Your level - Poll - Please select one.!

thats exatly what me and @JokuMuu were talking about today
i think many members do not follow the grades and learn also on every possible ressources they find , like youtube tutorials

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I think, one insight that can perhaps be gained from the discussion about the poll, is that the question “In which Grade are you?” is not as simple as it may seem on the surface.

Of course there are outside influences, jam buddies, in person teachers, band mates, tabs outside of JG, other song tutorials for songs someone wants etc. etc. Understandably people take a sneak peak at what is ahead in the next Grade or go back to earlier grades… so it’s not as clear cut as it may seem on the outside.

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I don’t really classify myself, I revisit regularly things from all to either remind myself about certain things or to improve on a song I’ve played in the past.
I have used outside resources and have played in a few clubs, societies and the odd gig as a fill in (sort of like a session musician but at a lower level).
But of late I’ve not done very much after having Covid, it put my Fibromyalgia into overdrive so it’s been hard.

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The grade system is a proxy for beginner - early, medium late stage; intermediate (various stages) and advanced players. At least to the levels in Justin’s courses, you don’t need to be Steve Vai to be advanced.

Everyone is somewhere, I think it’s a fair enough way to classify people’s experience and skill, which was the intent of the poll.

If you’re not learning from Justin’s material, why are you here? It’s not like this is guitar-reddit or guitar-instagram, it’s a forum based on JG’s teaching material.


Good point. It was a very basic and rough poll, not meant to be an absolute. The numbers are more interesting.


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I found it pretty interesting, thanks for doing it Rachel.


I didnt say that people are not following JG …
I said that there must be people who follow JG course’s and other stuff too

:smile: :+1:


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