(edit) SWEARING ALERT inside the song (F-bomb) in lyrics - please don’t view if you don’t want to hear this word. Many thanks
Hi - I’m not quite sure if this is going to work - hoping to paste a link to my first attempt at an AVOYP - original song.
Id appreciate any feedback at all but specifically on chord changes and performance, I think I’ve got a few bad habits that I’ll try to iron out. Go easy if you please - as it’s my first go
This was recorded on my phone and compressed - still trying to figure out a better recording system.
I’m quite jealous of people who can play and sing (although in truth I can’t sing even without a guitar in my hands ).
Sounds good, maybe the next step will be to try to keep your right hand moving (although I confess I don’t know the song and how it would normally be played)
Hi Viv,
congratulations on your first video , that’s a big thing,
and it was super good one , nice singing voice and just a matter of playing more before the chord changes become really smooth, but overall it was nice to listen to… be proud
That was well played and you have a good singing voice. The changes in tempo seemed to be deliberate - artistic interpretation? -: however the song didn’t have much shape because of those. Your vocal was sometimes low in volume against the guitar: might be worth using a microphone and experimenting with set ups. Look forward to hearing what comes next.
Wow Viv so good. It very cool, you singing and playing is fantastic.
You going for it and putting up a recording so early is really good. You asked and the the only thing I could possably say is the hesitation between chord changes causing the strumming hand to hiccup some. but im sure you are aware of that. And seriously is it not even a big deal. Because it was really good.
Justin says in his videos to have your fret hand changes in time with your strumming so you dont have to change the strumming hand flow movment. So just keep that strumming hand movment going and no one will ever notice chord change fumbles Keep doing your one min changes, But honestly like I said, I wouldnt have even noticed cause you are singing so nice and you asked.
Its really impressive viv, I am so glad you shared this morning. What a state you are in
Aw thank you so much!!
Yes!! I agree 100% - I think the strumming, chord change thing is how I’m going to crack this. I’m all fired up now haha - will be spending the rest of the weekend practicing the specifics (as opposed to general vague practice). This is so ace. Thank you!!
Nice one Viv! A great first post and to go with an original song as well. Very nice vocals as well and I would echo some of the others on the chord changes but they will smooth up over time and the more you practice. Be very proud of that song
Great first AVoYP Viv, I really enjoyed your original song. You played and sang with lots of confidence and gave us a real performance which is after what we’re all trying to achieve. Well done, the strumming and chord changes will come with more practise.
Yes, you seemed to be making up some of the tempo changes as you went along but that too just takes practise and in many ways it added to the song. But then it’s your song so you can do what you want.
Haha…Aww thank you so much - I appreciate the view and feedback…have just spent all evening working on chord changes…and figuring out how to record on my laptop instead of phone.
I’ll post again and check out everyone else’s stuff too.