When you thought a standard guitar was too easy

How about a spinning guitar with lots of strings?

Amazed this actually works… could become a thing (unlikely) with a little more development…

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Another fine example of a solution in search of a problem.


What a trust fund baby does with the engineering degree mommy and daddy paid for…

Sorry I was done by 2:10, guy needs a proper job ! Looks like the electric heaters we had back in the 70s. Grumpy Old Git over and out. :angry:

“…the power of nuts…” pretty much said it all right there

I believe he is from Sweden, where you don’t need rich parents in order to get an education.

It’s pretty impractical as a project, but I love experimental projects like this. It’s real Engineering in action and, even if the end result isn’t particularly successful, it’s the journey that matters. I’m sure he learned loads along the way. And it’s interesting entertainment for us too.

It’s not like he’s trying to sell this as a practical instrument. It’s a bit of educational fun.

As an aside, the Horowitz and Hill book he has the motor control pedal on is one I used at University.




It’s ridiculous and stupid and pointless. And yet, there’s a part of me thinking that if Hendrix had lived to see that, he’d have found a way to take advantage of it’s weirdness to make some incredible sounds.

It’s the epitome of genius bordering on craziness. And I love it.


I think this is awesome, but I am an engineer and I bet when the piano was invented that guy was thought to be a nut, too.


Already been done and a lot easier to play.


Nobody cares how convenient this thing is to play. It just looks super badass.


You want to make a harp do what??

Really? Nobody?

I think with a bit more work somebody talented could produce something interesting with it, think Steve Vai etc.

is it worth it? IDK

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Ok, maybe someone does, I don’t have that data. So sorry that my generalization isn’t correct.

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I think a lot of people care. That was my point. The number of people who would be interested in owning one of those would be incredibly small.

Yeah, but that’s not the point of him building this thing.

I don’t see why people are being critical of something that is clearly not being promoted as a practical instrument. It’s just a bit of fun.

At all.




Bang it like a drum. Don’t think too many harpists did that. Now Harpsichords, a bit more harp-like. :smile:

Dive bomb. I want to make my harp do dive bombs.