clap: :clap: :clap: A BIG round of applause for you, Toby - a standing ovation! Thanks for everything you’ve done organizing the Open Mics, I’ve played in a few and attended a few more in the audience, and I have definitely appreciated your dedication and graciousness (speaking as someone who’s mucked up the time zone a couple of times!!!) :hugs:


:clap: :clap: :clap: Well done Toby. Thanks for your involvement in the community :smiley: