What are you currently listening to? 2024

The guitar guy from that Led Zeppelin thing

No,no… the other guitar guy…

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Proof that everything is better with some hair on it.

I’m still stuck on Primus.
This is a live stream from Pachyderm Station that I somehow missed.

Back to some more early Fleetwood Mac, The Vaudeville Years 1968-1970, outtakes, and unreleased tracks published in 1998.


I’ve been revisiting some King Crimson in light of Steve Vai teaming up with Danny Carey, former band members Adrian Belew, and Tony Levin. Steve will be standing in for Robert Fripp so it will be very interesting to see how he interprets those songs.

For anyone interested, here is the Beato interview with everyone involved.

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One more. . .

This is probably one of the tightest performances of any band I’ve ever seen.


Billy went to Daryl’s house and here is the playlist for the full episode.

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Released a few days ago officially!


Now we need Justin to do some lessons on their songs.


Convinced I shared these guys a while back but a quick search in WAYCLT did not reveal a show, could have been a 2023 thread. But if its a duplicate RJ & T W always worth a listen !

Heck whatever enjoy, intro and riff reminds me of Skynyrds Voodoo Lake :smile:


And “Never Too Late” :+1:

Daughter convinced me to sign up to Spotify for something like 10 euros and month when she was over for Easter. She duly added loads of bands that she been sharing via YouTube.

So doing a little Spotify Surfing this evening and a few Grimbergen, hey its Friday and the weekend starts here. Not worked if I can drop a Spotify link here, which would be handy but just hit this bunch of cool dudes ! Clutch.


Yep, they’re pretty cool.

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Hope this works, as I am not sure if there have been any Spotify links in the past. Yep its audio only but if its sounds good…

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And it reminded me of a song I have listened just a couple of day ago.
It’s by Volbeat featuring Clutch’s vocalist.

And a couple of Volbeat’s tunes won’t hurt anyone, some might even enjoy them.

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