Where does your username come from?

Back in college (40 years ago) someone gave me a baseball cap with moose ears/nose. I would wear it while snow skiing and people on the chairlifts would often yell ā€œMoooooseā€. My college friends picked up on it and started calling me moose as well and it became my defacto nickname. Moose is used a lot online so I added my area code 408.

(I still have the hat and still wear it when skiing).


Somewhere around 1991 I joined a BBS dedicated to trading Grateful Dead tapes. I used the login know_u_rider after the Grateful Dead version of the song I Know You Rider.

As forums and user names became more common I found that I would have to change the spelling or add numbers because that name was already taken, but Iā€™ve been using some variation of that user name for almost 30 years!


I have nothing to hide :roll_eyes:


Very boring Iā€™m afraid, just my initials and the year I was born.
Hopefully something I will not easily forget in the future.


Lieven is my firstname
De Vleeschouwer is lastname


Meat watcher? Whatā€™s the history of your surname, if you donā€™t mind me asking?

Aliomenti is from a book series: The Aliomenti Saga by Alex Albrinck.


I got it from my mum


Someone who inspects the quality of meat.


Sure it doesnā€™t come from vleesch-houwer (butcher) @LievenDV ? I suspect there wasnā€™t a lot of quality inspection done at the time surnames were introduced :slight_smile:

As for my username, I honestly have no idea where it came from - it just popped up in my mind.


To be precise, it is a ā€œkindā€ of butcher, grading the meat.
It is some kind of duality thing with a butcher and not a butcher.

When I was in the leader team of our local movement and our theme was Braveheart, I had a double bladed lightsaber, a white robe with blood all over and I was calledā€¦The Butcher :smiley:


I gotta say that so far, this is the only one that made me laugh out loudā€¦:rofl: sorry Tony if it wasnā€™t meant to be humorous!!! :face_with_peeking_eye:



Uh, well, Iā€™m left-handed and my favorite number is 6 :woman_shrugging:


OK I make no apologies but this will be a long read but could also be educational.

Took a bit of digging as this was all initially written on the old forum.
I thought it was in my old Roadcase or learning log as its now called. But it was copied over as a separate post Diary of a Madman. So glad I now have my POD GO !!!

That spawned the new handle and was carried forward on my YouTube Channel warts n all. Madmanā€™s Music Studios

Hopefully that will satisfy your curiosity Tod ? Oh btw I am also barking mad to boot.


Was that you :open_mouth:



Just swap the lightsaber for any kind of medical instrument or stable attribute and you wouldnā€™t have drawn any attention at all in that attire during my student days - bloodied white robes were our ā€˜uniformā€™.

Never understood how anyone could ever have thought white was a fantastic color to wear when wrestling with cows and horses - I was a vet student :smiley:.


@CATMAN62 Glad it made you laugh. Thereā€™s a story I tell about my name that always brings a good responseā€¦

Iā€™m of German heritage, and people have asked if Tony is a german name. I asked my mum and she said itā€™s not an uncommon name in Germany. I explain it this way. I consider myself to be the luckiest of all the boys in my family. My brothers names are Horst, Seigfried, Klaus and Hans. Dadā€™s name is Gerhard and Mumā€™s name is Hildegarde. Iā€™m lucky I didnā€™t get named Mud guard!


based on me, has to be. Historically, the dates check outā€¦at least it feels that way


Well, it was this one or BuzzSolo which Iā€™ve had about the same amount of time (though my sisters nicknamed me Buzz back in 1969). The Solo came when I got married.

But I am somewhat of a rocket scientist, not a physicist but a mechanical engineer who worked in aerospace back in the 80s and 90s. I was in the USAF and worked on Reaganā€™s Star Wars program, actually called the Space Defense Initiative, then when I became a civilian again, I worked on the Space Exploration Initiative, as well as a bit with the space shuttle.

Now most people who actually know me probably figure I named myself after my dogs Rocket and Luna, but no, my dogs are named after spacey things. My next dog though I called Ziggy Stardust because, Apollo just didnā€™t fit him and as for my behemoth Kaylee, sheā€™s named after Kaywinnet Lee Fry from the TV show Firefly. All space related even if it was only in a fictional sense.

And now yā€™all probably know way more about me than you need. :grin:

BUT, if you need an Operations Plan for a lunar base any time soon, Iā€™m your gal!


So, your answer brings to mind another questionā€¦ is Tony your actual given name or is it short for something else?
I did know a kid when I was in school (eons ago) who we used to tease about his nameā€¦ as I remember it was Sigfried Wilson Oberstein & we always called him Siggy Frankenstein! Then a bunch of people thought his name was Ziggy & it kinda stuck. So, years later, I run into him and he is using Ziggy as his name, funny ā€˜ol world isnā€™t it? :laughing:



I like your story, Rebecca!
When my wife was little, her favorite aunt called her Buzz & nobody knew why. They presumed that it was because she Buzzed around like a bee :honeybee:!
No plans for a Lunar Base anytime soon, but Iā€™ll put you on speed dial just in case!!! :joy:
