Your level - Poll - Please select one.!

This should help

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Theres always one :wink:



Hi Rachel and others…
There are still too few votes for a good/clear conclusion, but some funny (and for me a bit expected) things are starting to become visible… without further influencing the poll, I would like to say that I like it to see this development of quite a large portion of the people around us …
All kinds of other poll questions run through my head that allow you to respond directly to the club donation thread and where that goes wrong…
Have fun watching :sunglasses:

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James, I think you reside in an existential world. :smiley:

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@SgtColon Likely so, going from one existential crisis to another existential crisis on this guitar learning adventure.

Remind you of anyone?

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Agreed, the more hte better but, this is still very early days. Give this a week and see what it’s like then. I’ll check every coupl of day to see if the post is lagging and bump a little if needed.

It is quite telling with the numbers so low.


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Never seen a poll with so many votes :flushed: :sunglasses:

I’ve been working my way through grade 3 and have been for a while :face_with_peeking_eye: :grimacing: but I also jump around the lessons. I also started before the current grade 3 structure.
I do really like the grade structure though. :slight_smile:

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Hi yes Im the same. Grade 4 before the courses all changed so have had to go back and fill in the gaps on grade 1,2,3. I couldn’t leave them incomplete.

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Should be seeing :100:'s

ha ha…I’ve never seen that one…I’ll have a look…
But then again…this is the busiest poll, I never thought so many people would complete it…the really active club is always small …so :sunglasses:

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I was really expecting to see 2 or 3 hundred in a day but this, WOW.! lol
Anyway, see what it’s like in a week :slight_smile:



Yes :exploding_head:
I just can’t find them…but I’m also a bad searcher in this area…I saw something shocking while looking…my number of days of reading is now shown in months :scream:

yes …just a little patience :grin:

Got to play now …really :see_no_evil:


That’s a lot of active users per month. I imagined less since we often see the same usernames.

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:open_mouth::scream: :rofl:

That’s so funny, Rogier. Three months! And I thought I was a heavy user :rofl:
Never mind, we all enjoy your contributions :pray: :wink:


I use it undiluted

Just think of the i in between in your mind :grin:


The stats for the site are interesting.
210934 users
7400 have basic status
799 have member status
86 have regular status
In other words only 86 people are on here regularly and are therefore the ones most likely to fill in any survey.


I am :flushed: … that`s not a lot

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What status do the other 202,649 users hold?

Non…At least, there is nothing ad by many names when I look at another stat just quick