We Wish You A Merry Christmas - fingerstyle

Hello all,

Finally, and what a difficult birth that was… :roll_eyes:

Sorry for the deception of the thumb nail, and then the non-Christmas video, but after more attempts today than with my ‘Yesterday’ video, I have decided in consultation that this performance from a few days ago sounds the best…

Silvia’s words to treat this song " like a woman " where in my mind a lot and make me fear today that all my efforts today with to much Grrrrr and Aaaa and :speak_no_evil:… for Woman Right watch organization and that they are banging at the door if my laptop is bugged

I play quite a lot of songs with a capo on the 2nd fret and then also play several other songs in that position and sometimes it sounds very bad…sometimes little difference…but in this case much better, so I’m a happy guitar kid today :grinning: :sunglasses:

Next stop Happy Xmas (War Is Over) … I am in contact with a singer (or someone who says he dares to sing something), so I will try to record him for next year, the chords are there but not quite flowing yet… (Gordon started just too late talk about that song)

For now ,



Beautiful Rogier and I wish you and your wife a happy and peaceful Christmas and a wonderful new year also. Thank you for everything you do and for your contributions to this community!


Great job Rogier, and what a beautiful sound.


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Wow Rogier :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: …it’s just faboulus! And you seem so confident and relaxed!

That is from Justin! To think about Music as if she was a woman and you worship and worship and in the end she’ ll say “Yes!” We won’t investigate which kind of women he was reffering to though :joy:

But back to your piece…you’re playing so well and I’m very happy for you that you’re achieving this!


Very well done Rogier!
You’ve got the Spirit of Christmas flowing through your fingers into your guitar for sure!
Nice playing & timing - this isn’t an easy song to get the timing just right in my experience & I think you nailed it! Beautiful!!!

Vrolijk Kerstfeest mijn vriend!



I love you are always smiling and relaxed in your videos. Thank you than very well played nice song christmas song.

I wish you a merry christmas as well.


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What a beautiful rendition of the song! :+1: You play fingerstyle VERY well, congrats, friend, and a Merry Christmas to you, too :bell: :guitar:

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I see you’ve taken a break from all that blues and hit the Christmas Tunes. They are all sounding very good Rogier. Perfect for entertaining guests over the festive period. I can just see you now in the corner playing festive songs while the guests enjoy their party food.

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fantastic, Roger! Great job. And a happy Christmas to you!!

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That was beautifully played Rogier. Terrific tone, it sounded like a harpsichord which really suited the song. Well done.
Ok so we’ll wait until Christmas 2015 for John & Yoko. :smiley:


Is it a remastered release? :thinking:

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Very nice Roger and very smooth too.


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Good job!
Merry Christmas to you too :confetti_ball:

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Very nice Rogier
Lovely sound, like you are playing a harpsichord !
Merry Xmas!

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Lovely Roger, great tone and envy your right hand control.

Thought we were going to be treated to a hearty ‘Merry Christmas’ just before you stopped the recording.

Merry Christmas, my friend :christmas_tree:

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Good morning ,well on this side of the earth :smiley:

Hi Eddie @Eddie_09 ,
Thank you very much,thats nice to say :blush:… and all the best back :sparkler:

Hi Mick @micknew
Thank you very much …and glad you like the eclectic version :smiley:

Hi Silvia @Silvia80
Thank you very much and it’s strange that that relaxed moment really felt like that there, and it didn’t come back yesterday…Too bad because that is with (very) old strings and yesterday morning I put on new ones and they sound much, much clearer (lesson learned)…

the last thing you heard stayed in your ear (ook van Justin) …but and that was you :joy:

:joy: :sweat_smile:

Thank you :blush: …and indeed very happy to go back now to some “normal” pop and blues :sweat_smile:

Hi Tod @CATMAN62
Thank you very much and glad you see it :smiley: and …o my goodness

I thought this time I won’t even bring it up, Justin’s word “relavive” that always scares the cr…out of me :joy:
Dank je wel :man_bowing:

Hi Jason @Ontime
Thank you very much and you can indeed see if i am relaxed and with this version I was :smiley:
( there where and will come other ones where my face is compensating this video`s :grin:)

Hi Tomasz @Coda
Thank you very much ,that is nice to hear :blush:
and hope all is well and music with you :sunglasses:

If I haven’t said it before, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, enjoy your work (I loved working in a nursing home a few times at Christmas) or whatever you do, have fun (or remember)and enjoy music :sparkler: :evergreen_tree:


Hi James @Socio
Thank you very much, :smiley:
No, the blues music is never gone for long, but the balance has certainly swung towards some pop and Christmas music in recent weeks… but never longer than 2 days without some blues. :blush:
Ha ha, yes, nice picture (won’t happen this year by the way), but not with this song either… so many attempts yesterday (really a lot) if that happens to me at a party then they wrap that guitar around my ears… …But I have more nuts on my hand :sweat_smile:

:joy: Thanks James , I thought what have I missed so after reading and thinking three times I read you (I just don’t want to wake up clear this morning)

Hi Jim @jvlynch ,
Thank you very much for dropping by and comment :blush: :evergreen_tree:

Hi Gordon @sairfingers
Thank you very much :smiley:, and I like that sound because it was also the first thing my wife said yesterday that the sound sounded so much better (old strings but different place in the house, also different pitch compared to the amplifier/telephone)

And see what James says :grin: :evergreen_tree:

Hi Rachel @Libitina
Thank you very much and for dropping by :smiley:

Hi Alexey @Alexeyd

Thank you very much and for dropping by :smiley:
The same and hope that it is all quite arround you :crossed_fingers::star2:

Hi Richard @Richtrfc
Thank you very much and for dropping by :smiley:
nice to hear and the 3rd person to say so, :grinning:

Hi David @DavidP
How nice to see you hear :grinning:
Thank you very much and that is nice to read :blush:

:see_no_evil: :joy: Ooo David :laughing:
Actually this was a first recording with my new phone so testing sound etc…and because it had a capo on it I never thought that this would be the video… yesterday I did at least 5 videos of which at the end I thought it might be possible to post it and shouting “Merry Christmas” to the camera with a cracking voice (or half lisp) due to the concentration :blush:

Thanks :blush: and…

If I haven’t said it clear before, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, enjoy your work (I loved working in a nursing home a few times at Christmas) or whatever you do or celebrate , have fun (or remember period)and above all… enjoy music :sparkler: :evergreen_tree:

Man man man, what a fun thing learning guitar together is :sunglasses:


Solid as always Rogier, nice fingerstyle.

Hope you all have a good and safe Xmas :santa: :christmas_tree:

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What a lovely, perfectly-played snippet of Christmas joy! :clap: :bouquet: :christmas_tree:
Thank you, Rogier :smiley:
My wife and I have just finished binge-watching a BBC series on Henry VIII, and you would have fitted in marvelously as a court minstrel and jester/fool, rolled into one! :rofl:

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:clap: :clap: :clap:
Smashed it! So relaxed, and so perfect. And like others have mentioned, that harpsichord sound really suits it, it’s very christmas-y.

I appreciated the festive ginger cat, too! Hope christmas is really good for you and your family. :slight_smile:

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