Vintage Club #15 with Richard | Elevate Fingerstyle with Busy Thumb

Hi Community :wave:

:guitar: Elevate Fingerstyle with Busy Thumb! Join Richard to improve your fingerstyle technique. Richard will show you how to use the busy thumb in your fingerstyle guitar. Let’s get busy with our thumbs!

Happening June 17 - Reserve your spot here!



We resume Vintage Club on Monday 17th June at 7pm UK time. Please read this PREVIEW:

This live club on two previous sessions (#7 and #10 respectively) in which we developed some fingerstyle basic techniques, methods and patterns. To make the most of this session, you need to be familiar and comfortable with some key knowledge and skills.

There is a convention that assigns thumb and fingers to certain guitar strings. These are not fixed rules but are taken as a general guide.

  • Thumb - E, A & D strings
  • Index finger - G string
  • Middle finger - B string
  • Ring finger - e string

We will be developing a ‘busy thumb’ so make sure you have worked on exercises and / or songs that use the thumb on beat 1 covered in Vintage Club #7. We will also be building on two concepts from Vintage Club #10 - the ‘pinch’ technique (in which our thumb and a finger play together) and using our thumb more than once per bar.

See you there.



Normally I would send the Preview to Fanny and it would be uploaded to the Archive page in advance. I have been on holiday however so it may not get there before the date.


I’m Blimmed out my friend, may have to give these a miss for a while or at least until I know what my schedule is going to be. Can’t beat a bit of bizzee fumb ! :wink:

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I think BLIM will be very time consuming and require a singular focus Toby. I wonder if the clubs coming up in June may see a drop off in numbers due to that reason. There are a lot of club events this coming week.
Vintage Club - Monday.
Beginner Club & BLIM - Tuesday.
Theory Club - Wednesday
Motivation & Inspiration Club - Sunday.


Isn’t BLIM on Thursday 20th?

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Maybe - I’m going off memory of seeing a date that may have been a draft or suggested date.

Paul yes its on the 20th which is Thursday so no clash. :crossed_fingers:


BLIM Live Lesson 1 email went out this morning so 20th has been confirmed. :sunglasses:

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Okay - thanks.
Clubs on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday this coming week.


Busy busy busy. :metal:

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Very Busy wow ive never done so much involving music but I am liking :smile:

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Limited slots available - happening today.
Can’t wait to see you all there.


Starting in 45 minutes

Launch Meeting - Zoom (Passcode: 123)


This lesson was spot on for me, exactely what I was practicing for the last weeks, including the Intro to Dust… I fiddled around by myself and found out, I’m doing it right!
The lesson was great as always, I like your way to break everything down into digestible pieces. I learned a lot so far, every lesson was a great addition to Justin’s lessons. Thanks, Richard! I hope you are back with the Vintage Club sessions in a few weeks!


Thank you Richard for the great session. I really like the new pattern, and as an addition I even managed to learn some new chords :slight_smile:

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Thanks you so much Andrea, your positive reaction and feedback is most welcome and greatly appreciated. The most important thing for me is that you gained from my session(s). And, hopefully, if you did then many others did also.
Thank you Bostjan. I really enjoy the pattern we played together also and it is very ‘universal’ in that it is either in or can be applied to many songs and styles.
Six chords from just two basics is not a bad return either!



In a super-fast turnaround time (hooray), the Resources document for Vintage Club #15 Busy Thumb is now available to download for free from the Clubs Archive page here:

Thanks @FannyJustinGuitar


I nearly passed on this workshop last night due to Cold/Covid/Flu bug (again), but I’m glad I persevered. As always Richard’s workshops are very clear and informative. In this case when I heard the skills we were about learn. I thought, no way, go back to bed!
However, the development of fingerstyle and chord progression from basic to more complex structures was extremely well explained. The associated diagrams all made total sense. And I was able to play along with the correct fingerstyle and the embellished chords, from start finish.
So in my humble opinion after learning new skills so quickly and successfully, this was the best ever. Thanks Richard.


10 posts were split to a new topic: I’m trying to learn ‘Dusty Wind’ from Vintage Club #15. I can’t stretch my pinky for Asus4. Can anyone help?

This is amazing. Summer is an absurdly busy time for me, so I don’t have anywhere near enough time to spend with guitar. But I think about it a lot, and I look forward to autumn when I’ll have more time for it. Fingerstyle is something that I haven’t given enough time but want to, and this lesson looks absolutely wonderful. To be able to play Dusty Wind like that is a huge motivator.

Richard, as always, your lessons and materials are phenomenal. Thank you for all you do.