Ultimate Guitar price increase

Iā€™ve just been informed by email that the Ultimate Guitar annual subscription is increasing from Ā£19.99 to Ā£29.99 as from February.
Heck of an increase!


Iā€™ve only ever used the free version :thinking:
Youā€™re not playing up the ā€˜Scottish stereotypeā€™, my friend :wink:

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Thereā€™s been plenty of posts about small hands in the community. I think this is the first one about having short arms and deep pockets :rofl:


I get everything I need from Ultimate Guitar on the free version. Iā€™ve always wondered whatā€™s on the paid version that makes it worthwhile. Ā£39 is about $50-55 I believe (conversion rate varies from day to day.) I canā€™t imagine what they could give me over and above the free version that I need enough to pay that.

Pro gives you access to ā€œofficial tabsā€, plus downloadable Guitar Pro files, sundry tools, some courses, song videos, and interactive tabs. Well worth it, particularly if you can get it on a special.
However, like @sairfingers notes, my AUS $25 special that Iā€™ve been paying for 3 years is about to go up to AUS $49.99 in July.
A 200% jump is certainly a serious change.

All I use it for is to get chord charts, which I can copy and paste into Word to print out.


I preview the ones I want then I have songbook pro fetch them. Thenn I do all my extras to the file and add my music from my family spotify account.

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I am life time member of ultimate guitar , I paid one time a long time ago and thatā€™s it.


Haha thatā€™s going to make @sairfingers feel a lot better :rofl:


You donā€™t need to have a paid subscription to be able to download the GP files, you can get them by having just a ā€˜registeredā€™ free account.


There are also lots of other sources for tabs and GP files free and not free all over the internet. I havenā€™t found UG worth it really.

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Musicnotes.com is a great site. You have to pay for tabs but at least they are not wrong. UG has a few mistakes in the tabs.
I payed 10 Euros a year with VPN.
Does anybody uses songbooks on UG?


Thats a cool hooked up deal, that keeps on giving.


If you have an iPad or iPhone have a look at Justchords. It has amazing features, is well supported and entirely free.


I saw the price increase and stoped my automated subscription. I still have the paid account until March, but then I will see what they offerā€¦ I hope they will provide me some good deal to stay with them.
For the new members they still offer first year for 19,99ā€¦

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Iā€™ve just had my renewal email for UG and itā€™s increasing from AU $25 to AU $30. I wonder if theyā€™ve had a rethink of how much they were increasing prices?

That sounds better. At $50 year though, it would still be great value if Iā€™m being honest , given I use it alot.

Iā€™ll see what they come up with around July.
Hope all is well mate.

Cheers, Shane

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In my initial post I was complaining about a price rise from Ā£19.99 to Ā£29.99 per year. I didnā€™t renew my subscription.
Yesterday I went back onto the site. They were now quoting Ā£39.99! However they also had a deal with a discount taking the price down to Ā£19.99. Iā€™ve signed up to that one.
You really couldnā€™t follow this.


Yeah, their pricing always seems scammy in this way.

Further, when I signed up there were deals if you SIGN UP NOW! expiry in 24 hours. Of
Course 24 hours later the timer simply resets. I eventually signed up thru the Apple App Store with prices that were different yet again, but at least I know I can cancel whenever I want without dealing directly with UG. At the time I signed up many forum posters complained itā€™s difficult to cancel, so that seemed like a good solution.

Some ppl asked what a Pro subscription gets you. The professionally done recordings of drum, bass, and guitar tracks of popular songs are awesome. Thatā€™s guitar karaoke, or even vocal karaoke if you want it.

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I think thatā€™s an old issue, itā€™s easy to cancel on the UG website now.