Absent OM / Kinky Friedman tribute

I was looking forward to catching up with everyone at the OM, but got the dates mixed up :roll_eyes: so thought I’d share what I was going to play to get folks into the mood…
Have a cracking night everyone :sunglasses:


Happy song about the Holocaust… Least expected. Dark lyrics go strange with the music…

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I must say, I went through the lyrics a number of times to make sure there was nothing disrespectful, given the seriousness of the topic.
I don’t agree that it’s a ‘happy song’. Kinky sings country & western, and although we often think of cowboys in a light-hearted way, for me the analogies in this song work quite well.
He (and I hope I) sang it quite seriously.


Brian, you have an incredible ability to pick up very surprising or least expected tunes, which in itself is always enriching as it brings up stuff at least I didn’t know - and I like learning something new.

The song itself left me with kind of ambiguous feelings which is not surprising given the topic and that’s ok. I liked your performance, though, as it had quite the right amount of mood and feeling, but on the other hand I have an enormous lump in my throat (as always when it comes to these dark times of not so ancient history).

Edit seeing your reply to Alexey:

For me you definitely had the seriousness required for the topic.


Well, it’s all the matter of perception. To me it sounds happy. Definitely not sad.
You wanna hear a sad song - listen to the Israeli anthem. They actually have a movement here, in Israel, for the anthem replacement :slight_smile:

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Hi Brian

A what a wonderful song about my favorite (obsessive fits better ) subject that I was already mesmerized by by the pictures I saw in books before I could read, but I stopped 5 years ago because I think sleep is very important too :grimacing:

It is your happy face and your cheerful lifestyle that gives a nice contrast to this terrible subject…
:clap: :clap: :clap:

Ps: Every day I laugh briefly at that text about that it is not a nice thing to receiving love from Jesus when you are in a Mexican prison

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Vielen Dank, @Lisa_S
I enjoy sharing things that might be new to others :smiley:
Holocaust memorial is universally accepted as important, and different cultures naturally view it from their own perspective. This is simply one Jewish Texan’s take on a dark period of history.
I’m very aware of sensitivities in this area, especially with my Jewish and German friends

Cheers for that Alex
I’m sure I’ve heard the Israeli anthem before, but never listened to it.
Learn something new every day :smiley:

Haha, If you had seen me yesterday, crawling beneath the floorboards, seeking the third decaying rat in as many days, I might not have seemed that ‘cheerful’ :open_mouth: :rofl:


Oooo my goodness :scream:… same place as more than a year ago ?.. if it’s under the kitchen floor you should start singing along to this one … In any case, it will be in my head for a few days from now…

Greetings and buy a cat :grin:

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This is exactly what I thought! Well put Lisa👍


100 % agreed on that. Holocaust is something that never shall be forgotten and needs to be talked about or even sang about, as done by Kinky and others in various ways. This is a good thing to do, too, because it helps to deal with all the feelings coming up.

It just happens to be a very sensitive topic, as you said. Somedays it touches me more than others and today seems to simply be “someday”. So no worries, I’m good. :slight_smile:


Yes, sort of in the line of Lisa’s thinking, you bring up many various topics; things to ponder, things to educate, to reminisce…

This one, to me was mellow and soothing. One you can sit back and think about.

I also liked your intro comments about Kinky, and Oliver Tampo and Mandela.


Thank you, Pam-
For the listen and the thoughtful comments :smiley:

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I’m sorry you can’t make the OM, but glad you shared this. The intro helped as I know of Kinky Friedman, but not much detail. As I sat back listening, memories of our visit to the Holocaust Museum in Washington came to mind. A thoughtful and timely choice, thanks.


It was a beautiful performance, Brian. To me the song and your delivery evokes a thoughtful sadness - longing and remembrance of what was lost, too.


Thank you Brian for posting this thoughtful, disturbingly beautiful piece about a tragic time in human history. You played it well & sang it with the reverence this subject demands of anyone with empathy in their soul.
It brings tears to my eyes that people can be so cruel to fellow humans…
Unfortunately, Hitler isn’t the only man who had widespread murder on his agenda… Stalin, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Bosnian/Croatian leaders, Tribal Warlords in Africa… so many others who want to destroy other peoples & cultures. It’s sad that so many young people don’t know what has happened in the past because adults find the subject uncomfortable & therefore don’t teach why these things are so wrong. If humanity doesn’t learn from our past we’re destined to repeat our worst errors.
Thank you again @brianlarsen .



Hi Brian. Yes, you are undoubtedly the Community king when it comes to obscure/unusual/thought provoking song choices.
You sang with passion and an understanding of the lyrics which came with your awareness of the seriousness of the subject.

In this case, I think as you’ve said in other posts, your guitar is a means to an end and secondary to your performance so I’ll not mention it other than to say the style suited the song.

As for dead rats under the floor….better that than live ones!
Reminds me of a joke. What’s worse than eating an apple and finding a worm in it?
Finding half a worm.


Mr L you never fail to amaze, well apart from getting the dates wrong.

I did not know of Mr Friedman or at least from the musical side, so a first for me and given the subject matter beautifully handled with some thought provoking lyrics. As usual delivered with your usual aplomb. Will miss you Saturday night but there is always another not far away. Enjoy your weekend.


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Thanks for sharing, Brian.
Although from Texas, I’ve never heard any of Kinky’s songs. My primary memory of him was his campaign slogan when he ran for Texas Governor:



I’ll miss you guys too, Mark. Always such good entertainment. Have you selected your hats yet? :laughing:
I visited Dachau in Bavaria as a student and the (old) Yad Vashem in Jerusalem. Very moving.

@jacobbonde Mange tak, min ven :smiley:

@CATMAN62 Cheers Tod. Much appreciated.
All we can do is the best we can… :smiley:

@sairfingers Ta Gordon.
Just because I know you well enough to know exactly what you think about my playing/ performances, doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate their expression.
Thanks :smiley:
There’s something gratifying about crawling in the narrow space underneath your floorboards. Makes you feel you know your house better.
It’s funny, I was crawling underneath the eaves in the attic last week too, finding the leak that’s been dripping onto our bedroom carpet.
Then the lintel fell down over the front door.
This ol’ house is falling apart like my ol’ body… :roll_eyes: :rofl:

Cheers Toby. I have a (paying :smiley:) guest arriving today for a week, but might get up to the local arts centre on Friday for a light-hearted tune.

… better get used to it :rofl:

@wiredforsound Thanks Kevin.
How was he not elected? :rofl:



That was a great performance and a powerful message Brian, about that topic which we mustn’t ever forget.

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