What was I thinking? Uh oh - NGD!


I have a Musician’s Friend account. It reminds me when my rewards points are going to expire. I noticed that I had $80 that was in danger of expiring. Checking my wish list, I saw that the cajon I’d been considering was on sale… for $80! The “catch” was that I had to call my gear advisor Aaron to get the sale price… stupid me… I called.
During the conversation, Aaron asked if there was anything besides the cajon I was thinking about…
There was. A guitar. A D’Angelico guitar. My 4th D’Angelico guitar… A D’Angelico guitar that when I last looked was $1500 but was now $700…
why did I cave into my greedy, my possessive, my gotta have it side? I pulled out my credit card feeling like Mr. Hyde… did that stop me?

So here’s my new baby - a D’Angelico Excel Series Mini DC in Slate Blue with SuproBucker pickups! Sounds good, Looks good, Feels good, heck it even smells good!!! :blush:


That geetar looks fabulous! Happy NGD

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Thanks Tony…
I’m blaming my wife for this one!!! She made me buy it!!! :laughing:


It looks angelic. Great choice! Happy NGD.

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Happy NGD, Tod. That’s a great colour :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks Stacy @artax_2 , I really love this guitar! Not so sure about angelic though… plugged it in, cranked the gain, added a bit of distortion & it sounded kinda devilish :smiling_imp:!!!

I appreciate it Nicole @JokuMuu ! I’ve always been partial to blue guitars, my 2nd one was a blue Ibanez & I remember thinking “Not sure why I like THIS ONE! I know I’ll NEVER play Blues”! I didn’t care much for Blues back then… now I can’t wait to play’em!!! :notes:


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Hahaha, great move, don’t worry just buy :rofl: Happy NGD.


Happy NGD Tod. Sounds like you put up a little resistance for about 30 seconds :smiley:

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Happy NGD Tod :partying_face: :sunglasses:
Looks great and if they were lighter I would definitely have bought one because I looked for one for a while (I don’t go heavier than 2.6 kg)

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You guys are gonna kill me! All those new guitars around here!!! Is there something out there like guitar spring fever :joy:??? I’m trying to keep the rest of inner attitude not to buy a further guitar right now and what you are all doing??? :rofl: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar:
Wow, what a beauty, wish you lots of fullfilling hours together!!


Yes, certainly, and remember that it is always Spring somewhere :flushed:, so this never stops , it is an ongoing process :sweat_smile:
And you live your life in the land of Thomann :smiling_imp:


Please don’t remind me, that it only was a three hours drive to Thomann’s and we have Kirstein just 45 minutes away :see_no_evil:. Deep breath, keep calm and relax :joy:.


Super nice Tod, that’s a gorgeous finish and I do like a hollow body look.
Out of interest, but as you’ve a few I think I can guess the answer, how are the D’Angelico’s to play? What’d be your “review” of them?

They are occasionally on very good deals with a UK shop and I’ve always liked the look, but not gone and tried one.

And above all happy NGD!!! :guitar::guitar::heart::heart:

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She’s beautiful Tod! Love the colour :heart_eyes:
Happy NGD! :tada: Nothing quite like the smell of a new guitar :smiley:
That’s a nice cajon there too :sunflower:

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Why did you say that ? My Tele doubt is rising again !

@CATMAN62 Tod that is a very sweet looking Hollow. Happy NGD, enjoy.


Hey Tod,
Looks like a fabulous guitar. If I hadn’t a hollowbody already I would have considered this one. Especially as it’s a 339 style smaller body guitar.
You are a lucky man for sure :smiley: :+1:


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What a beauty, Tod :astonished:. Simply gorgeous :star_struck:.
I wish you lots of fun with it :smiley::guitar::champagne:.

Thanks Craig! I’m loving it!!!


Well, I guess 30 seconds sounds a bit much… more like 10!!!
Thanks Stefan!!!
