Toby The Madman ... a round of applause

Thanks for being a forum and open mic staple for those of us who came after you.


Thank you.
You will be hard to follow.


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :pray:


Hi Toby ā€¦

How many times have I said thank you for all your work and you said ā€œNO You, ITā€™S NOTHINGā€ ā€¦

But for now hereā€™s a BIG ā€¦ :clap: :bouquet:THANK YOU :clap: :bouquet: ā€¦again for now,

I have been ā€œonlyā€ a public for various reasons, but you have repeatedly pointed out that without an audience the OMs donā€™t really matterā€¦ Thanks for beeing :kissing_heart:



Thank you Toby! :grinning:


Thank you Toby @TheMadman_tobyjenner for all the help and advice that you have given me over the years. Appreciated. Canā€™t really comment on the OMā€™s as not really my bag.


OMā€™s arenā€™t my bag either but I know youā€™ve done a good job with them Toby, and the appreciation from those who get involved in them is obvious. So, well done, keep on with yer Mad Rockin :clap:


Why is this under a music theory post heading??

[Mod edit - fixed]

Hey Toby. Iā€™ve only ever been an audience member at the many OMs in the past few years but Iā€™m very much aware of the effort it takes to organise this type of event and coordinate things. Especially when despite all your best efforts people donā€™t know what time zone theyā€™re in :joy:.
Take a step back and just enjoy the other elements of Community participation.
Well done and kudos for all your efforts.


Great stuff, thanks for your hard work!


Thanks Toby for all your behind the scenes organization, I know you say it is just a well oiled spreadsheet, but it does require tending and oiling. You have been a massive part of making the OMā€™s the institution that they have become. Wonā€™t be an easy act to follow.


Toby, thank you and congrats.

Toby has been the driving force behind the OMs for the last couple of years, carrying most of the workload. Thank you so much for doing it for the last couple of years. Co-ordinating and planning these kind of events is a lot of work. Good stuff mate.

Thank you!


Thank you so much Toby!! :pray: You are very much appreciated for everything you do with the OM and also for the Community overall :sunflower: :sunflower: :hugs: :clap: :clap:

You deserve a well-earned break but hope youā€™ll be around the Community just as much and hope all is good with you

Iā€™ve only attended as an audience member and also for a relatively short time but I look forward to the OMs :smiley: They start at 5am on Sunday where I am which is actually perfect timing for me, and totally worth it! They make my day :sunflower: :guitar: :sunglasses:


Thanks @TheMadman_tobyjenner for all you do and have done. I hope all is well. IM me if you need anything.


Hi folks

First off @Richard_close2u this is much appreciated and I was hoping to commence my sabbatical from the OM organising, well below the radar. Oh well too late for that but I sincerely thank you for you kind words !

To everyone else, I think I owe you an explanation behind this move, as there have been some concerns expressed and the interpretation I am easing away from the Community in general.

NO !! Far from the truth, this is a purely selfish move on my part. Those that know me will know my love of Southern Rock but also the Blues and Blues Rock. And those who have been around the old forum may recall my release of Murder By Seine (A Parisienne Walkways Mash Up) in AVOYP circa 2017 and Iā€™ve been slaughtering the Blues ever since.

When @JustinGuitar announced the Blue Immersion Course I was up for it straight away. The plan was to stay on and organise JGC OM 25, as I saw that as land mark event, then Justin went ahead and released the dates ! So not only did the enrolment day fall on my 47th wedding anniversary but the start proper would have clashed with the week in the run up to the then diarised date for OM 25, so something had to give.

Being someone who has little self belief in my own playing but had been doing a lot of Blues based learning over the last couple of years, getting selected or not, meant I need to get my head in the right place, so immediately after OM 24 I got stuck into reviewing all the Blue stuff Iā€™d done with Justin from the old days, DVDs and other purchase and started to track that down as its now scattered over Grades 4 5 & 6 !! So at the end of the day its been good review and I now have a clearer picture of where I am on Justinā€™s pathway.
Fingers crossed Iā€™ll get signed up but guess it could be a bit of a lottery, who knows.

So although I wonā€™t be doing the OM organising for the rest of the year, I will still be actively involved with the Steering Group and helping out now and then and maybe perform as well.

But Iā€™ll still here telling folk to walk not run, that its a marathon not a sprint and that there are no shortcuts or quick wins. its all hard graft. So youā€™re not getting rid of me that easily.

And one last reminder that we owe the inception of the JGC OMs to my good friend Jason @Rossco01 who tabled the idea in the midst of the pandemic lockdowns. He planted the seed and started the ball rolling, I just drove the bus for a little while, so thank you sir !

Finally thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all your kinds words, its is all unexpected but most welcome.

So all is good in The Madmanā€™s world, its just a refocusing exercise and if I donā€™t get a BLIM slot this time around so be it, onwards and upwards.

Cheers Peeps !!



Iā€™d better quickly add my thanks to the rest of the Steering Group members
@Richard_close2u @DavidP @Rossco01 @adi_mrok @jkahn and @LievenDV for their support over the last couple of years, as this has and continues to be a team effort.

And a big thanks to all those folk in our Host pool who steady the ship at show time, you know who you are !

And of course the community and audience attendees, without you the show would have no meaning.

Enough rambling.



As always, Iā€™m a bit late to the show :face_with_peeking_eye:.
Nevertheless, I want to send a big THANK YOU!!! to you, Toby. I attended my first OM about two years ago and, as far as I can remember, I havenā€™t missed a single one since then. OM and Toby - for me, you two have always belonged together.
But I totally understand your reasons behind your stepping back. A day only offers 24 hours. They have to be spent wisely.

So, again, thanks a lot for all the effort, time, and patience youā€™ve put into running the OMs. And I hope to see you as a performer there from time to time. Maybe with some blues tunes :smiley:.


Hey Toby, Iā€™m not much involved in the OMs, though I would like toā€¦itā€™s much about how the daily and weekly life runs with its commitments and habits.
But I see this as a great opportunity for people around here and thus you get my ā€œthank youā€ as well for all the precoius work youā€™ve been gifting. May I add my applause for those 47 years? Both to you and your lady!
I wish you a wonderful adventure with the Blues Immersion!


Thanks so much Toby, you have always done an amazing job making it all work. Enjoy the Blues Immersion!


47 years! Manā€¦
Iā€™ve been bragging about my 30 years of marriage a lot. Not many couples stay together that long nowadays.
But 47 isā€¦ wow!
This is what deserves a round of applause :innocent:

Anyway, I hope weā€™ll still see you at the OMs. Cheers! :beers:


Definitely well deserved thank you Toby, youve been heart and soul for last 2 years of OMs. Hats off to you, we all deserve to sometimes do our own thing! :slight_smile: