My simple take on this regards the Community and questions relating specially to technique and Justin’s lessons.
If you do not know the answer do not provide an answer, don’t speculate.
If you have not watched the lessons, if the question is lesson specific. See above.
Do not use AI and think you are providing an answer, if you could not answer that with your own experience and knowledge.
Do not even use google, If you do not know the answer you are not qualified to answer.
Answer specifically based on your own knowledge and experience and your familiarity with Justin’s teaching methods and material.
For a number of years, I stopped providing support and feedback here (and the old place) as I felt I was no longer qualified. Justin had rewritten the old Beginners and Intermediate Courses plus added a shed load of new stuff. And I was not familiar with the new content AND teaching approach. So I said nowt until I finally was up to speed on the changes and even now don’t comment on questions about the app. Never used it so I have no valid input.
So yeah, AI is here and is not going away but as discussed here, that throws up a whole lot of other questions. But regarding the core reason for this Community, sharing and supporting those using Justin’s “program” don’t go down the AI route and don’t even google. You either know the answer or you don’t and if you don’t you have no input. You are either part of the solution or part of the problem, so look in the mirror before you hit that keyboard.
Just MHO
My 2 cts
Part time AI art explorer for fun and recent #BBP Merch designer, alluded to by @Majik in one of his earlier posts. And yes if your a professional in these areas I see your point of view.