What are you currently listening to 2025?

I was watching the Funky Monks my wife said Anthony Keidis and Amy Winehouse were a thing so then I went to that for a few to watch her talk about Fender Strats.

And also listened to Natalie Merchant song Gold Rush Brides wondering if this is a possible guitar song.

I still have not gotten back to the Funky Monks. People are shooting guns in the air and lunching fireworks so my dogs are a bit freaked out. Lol 3 hours to go until new year.


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So a slow easy evening here at MMS, so laid back and going through JJ’s

Back Porch Blues Guitar playlist

and just hit this one

Is it GAS to want a Rattlesnake Tail ? Try explaining that one to the missus !! You bought WHAT !!

Technical question for the more spiritual guitarists out there, would that effect the E string too much ? Guess you’d have to compensate but heck that sounds really cool. :sunglasses:


i love this mans playinghttps://youtu.be/0laFe1CLhlY?si=c6pEDi8yHtflgljk

this guy plays

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Don’t want to be a party pooper guys but it’s 2025! :smiley:

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My bad been posting in the 2024 thread.

Pelforth and JJ.


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Just sorted sir !

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Here you go again Toby! Introducing this “Listening To” thread again… making me listen to artists I don’t know & finding new groups to follow… singing along to new songs… opening up new genres…
expanding my horizons…
C’mon man!
I only have so much time in a day & my boss kinda/sorta expects me to do at least a little work, ya know?
When he asks me what I did all day - I’m supposed to tell him that I found all this cool new music? Give me a break… I’m trying to work here & maybe learn a little bit of guitar… you’re killin’ me man!!! :disappointed_relieved:


P.S. Love me a bit of Justin Johnson! He’s got some really cool videos! :grin:


Yeah funny how I seem to keep the ball rolling but with a much needed nudge from @sairfingers this year. Must be getting old, one day just seems like another.
BTW what’s work ? :rofl:


These are the videos of live performances of the songs I have been working on today. Such good stuff.


Covered White Rabbit a few years back, its somewhere in my back catalogue. Great song and Grace has a wonderful voice.


Love that resonator. I cant do much with mine yet. But I did put it into the D,G,D,G,B,D tuning and gave it a shot. I need a lot more practice.

You say I am putting my self in a state of mind to be an effective and efficient emplyee sir.


I missed this album when it came out over the summer… some good stuff on #5


Someone once asked me if I smoked after sex.

I replied: “I don’t know, I haven’t looked”…





So last week I wanted to go back to some of the grade one videos and redo some of them them and sing, plus get all the extras I could not do back when I started. Somebody to love was one of them. I followed the white rabbit. :rofl:
I was watching the video of them performing for the first time on the Dick Clark show American Bandstand. She was so rad dressed as a nun. She was totally amazing and way ahead of her time.

I am sure my Grandparents hated her and thought anyone who listened to this music was going to hell.

Here is the 1967 Dick Clark American Band Stand vid if anyones interested Its the 2 songs, White Rabbit and Want Somebody to Love the short interview after is so cool, the guys in the band were such heads.

Justin has a stage one lesson on “Want somebody to love”. It ripe and ready to pep up as he always says.
Here is that link Want Somebody to Love, if anyone wants it.


Ah, Jefferson Airplane are among my favourites. Their spot on the Dick Cavett Show with Joni Mitchell, Crosby, Stills and Nicky Hopkins the day after Woodstock (or maybe the same day) was also very good:

And they beat The Beatles for a rooftop gig by c. 2 months:


My offering:

the guy on the Vibraphone is absolutely killing it… the guitar parts are totally solid…not to mention the level of talent displayed by the other two in the quartet!!!



Very cool video, thanks for sharing! I wish sometimes I was a teenager at that time. :slightly_smiling_face: