Cheers Brian, I think if I could find a way of slowing down the backing track in GarageBand it would be helpful otherwise I may have to invest in guitar pro. Trying to balance the volume of the backing track and guitar is quite difficult, I guess more patience is required. lol Have a fabulous weekend. and peace out
A bit of blues in Aminor. trying to use two octaves for the first time.
it gets a bit better after the first minute lol (a bit)
Well played on both electric and acoustic. Never heard ‘Bonecrusher’ before: you kept my attention with an energetic performance that demonstrated your belief in the piece. Your singing is not bad either: if you projected your voice just a little more your singing would be better still. Enjoyed both pieces.
Thank you Brian, you are correct, I do not have any confidence in my singing and that is part of the problem. As you say if I project more and show more confidence I think it would be better. Thank you for your feedback
Hi Gary,
I’v found you LL today, and it is interesting to see how much you’ve learned, and that you have some of the same problems I’m having now, too. I really like your improvisation, it sounds very cool to me . I think I might try it a bit more now, too, and find a backing track for it as well, because it looks like a lot of fun.
I totally get you about the singing; I’m no singer, and although I can keep a melody if someone else is taking the lead, when I’m alone with my guitar, it sounds off more than it doesn’t. I think you have the advantge here, since I don’t think you sound off, only a bit unsure. I know it takes courage to post it anyway, and I like that you do it. Makes me want to post another recording as well, because it can only get better, right?
Thank you Sevi1, you have hit the nail on the head, I am unsure.
As for the improvisation, there are loads of backing tracks to play to on YouTube. and it is a lot of fun that teaches you a lot as well, you very quickly start using intervals and octaves etc.
Have fun and Happy strumming. Peace.
Coming along very nicely Gary.
Ready for the AVOYP section I reckon.
Cheers, Shane
Trying to play without looking at the fretboard or strumming pattern is a lot harder than it seems. It does get better towards the end but man, after months of looking it actually really difficult
Still working on a few tracks, had a very nasty virus flu infection for the last 8 weeks so been struggling. Still nearly over it and back in the saddle practicing. This is my first real attempt at Good Riddance, hopefully I’ll be able to return in a couple of months with an improved version.
Hi Gary,
For a first attempt and after being ill for so long, a nice start to build on
… I have to do that sometime, recording my first attempt after a few days…and posting
… even as it is at the same time with the final version is posted (my wife said also that this weekend) …who knows…
So I like what you do
Greetings and have fun finishing the song the next week(s)…or month or way way way longer if you’re tired of it and take a long break like I so often do from a song
Well played. Well sung. Well done. Whatever small creases were in there can probably be eliminated if your practice is a little slower then built up to performance speed.
Well done.
I noticed something specific that I will comment upon: when you change from D to G, you lift your ring finger off the 3rd string and then put it down again (in the same place) when you form the G chord. You should work on keeping that finger in place when changing D → G, which is sort of the point of the stuck 3&4 chord shtick.
Good call, I think that part of the problem is I have not nailed the different chord progressions yet so trying to remember them as well as which lyric comes next is all a bit tense. I think calming down a bit and just chilling in to it would help.
Well spotted, I never realised I was doing that, thank you for pointing it out.
I just wanted to add a video of my latest effort at Times Like these, again so that I can see my progress as I very slowly improve. lol Peace out y’all and I hope you enjoy my latest effort.