Wind of Change - The Scorpions - update July 2023 - post 57

Thank you James for you positive feedback, I much appreciate it!

Absolutely! Read David…

Well now David you’re dragging out of me all the gratitude for this very supportive path of learning here at JG, his teachings and all of you in the Community: this is really what makes the difference to me❣

Thanks for your help in editing the title, hopefully I’ll ask again in a few months!


Oh wow, Silvia. I so much enjoy watching your Dreamer Journey on this song. Continual improvement. This was beautiful. Caught myself smiling at the end. You were so happy, it was infectious.

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Thank you David for all your support! And many thanks for your pointing outs!

This is not harsh, on the contrary it is very helpful and definetely I still have to work to smooth it out :blush:

Did you ever heard of any baby in this world who learnt to walk without falling? :blush:

Go for it David! You’ll be surprised along the way…but remember the main goal is not the song itself, but growing along the path :heart_eyes::innocent::blush:


“Not a born musician “

@SILVIA @Socio @DavidP

I beg to differ!

Maybe we are all born musicians but we need to learn how to play an instrument in order to allow that inner musician to flourish.


Thank you so much Pamela…your feedback is always so heartwarming :heart:
You need to know that I thought, for a long time indeed, that I wouldn’t be able to play the guitar…and I just started dreaming of learning and now that it seems I can play I’m keeping on dreaming and it makes me soo happy :blush::blush::blush:

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I think we ALL have our own musicality in ourselves, and that we all have beautiful melodies inside us, and I also think that singing is the first natural thing any human being does as he/she opens his/her eyes into this world (there might be studies proving singing from the womb as well)…
What we all need to bring it out and develop it is sensible teachers and a supportive path, as @DavidP says!

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Hi Silvia,
I’m just catching up on some forum reading and listening time and you’re the first one today…

And wow :sunglasses: :bouquet: :clap: :clap: :clap:

this has already turned out to be a great song and I can already imagine where this is going to end up in a while…ROooome :smiley: :sunglasses:


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This is so kind of you Rogier! :heart_eyes: Thanks for keeping me company along the way :blush:

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Awesome, Silvia! :clap: :clap: :clap: :star_struck: You have called this your “dreamer”, but I think no more! This a reality now! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: Sounding fabulous to me, with smooth transitions and beautifully delicate playing, love it! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Congrats on making such wonderful progress! Your many hours of practice and hard work is shining through! :smiley: :+1:

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Wonderful, Silvia! You make your dream come true! It’s so inspiring to see you progress with this song. You’re loving every note and that shines through. All your work (and relaxing whilst swimming in the Ligurien sea, im jealous, as water is my second element :wink:) pays off. Lovely! Well done on the changes between picking and strumming and adding the percussive elements!

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Hello Jeff, I’m so glad you like it, thanks :blush: :star_struck::heart_eyes: One day maybe here in the Community it will be instituted a prize for the kindest words used to comment the mates’ avoyps and you’ll win it straight away :medal_sports::trophy: first prize! :100:

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:thinking::thinking::thinking:…Andrea I think you and Jeff will be joint :medal_sports::trophy::medal_sports::trophy:winners! :smile: (please read the previous post to understand this). So glad you liked it, I think this is such an iconic song for us Continental Europeans! The sea is definetely doing me good, I’m now coming most days as it’s only about 10km from where I live :motor_scooter: :sunglasses::heart_eyes: I feel very lucky :blush: Also I have no excuse for laziness, as we have the worksmen re-doing our balcony and stairs as there are water infiltrations for the neighbours who live below us…and they’re quite noisy with their angle grinder! If I remember well you also live in a wonderful place up in the mountains…is it cool weather in the summer?

That seems the most challenge, but I’m quite confident I can further smooth it out with time and practice :muscle::muscle::muscle:

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Oh I feel honoured, see I’m getting :smiling_face:

I can’t complain :slightly_smiling_face:. Surrounded by montains, five minutes to the closest ski area, nice lakes. Hard to top, the only thing that would make it even better was “mare et monti”. I’m a sailor, spent every free minute till my early twenties on my parents boat, must be fine to live close to the sea :wink:. Currently it’s hot for our region, well over 30 to 35 °C. Whenever you come to Germany by car, just have a stop over at my place :wink:.


:rofl: Thank you, Silvia! :wink: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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That was great Silvia. Really beautiful playing, I liked the flourishes - the fingernail strums - and variety.

You know, I don’t know the original song, I only know it from your playing. Really enjoyable.

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Thank you Jk, variety it’s because I’m trying to re- create the feeling of the original song, starting from the quiet and sweet beginning to the exploding rocking electric guitar solo, not an easy task but absolutely worth trying! It’s gonna take aaaaageeees :smile:

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This is the first time that I seen your performance of this classic song and it was superb.

Its has inspired me to think about transcribing and creating my own fingerstyle arrangements in the future.

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Hello Rob, thanks for listening and writing these words of appreciation…it was great to read them!

You definetely should try as it’s very rewarding…it’s where I really can find and feel a connection with the guitar, even if it’s a very small step at the time.

That was very nice and congrats on working it out by ear. That’s an awesome skill to have. It’s shaping up to be a killer performance after you master it. :slight_smile: You’re making great progress with each recording of this. :slight_smile:

One tip I have is that sometimes it sounds like you are gripping the F chord really hard. It could also be caused by the nut being too high, making playing in the first fret harder than it should be. I struggled with it for a long time with my acoustic (Taylor GS Mini). After over a year I took this guitar to a tech, and they fixed the nut height, and the guitar became much easier to play in the first fret. The F chord became much easier. I could grip softer and keep my F chord from going out of tune sometimes. You can investigate the nut height yourself, check Nut Action and Your guitar may not have this problem, but it’s worth checking. :slight_smile:


Hi Silvia,

That was brill.
The song conjures such great memories - for lots of different reasons.
Sounds great, and very stylishly played.


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