Zitronenfalter - Original by Lisa_S

Thanks a lot for your kind words, Stefan. I highly appreciate you took the time to listen and provide such encouraging feedback. :smiley: Iā€™m indeed very happy about the outcome.

Thatā€™s what I had in mind, too. Even though sometimes itā€™s not quite necessary to understand exactly whatā€™s bein sung as music is there to send the message, it is nice to know what itā€™s about. Especially when itā€™s a foreign language. :slight_smile:

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Lisa, this is a wonderful song!
I donā€™t know what percentage of this success is accounted for by the songwriting courses you described, but you really have talent :+1:
The performance is also gorgeous.
Thanks for the English translation.

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Thank you so much for listening and providing such a kind and supportive feedback, Leo. I highly appreciate it. :smiley:

In that case at least more than 50 % I would guess. My inner songwriter was buried very deep and the workshop resurrected it, kind of. Now itā€™s my turn to keep it up and alive and not losing it again. :slight_smile:


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Sehr schoen! Nice melody and love the sparkles on the guitar between verses.

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Thanks so much @Allaxxor - one word that means a lot to me! :smiley:


Thanks a lot for your kind words, Molly! Glad you liked it. :smiley:

Well I missed this so thank heavens for people bumping it!!

This is a beautiful song Lisa, performed with confidence, love and a smile. I really enjoyed it, bravo bravo bravo! :heartbeat: :heartbeat:

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Yes! Same for me! I donā€™t understand German at all, and I thought the composition, playing, and singing were lovely.

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So the song is called ā€œZitronenfalterā€ which to my surprise is correctly translated into ā€œBrimstone Butterflyā€. WTF!?

ā€œZitroneā€ means lemon. How we get from lemon to brimstone? Lol.

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That was simply beautiful, Lisa, I enjoyed it! :smiley:
Thank you for translating the lyrics for us, I loved it!

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Thanks a lot, you kind folks that checked in and left some kind comments. :smiley:


Thanks so much for your really encouraging feedback, Mark. It means a lot to me! :slight_smile:

Yes, sometimes itā€™s great luck somebody bumps old topics. :+1:
Had this myself and would have been very sad to miss out some great contributions by various community members.


Thanks so much for your kindness, Bob! I highly appreciate your encouragement. :slight_smile:

Itā€™s a beautiful thing about music that even if we donā€™t understand the lyrics, we get the vibes and still can enjoy it.


Hahaha, I totally get your point about the naming of those butterflies. :rofl: I would assume, brimstone butterflies appear all across Europe and were being named in the countries/languages independently rather than one name being translated into other languages. :thinking: So itā€™s the colour that matters, at least this would fit in both cases. :sweat_smile:
Being a Biologist, this was an interesting point to think about for a moment. :slight_smile:


Thanks so much for your kind feedback, Boris. It means a lot to me and Iā€™m glad you enjoyed it. :slight_smile:

I thought about sharing a translation, as most folks along here wonā€™t understand German, but still would be interested in what Iā€™m actually talking about. :sweat_smile: