What are you currently listening to? 2022

Another guitar goosebump song, at least for me, heard it a while ago in the background of a film. I love the melancholy mood. Added directly to my ā€œsongs to learnā€ list.

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The story of this group is certainly very interesting.

Happy New year everyone !

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Iā€™ve recently bought the entire discography of Yawning man. (http://yawningman.com/)
Ever since i discovered bandcamp, iā€™m having a somewhat unhealthy relation with my credit card.
But man, the music i foundā€¦ (and bought)ā€¦ Itā€™s well worth itā€¦
For example:
Rock Formations | Yawning Man

I love discovering new bands and Bandcamp is indeed a fab platform, esp for all the lesser-known bands. I struggle getting to grips with large back catalogue downloads. If I donā€™t listen to an album at least a couple of times when I get it, itā€™s likely to remain unlistened to on my pc.
Btw. this is the 2022 thread. Thereā€™s a new one every year, although I have no idea why :thinking: :wink:

I didnā€™t notice that. Thanks for pointing out that iā€™m a year or two behindā€¦
Maybe some of the admins can put this in the right place.

And indeed, Bandcamp is awesome!