What are you currently listening to? 2024

OK my daughter has been on the case. Lets stack em and rack. :sunglasses:


LETS ROCK :fire: :sunglasses: :fire:

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There’s more says Jimmy Cricket

Last one for the day from Goodbye June - would have posted Step Aside but is definitely a PGA for this site but worth checking out. Daughter said if ACDC and Airbourne had a bstd son who sung hard rock blues, this singer would be that kid !

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Finally tracked down and audio/lyric version that doesn’t show peeps getting shot :scream:
And a perfect example of that Brian Johnson / Joel O’keefe hybrid singer. Oh yes !!


For anyone wanting more Goodbye June, I am making way through the “See where the night goes” album - having some good ole New Year rockin. So I rejigged a new play list, with the Directors Cut of Step Aside at the end, as I said PGA “cowboy” style gun play content. (seen worse on Netflix but have to cover the bases) :sunglasses:

I’ve been working on Redbud Tree using Justin’s excellent tutorial. But also listening to the whole Privateering album that is all really good.


I could be listening to her all of 2024 and beyond: 17 year old Grace Bowers, a huuuge talent.

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Great song but brings tears to my eyes every time I hear it. From the brilliant starting over album.

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As I have planned an excursion into the Heavy Rock and early Metal of my yoof, I thought I’d better check out who’s still alive and if they’re still kicking. Good to see its not just the kids bringing the house down. And not a Robert Zimmermanframe insight ot chiropractor !. :metal: :metal: :metal:


Another Saturday evening with nowt on tele. So after the earlier dabble I’ve had Uncle Bruce on the Tube player thingy -

Just done this one.

Just started.

Uncle Bruce ? When my current 19 yr old grand daughter was very young (and being musically corrupted like her mum was before her) and me and the girl child were driving around with her in the kiddy seat, listening to Maiden with the volume cranked, she’d ask who was singing. We’d say it was Uncle Bruce. Repeating such a frequent adventure before her 4th birthday she asked if Uncle Bruce could come to her birthday party ! Priceless :rofl:


I see your “old-timy” metal and raise you some Swedish contemporary one :blush:. Seriously though… thought you might perhaps find this interesting… At least in my ears, there are clearly some Southern Rock influences in this song…


Perfect answer :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

My partner asks if she send an invitation and if he came over :sunglasses:

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My god its the offspring of Alice Cooper and Frank Zappa ! Run !! :rofl:


Aah… Now that you say it. True there are some similarities… :smile:

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You would have to have been there back in the day ! :rofl:

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In memory of Magnum founding member Tony Clarkin who passed away at the weekend, announced today.

I’ve seen Magnum half a dozen times and always had a great night out. Had planned to see them later this year touring their new album (out on the 12th) but the tour had been cancelled due to Tony’s ill health.

Another influence leaves us.


I’ve been listening to classic Def Leppard after I got a message on my new Tik-tok account from Rick Savage saying thanks for being a fan and covering our music. My last attempt at a Def Leppard song wasn’t so great so I was really surprised. So Sav challenged me to do another cover of their music so working on this one. I sucked last time I tried long ago, but sounding better this year.

Of course maybe it’s not really him but someone who represents him. I still thought the possibility was cool to be followed by a real professional.


Just popped a Grimbergen and checked the TV schedules. Friday evening and yep (10)57 channels and nothing on as the Boss once said. Anyway I’d been goofing around with some chromatic blues runs this morning and this bunch came to mind. Dug into the digital collection earlier and played some old favourites.

Overshadowed by Skynyrd and the Allmans, The Outlaws were often overlooked but a great kick ass Southern Rock Band. Found this a while back on the toob but saved it for a rainy day. No rain but sub zero right now so a good time to hit play ! :sunglasses: