Where does your username come from?

Hi Dave, welcome in the community!
My guess is Rev uses a wheelchair to move around? :person_in_manual_wheelchair:
:innocent:… now about that chicken dinner, … how can we arrange that :wink: :crazy_face: :nerd_face:?

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@adi_mrok @Notter

Nothing as interesting as the rest of the posts. I read somewhere that the act of making music is a social production as well as a social activity. Even for solo performer the production of music takes a level of social effort. So “social” became “socio”.


All interesting in their own right James :slight_smile:

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Thats easy to describe. About 25 years ago in the late 90’s I was looking to create a userid for the email website Hotmail which my employer had just purchased. Everything simple based on my name like BarryH was already taken so… I was known by the nickname ‘Snout’ by one friend since childhood (and he still calls me that). I then conflated ‘Snout’ with Microsoft where I was working to produce microsnout and tried that and Yay it was available - no surprise. Since then it has been always available on new sites.

PS: I have recently discovered that the famous economist John Maynard Keynes was also known by the nickname Snout in his college days. An Ex- of mine read this in an autobiography of him.


We have another winner!!! @Narjuna takes home the cake; err… chicken dinner. :rofl: Yup, I’ve got “round legs” a.k.a. my wheelchair :manual_wheelchair: So Chris, you have also done a jolly good job mate!


I’m a fan of the Goon show. (The Goon Show - Wikipedia)
One of my favourite characters is Hercules Grytpype-Thynne - Wikipedia.
Originally played by Peter Sellers. (also one of my favourite comedians/actors).

So in search of a username (i had another one back in the old forum days, but changed it to this one some time ago), i went with this one.

Have a gorilla…


I like to find names or words via an anagram. So strictly speaking my actual name jumbled up should Ne Wobler, but I took some liberty and added two letters to come up with Knee Wobbler. I also have a habit of jiggling my leg/knee, so it’s appropriate. I do also go by another name, also using my middle name as well and using the anagram routine, I came up with Thurra Web Loner…which is also appropriate.


OMG. @TheMadman_tobyjenner’s name is not Toby. Now this has really distorted my reality!

For me, well, it’s dull, it’s my name, which is why I hadn’t commented already. I haven’t used a handle in years, aside for on Steam/PSN/Xbox. But some extra trivia, I go by JK in real life, that’s not an internet name only :wink:


@adi_mrok Adrian, I see that James has answered your call but @Rossco01 is currently not that active in the Community, so I think it is a simple abbreviation of his full name, Jason Ross Collins … if I remember correctly … of course stand to be corrected.


mikemycroft comes from my first name (Michael) and my last name, Holmes.
I had a lot of nicknames that played on my surname,Sherlock was the most common. I told a customer I got on with really well, and he said What? Not Mycroft?
So I’ve used it quite a bit ever since.


Great thread, loved reading everyone’s stories! Thanks to all those that have shared, some super interesting ones for sure :smiley:

Mine is boring and probably should have tried harder :laughing: NZ (New Zealand being where I’m from) Metal (being my preferred genre of music). I guess easy to remember and gives people some info about me.

But to add to the stories about names…

I like my first name Jeff (or Jeffrey but only my mum calls me that :joy:), named after my uncle who I also very much looked up to as a kid.

My middle name is Mark because with having an O for the start of the my surname my parents wanted to avoid any unsavoury abbreviations that people would tease me with (not sure what they had in mind :thinking: :laughing:). So JMO didn’t stand for anything. But, for that reason another uncle took it on himself to always call J-Mo to annoy my parents :joy:, I kind of liked it though, reminded me of the Muppets :hugs:

Also with my surname being Ormandy, I have had a lot of correspondence over the years addressed to “Jeff or Mandy” so I’ve wondered whether Mandy could become some sort of alter ego :thinking: :rofl:

Finally, I had a lot of nicknames in high school, “sloth”, “wombat” and most unfortunately “stoner” which was the one that stuck the most. Had nothing to do with a particular bad habit, other than early high school being very boring and always nearly putting me to sleep, so my mates decided I looked like a stoner. Can’t always choose your names! Did not go down well when they forgot themselves though and said to their parents that Stoner was coming around to hang! :grimacing: :joy:

Finally, I’m typically known to my friends these days as Spuddog or Spuddy as they found it funny that I grew up on spud (potato) farm as a kid. Don’t know why that’s funny, but… :man_shrugging: :laughing:

Not a massive fan of any of those nicknames, so hence why I just made something up on the spot when joining here :wink:


It’s either Jefrey (with one ‘f’) or Mandy :wink:
Take your pick…


Hey , It`s back , hope you had a nice time :sunglasses:

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I was known by the nickname ‘Snout’ by one friend since childhood (and he still calls me that). I then conflated ‘Snout’ with Microsoft where I was working to produce microsnout…

Ha ha, nice!

PS: I have recently discovered that the famous economist John Maynard Keynes was also known by the nickname Snout in his college days. An Ex- of mine read this in an autobiography of him.

Yay, I’m not the only one to mention an economist in this thread!

:joy: :joy: :joy:
Well, Manilow’s always been a firm favourite of mine, but going with the Pixies this time by a whisker :wink: :laughing:
And just for completeness, yes, in the early 90’s (and beyond) I had lots of my mates singing :musical_note: “Jef with one f, Jefrey!” :musical_note: whenever they wandered up to say hi :unamused: :rofl:

I went to school with Dave, back in the day.

Really? the Dave Fishwick? At school in Burnley? I lived in Burnley during my teenage years - Towneley High School.

Yes, really. We were friends in junior school. Which was in Nelson.

Towneley park is nice. I used to play pitch and putt there and I went to Towneley hall from junior school. They locked us all in the dungeons. :smiley: