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Trust Level 1 ā€“ Basic

At Discourse, we believe reading is the most fundamental and healthy action in any community. If a new user is willing to spend a little time reading, they will quickly be promoted to the first trust level.

Get to trust level 1 byā€¦

  • Entering at least 5 topics
  • Reading at least 30 posts
  • Spend a total of 10 minutes reading posts

Therefore the 202649 are people who have not reached Basic level have spent less than 10 minutes reading posts.

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We will soon reach the 100 regulars milestone :slight_smile:

To be fair heā€™s been busy translating every post and embedding them in his long term memory unlike Michael whoā€™s read the same number of posts in less than a month

when reading much less than 1 in 100 through the translation machine ā€¦ when posting at least half ā€¦I wonā€™t make any statements about the other thing :grin:

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James @Socio

I think the Michael must be me. We have been round this loop before the habit/skill of speed reading is something I had to learn to do at work. You must think I spend all day glued to my iPad and I donā€™t but being at home I do look at my iPad a lot during the day when I am using it for something else, J G lesson etc.

The breakdown is interesting and suppose if I thought about it I would have expected more in higher tiers. Donā€™t know if you are in any of the WhatsApp groups, I just observe.what is going on but my impression is that a lot of those posting are not actively involved in the community but is difficult to tell.


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Michael, I was thinking more in the lines of with all those songs you have to learn for the guitar club that you spent all day glued to the guitarā€¦ hence where the speed reading comes in super handy :smiley:

I didnā€™t last very long in the WhatsApp group. I wonder what the outcome of the above poll would be if it was done in the WhatsApp groups :thinking:


If anyone on WhatsApp can ask the same question, please do and let us know.


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Rachel @Libitina
Good idea but not me, I donā€™t know how to do it and donā€™t want to know happy just to be an observer.
There are four WhatsApp groups so it would have to be four different polls.

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That got me thinkingā€¦ Justin has an amazon associates account where I think he gets a small percentage of purchases through his links. It would be interesting to know what guitar related purchases his disciples make through amazon where he could benefit through purchases made via his links.

Hi James,

Arrgghh, I go far in my support of Justin, but I will not support thisā€¦I have never bought anything there (although I know I buy from some of reprehensible companies, but I do my best to check them all )ā€¦Buy Local ā€¦or Thomann, and if anyone knows that they also exploit their staff there and many more abuses, please donā€™t tell me :roll_eyes:


Iā€™m curious about that too

Well, I think 11 days is long enough for this and I have closed the polls.

I must admit that I think this says a lot , less than 100 people with

on site.

Where is everyone lolā€¦Itā€™s no wonder some of the clubs are not doing well :frowning:



Gosh! Still only 89 voters. Thatā€™s interesting. I was wondering how this would pan out.
Great idea to poll though BTW
Were there 297 sign-ups in the last 24 hours? Wow!

Quite, !

Shame really. !


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Donā€™t forget people signing up for the website are by default automatically part of the Community and most do not know its here. So they are not signing up to the Community per se. Hence you get a false positive. As for number of people polling ? Guess a lot of folk just donā€™t like polls.


Maybe we should put that to a poll :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


What groups are not doing well? :thinking:
People post and comment about whatever they find interesting.

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This. You also have to consider, Rachel, that there are surely community members, who read certain threads but are not active otherwise. Then, there was the discussion lately revealing that more than just one or two community members feel overwhelmed by the amount of new threads and postsā€¦ There had been no update to your thread for more than a weekā€¦ Your thread became buried under others. Couldnā€™t there have been a lot of people, who have not seen your thread or have seen it, but have not read it? In order to be able to do some kind of meaningful analysis, you would need to get the number of people, who have opened your thread. Based on this number, you may want to assume that they have read your first post and can then use this number as a starting point for your analysis. Nonetheless I doubt that itā€™s possible for you to get this number :slightly_smiling_face:

I suppose, if Justinā€™s team - for whatever reason - would want to conduct market research on these issues, there are better tools and the return rate would be different.

Like @brianlarsen , I donā€™t see any evidence in your poll results that any group (what groups?) would be doing badly. Thatā€™s logical of course, since your short questionnaire does not measure any kind of problems different stakeholders, learning in JG, may have :slightly_smiling_face:


Add internet polls to the list.

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In this sort of poll you should include an option like: ā€œNone of the aboveā€. I was not represented in the choices.

It would actually have been interesting to know how many people are not religiously working through the grades.