Toby The Madman ... a round of applause


Toby, can’t say Thank you more often and loud enough! Your efforts in the past 2 years of OMs is highly appreciated and actually my hands hurt from all the applause you deserve for the same. :clap: :smiley:

It’s good to hear you will stick with us, though. You know, we can’t be without The Madman. :sunglasses: Good on you to decide to focus more on a thing you love doing. I keep all my fingers crossed you get a spot in BLIM, you deserve it! :crossed_fingers:

And most of all: Congrats on 47 years of marriage! That’s a lovely anniversary to achieve and I wish you and your Mrs. many more to come. :heart:


Toby, Maybe someone has already suggested this, but I’d say you should be guaranteed a spot in the Blues Immersion Course as an appreciation for your leadership with the OMs. Not sure who to tag to get this seen, so I’ll go with @JustinGuitar :smiling_face:


@judi kind of you to say that Judi but I’ll take my chances in the free for all. :wink:


A hearty congratulations Toby, for all the time, effort, and expertise you’ve given to the OM’s. Events like these only become successful because of the people driving them, and you’ve been a central figure.

You should be damn proud at what you’ve helped build here; and not just in the OMs, but in the wider JustinGuitar community.

Cheers Shane


From the old village to the big city :wink:


Absolutely. The most hearts received in the community by a mile just goes to show how much we appreciate his madness and everything he gives this community.


Let me throw in my thanks also to you, Toby. I have enjoyed all of the OM’s you have organized. Thank you also to all those involved in this whole process.

The above quote tells me that you may be back after a time; back organizing once more. But in the meantime, enjoy your immersion into all the Blues.


Thank you Pam.

Yes its a temporary situation and very much dependant of if I get a slot. I have loved organising the OMs for the last couple of years or so, created and fairly seamless process to do so and made it as minimalistic as possible. But the BLIM sounds as if it will be full on, so I reluctantly step aside for now. As Arnie said

Thanks for your support.



A big thanks to all who have replied in the last 24 hours or so. I would tag you all but I am sure I’d trip some discourse restrictions. But thanks for the comments and encouragement.



@TheMadman_tobyjenner – I am not checking the community as much as I might normally, as I am travelling and haven’t been able to focus too much on guitar lately. However, with the BLIM course prep/start up as a catalyst, I ran into this thread and would be completely remiss if I didn’t thank you for your efforts with the OMs and more generally with your positive influence in the community as a whole. Although it has been said already many times by many community members, you really should be proud of this community you have helped to build, guide and in maintaining the positive vibes heading out to the members on a daily basis. Looking forward to deep diving the blues together with you and the other “BLIMMERS”. And to seeing you back at the helm of the OM organisation early next year!! :wink:


Yeah, +1 on that for Toby, :sunglasses: ,
@TheMadman_tobyjenner; and not just keeping OMs on an even keel for players and audience, but your huge contribution to other JGC forums too.
Reckon I have tagged more of your JGC Forum posts than posts by anyone else; and by a “long chalk”.
Your pov and advice is always considered and without bias.
As the saying goes … “Thanks for all you do”.


@jgottwals & @Elixir1253


Thanks for your comments. I’ve been bogged down in all the Blues Immersion hoo ha, so suffice to say I have my place and the main reason for stepping back from the OM organising, for now !! Its been a pleasure to have been an active part of the OM team and I’ll still be involved with the Steering Group. As to other Community activities, I just try and pass on my knowledge and experience and would encourage others to do the same.
As for POV Colin, I am that non social media savvy I don’t know what that means ! Can only hope its a compliment. Pirate On Vacation ??? :parrot: As Arnie said above …

You may have seen I am trying to invoke this ethos over in the land of BLIM and send all the Blimmers back to the main JGC World. I’d hate to see hundreds of new members confine themselves to the BLIM Bubble and not venture out into the real world. And I call on pre BLIM JGC members to help me on my mission.



@TheMadman_tobyjenner I’ll do my best to encourage everyone to engage with the wider JG community as and when I get the opportunity Toby. Following your and the other long timer’s lead, I to believe it’s important to keep things as inclusive and as postive as ever in the JGC. Plus, as the community grows, hopefully it will make the experience richer for everyone. :grinning:


Haven’t been as active recently as I would like, so I’m late to the news here.
I want to add my appreciation @TheMadman_tobyjenner . Fostering a positive community with hours of volunteered time is no small thing. Your consistent enthusiasm made it a little easier signing up for that first OM.
Looking forward to seeing/hearing what you take away from Blues Immersion!



Oh I totally missed this too! :astonished:
Thank you @TheMadman_tobyjenner for all your immense effort to help organise the OMs for so long! I know it takes a lot of ingredients to bake a cake but you’re the icing my friend! :cake: :smiley: :+1:
(Is that a terrible analogy for Toby?! :thinking: :sweat_smile: hmm, yes, it’s awful, sorry about that mate! :rofl:)
Thanks again, Toby! Enjoy the Blues Immersion course!! :guitar: :sunglasses:


You have my appreciation as well Toby. Not just for organising the OMs, but also for your commitment to this community in general. It’s good folks like you who make it a nice place to hang out. :+1:


Thank you Toby for all that you do for us here in the Community!!! You da Man!!!

Good luck with Blues Immersion!!!



@TheMadman_tobyjenner Applause and highest appreciation !!! The open mics are such a great event especially because of the way they work - and you left your footprints there!!! Thank you and applause again!


@andyPlays @CATMAN62 @Jeff @nzmetal @Charlie_James @jgottwals

Hey guys delayed reply as I’ve been immersed with the, well Blooz Immersion !! So in no particular order …

Andreas - you are too kind but yes it was fun to keep them ticking. Isn’t it about time you stepped up to the plate again. :wink:

Tod you stole my Oddball clip ! You da man !! Cheers pal ! :+1:

Jeff (2005) I am not worthy. You are too kind sir.

Jeff (waltz meister hates metal) two Jeff’s just like buses. Wait for ages and two turn up together, so had to differentiate. Yes that is a friggin awful analogy, don’t see Lemmy in the kitchen making cupcakes unless they were the special cakes in the Netherlands that no doubt @roger_holland would know more. But cooking aside I thank you for your kind words. Yep looking forward to BLIM and getting stuck into the prep work.

Thank you all for the wonderful support and kindness.



what who where ME … :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

That has been behind me for so many years, very very very long when I was a little Dutchman… :smile: and 5 years ago for one year does not count …doctor’s prescription :sweat_smile:
