Uninvitedguests LL

Think Ive managed to sort the file out

Backing Track

Good job, working fine now.

Gary, great job! I liked your cover of working class hero. Singing and playing at the same time is a lot harder than non musicians realize! Doing that as a beginner, doubly so. Cool to see your journey so far from a simple riff, to a simple song, to a blues improv! Keep it up.

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Thank you so much, I never even thought I would be able to manage a strumming pattern at first and did struggle a bit.
As you mentioned, singing (of sorts) as well is quite difficult and at first as soon as I tried the strumming just went way off.
Following the lessons and practicing and having patience with myself is really helping.
Thanks again for the encouragement

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Nicely done, Gary. Lots to like … the tone, melodic lines and licks, mixing up note lengths and phrase lengths, breathing space.

You can keep building on this to smooth out those moments of slight hesitation, notes not quite fretted immediately cleanly.

I am not a big Pink Floyd listener but to me this had a decidely PF feel. If you are inspired by Floyd perhaps learning one or two of Gilmour’s classic solos would support your development.

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A bit more improvising in Bm, I think im resolving to the root note a bit better but still a lot of work to do

https://youtu.be/BaUx8k6Hh1E OK, I seem to be resolving the issue of my plinky plinky note changes, Not sure how or why but its getting better. By no means any good but better :slight_smile:

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Hi Gary,

:point_up_2: I know…I know,
Carry on calmly and attentive practice and practice is the remedy… :smiley: :smile:
There were some wonderful pieces in there, well done, keep it up :sunglasses:

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Thank you

Gary I enjoyed your performance of Three Little Birds. You posting yours is chipping away at my aversion to posting something of my own.

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And now Slow Blues in Em! Wow what a leap from the first video I watched to this last one! Wowzers!

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Just completed the triad analysis worksheet, first ten I had to write out the notes to work backwards, and the last ten I did in my head but it did take a while. I think it is slowly sinking in but is taking me a while. I guess it’s just doing this stuff over and over that will make things quicker.
I understand the theory of it all but just takes me some time to go through the ttsttts thing to get it.
I am wondering if it would be best to do some more of these exercises before moving on to inversions and jumbled triads,

Working my way through learning the major and minor triad grips on the first 3 strings and all is going well, even tuneful at times,lol.
Chord changes are becoming much better and precise.
Have got power chords in to my practice routine as well now and OMG, what a surprise to find this little box of fun hiding away in my messed up toolbox. Forgot I had it, dusted off and connected to my pedal board. What a delight.

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Progress has been slow, (problems with my tremor in left hand) But I do believe I am improving. So id like to share a little Friday blues.



You play this piece very well. There is a sense of calm created by the wondeerful melody and your relaxed and confident performance.


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Thank you so much for your feedback :slight_smile: