Uh, Hello, I guess

Hi, I’m Robert,32 years old this month. Online I go by the name ‘Hollow’, so call me whatevers comfortable for your tongue lol.

This is my third attempt to learn guitar.
So it’s safe to say I had some basic experience.
I knew the basic open chords so getting my hand to move around them swiftly was way easier.
Right now I can play F and Bm chords pretty well.
Hell, I can even play Hotel California with open chords (I’m not bragging, believe me pls)

I recently started grade 2. And here comes my problem. Due to a little depression I find it hard to work on anything in the long time. I’m getting burnout real fast and I’m at the verge of dropping the guitar already. I’m thinking of setting up a YouTube profile where I’ll keep records of my practices.

So yeah, here are my two cents, sorry for the rant I know it’s supposed to be an introduction lol.


Hi and welcome.
I’m going to call you Robert Robert, cause that’s a cool name :sunglasses:
You’re probably half the age of most folk here on the forum and already playing barre chords, so well ahead of the posse :grinning:
If you’ve shelved the guitar in the past and are already thinking along the same lines, all I can suggest is to try something different :thinking:
Why not set out a practice routine that you do every day, whether you feel like it or not? If you’re feeling inspired you can always keep on and do more, but with regular practice you will notice yourself improving over time, providing both satisfaction, as well as motivation.
Keeping a record on YouTube is fine, but I think you’d benefit much more by starting a learning log and sharing here in the community. You’ll get a lot more feedback and interaction than out there in ‘Ifluencerland
Good luck with your jouney (and depression) :four_leaf_clover:


Welcome aboard, Robert! :slight_smile:

Glad you picked up the guitar again and can build upon some basics for the further journey.

Regards your problem, there’s surely no “one size, fits all”-solution, as mental issues are a very individual thing and these beasts that take their toll on us. My suggestion (=what works for me) would be to keep the pressure out of the guitar game, i.e. do not force yourself into it. It should be a fun thing that helps us to stay sane. Set up a small routine with at least 50 % stuff in that you enjoy doing. If you want to do more, perfectly fine, if there’s no motivation to play anything on a given day, take a break, also fine.

Regards keeping track of your practice sessions, I’m with Brian: Try it with a learning log (you still can share vids there as well) - you’re more likely to get good advice and - most of all - non-toxic, encouraging advice here than out there in the interweb.

All the best for you - guitar and health wise! :four_leaf_clover:

Cheers - Lisa


Welcome Robert Robert and enjoy the ride. :grinning: :sweat_smile:

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Hi Robert,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

And indeed start a learning log (LL) and if you are looking for more variety/inspiration or tips then record a video (AVOYP) and that will give you great tips and a lot of positive energy and it will speed up your learning curve and if you don’t feel fine you can come here/there for a ‘pick-me-up’ talk :smiley:
Greetings ,Rogier


I’m going with Robert² if given carte blanche! :wink:

Nice to meet you and welcome, we all have our challenges and they are all very real, the key is even just picking up the guitar for a few minutes a day, and view it all as golden time. Don’t set high expectations, just set a goal of enjoying yourself and no more.

YT profile is a good idea, but how about to start with just keeping your own recordings on a local computer that you can track, save the YouTube pieces for things you want to share widely when you’re happy to.

Welcome again, keep in touch with the community here, all good folk who can help in more ways than you can think of.


Welcome to the forum Robert.

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Welcome Hollow Robert! Glad you are here and glad you are back to guitar.

Depression sucks. It really can hinder us and make it hard to feel like doing anything or to feel fulfilled by activities even the ones we do enjoy.

I am sorry you struggle with this.

I am not a psychiatrist, but do work with lots of people, myself included, who have depression as part of who they are.

A couple of things that have helped me and a few of my patients in the past include:

  1. Do things even if you don’t feel like it. That could be picking up the guitar, going to a yoga class, fixing the old lawnmower. Just do them anyway.
  2. Get out and do things with people. Fun things. Take some group local guitar lessons, a yoga class, jamming, anything.
  3. Every time you start to tell yourself a negative narrative (catastrophic thinking) catch yourself and tell yourself an alternative and positive narrative (they are more likely anyway).
  4. If you do want to continue with guitar, create a mindset that playing, noodling, practicing guitar is a refuge for your mind, a place of peace and joy. The your depression will actually help drive you forward, instead of off the rails.
  5. Stay active in this community. The people here are awesome, supportive and helpful.

I hope I haven’t overstepped any bounds, I apologize if I have. Just the doctor in me, and my own recovery from depression speaking.

I hope to hear more of your progress and small successes, but also share with us any setbacks.

We are here.


Hi Robert, Welcome to the community.
Sorry to hear about your depression. Know that your not alone in this I stopped for over 5 years due to depression it was music that helped me and I realised why I wanted to learn the guitar so gave me a reason to press on. You have already learned so much and can find joy in it so take it slow little and often as others have said.
let us now how its going good luck.


Hey Robert,
The only thing I have to to add to the excellent advice above is another welcome, and encouragement to stay active in this community. It really is great.

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Ok, you asked for it “Holo~Bob”!!!

Sorry, Robert, I couldn’t resist!!! LOL!!!
As Judi says, lots of excellent advice above!
As a persistent pessimist who also struggles with depression I would advise you to keep your guitar in easy reach, on a stand or hanging on the wall. Sometimes just strumming a pleasant chord progression - not trying to play anyTHING per se, just noodling about a bit can bring calmness & a bit of serenity back into my soul. If I have to go through the house, open the case, uncover the amp, find a cable and put everything together it defeats the purpose of relaxing with my guitar. I have my favorite acoustic within arm’s reach of the sofa in the living room. My 2nd favorite is in the bedroom & I keep a guitar hanging on the wall in my office at work so I can de-stress on a coffee break if needed.
Make your guitar a source of comfort & inspiration.
Good luck with your journey!


PS - I have been in “Endless Beginner Syndrome” for several decades, I got my first guitar around 30 & I’m now 61. It used to really bother me that I didn’t progress but it was because I didn’t have the time in my busy life to regularly practice. At some point fairly recently, I accepted the fact that it was ok to be ok - all the pressure was off & playing guitar became more like meditation than a burden to get “good”… it helped me mentally so much!


Hello Robert!

Welcome, and good luck and fun with getting into it again!

I think if you follow Justin’s structure open-minded and with patience you’ll get into the groove.

I agree with that sentiment:

I always tell myself the more I try to adhere to practice and get better, even if sometimes the muse is not singing to me, the more I’ll be able to enjoy playing the guitar for meditation outside of practice.

So I see it practice as something inspirational and helpful for my mind in the future. This idea is often enough to just take the guitar in hand, tune it play a chord or two, and (for me at least) it doesn’t take long to be motivated to either get some practice done or just have a little guitar time with some songs or some lead practice which may get you to a more consistent and fun practice routine. Every day practicing chunks seems to be better than burning out on a too-long routine imo.

PS: I speak from my beginners perspective (only under a year), so it may differ for other learners and levels. I also am not in the best headspace, but luckily I feel the guitar gives me something to have goals and structure and some peace of mind.

I wish you to find a way to let the muses sing again to you too :slight_smile:

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Hey Robert, welcome to the community.

As a long term sufferer from depression, I certainly can relate to your pain.

For me, playing guitar is a great way to ward off my depression. For me it comes down to playing songs. Get to doing that as fast as possible if you can.

When I have days were I start to feel mood coming down on me, I grab my guitar and start playing songs and within 15 to 20 minutes I typically feel better. It doesn’t always make the mood go away, but it almost always improves it.


How about Hollow Bob? :rofl:

I understand depression, I’m on 2 different pills every day. Things get worse in the winter for me, not enough daylight.

But for advice I’d suggest, no matter what you practice, for however long, whether it’s 5 minutes or an hour, the very last thing you practice, make it something you really love or find easy. End on a good note.

And talk to us, we’re a chatty bunch, I check in every single day whether I say anything or not.

ETA: well, I guess I’m not as creative as I thought, others already tried Hollow Bob.

BTW, love the name Robert, it was my dad’s name and my brother’s.


Perhaps this thread will help: Best advices for young guitarists


Dang! That is a great idea! I need to remember that!


Thanks you all for the welcome and kind words. Ya all are wonderful people.


Hi Robert :slight_smile:
Glad you’re here and nice to meet you. Welcome :hugs:

I think you might be known as Hollow Bob from now on. How do you feel about that? :wink: :grin:
there’s already a lot of great advice on this thread that I would second. This is an amazing community with a lot of supportive people :slight_smile:
I do like the idea of the Learning Log.
Sounds like you’re doing really well with where you’re up to

Playing guitar and music in general really helps me. Somedays I don’t actually practice though, just play some songs or just play around on it. Somedays I just grab my uke.

I like this idea too!

Beat wishes :hugs: :sunflower:

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Hello and welcome to our community Robert. :slight_smile:

Remember, little and often is better than nothing at all.

Welcome Robert. Lots of wise words, especially on creating an learning log. Could not see anyone sharing a link and not good copy category links on my mobile. Hopefully the link above will land you in the general vicinity.