Blues Immersion - Justin mentioned a blues course starting in June - could we please have some more info on that?

Rock and a hard place Michael, just gotta go for it and hope. :crossed_fingers:

I would guess that the majority of those who are chomping at the bit to get on this course and most likely already regular community members, also the fact the Justin is offering an ā€˜early birdā€™ discount implies he doesnā€™t think it will sell out like Glasto tickets.

I could be wrong (and I really hope Iā€™m not) but I donā€™t think people signing up in the first few days will be disappointed.

fingers crossed!!

Donā€™t forget the Blues Club Livestream mail suggested an early opportunity to sign up earlier Tuesday evening and that is straight to YouTube. The last PMT Live that was also directly streamed to YouTube had around 1600 viewers. Could be like the Boxing Day sales, assuming they still happen these days !

You might be right, Iā€™ll stay optimistic and keep everything crossed!

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Thanks Toby, The solo Blues course had passed me by so Iā€™ll definitely get that - and its only Ā£8.
That plus the blues rhythm, lead and transcribing lessons on the site, plus of course thereā€™s also a big number of smaller lick lessons - dozens of them in all sorts of blues styles, means thereā€™s much already to get my teeth into.
Will be sad not to be part of the gang for the immersion course, but Iā€™m taking the steer from Justin that it is not for acoustic players.

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Good news? I read it as youā€™ll definitely have a spot if you sign up on 4th/5thā€¦

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I managed to get hold of Justinā€™s old blues rhythm course on DVD, Iā€™m sure there will be a solo course out there tooā€¦

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I guess unless the number of spots are exceeded in that 24 hours. Will have to wait and see. I hope someone has done some capacity management in case there is a deluge of entries and everything crashes :scream:

As to the Blues Lead, I donā€™t recall a DVD back in the day, as I would have bought it. The Blues Rhythm DVD is identical to the Module in Grade 6 btw. I started watching and reviewing the video a few days back as Iā€™d copied the DVD content to the PC and realised Iā€™d be better off going back over it via the website, so my Journey and Dashboard were in sync with stuff Iā€™d done in the past.

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I read that more as those on the waiting list will have a better chance of enrolling but still first come first serve basis.


Help me out, guys?

I want to improve my blues abilities. Somehow the whole blues jam passed over my head, and I never got good at it.

I donā€™t really understand the grade system here, but I suppose, my level will suffice.
I like the ā€œimmersionā€ approach very much, because slow and steady learning through courses is really not my thing.
I also know that paying $500 is good motivator :slight_smile:
From the other side, I might find myself somewhat overqualified, at least from the technical perspectiveā€¦ then it will be boring and i wonā€™t make any progress, I know that about myself :man_shrugging:

I guess Iā€™m looking for some advice here, as a fairly new community member.

Also, do you know if thereā€™s some cancelation policy in place?

Thanks. Sorry for rumbling.

Can I get a refund if Iā€™m not satisfied with Blues Immersion - Class 1?

Yes, you can request a refund within 30 days of purchasing it. No questions asked. No refunds will be available after the initial 30 days.


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Hey Alexey -

Just my thoughts here ā€¦

I am sure youā€™re (more than) technically proficient enough for the course. It will be based on electric rather than acoustic guitar so tone and three semitone bends will be on the cards - I assume youā€™ve got something suitable in your stable.

My expectation is that youā€™ll find parts of the course very easy technically, but the course is about more than just that, it will cover history, the development of different styles and some self exploration (listening, transcribing, essay writing etc).

EDIT - it might make sense to look at some of the grade 4/5/6 blues modules and get a feel for those.


What will I be able to do at the end of Blues Immersion?

By the end of this course, you should have developed a deep understanding of the language of the Blues. You should be able to navigate the entire neck with a solid pentatonic framework and possess a versatile Blues vocabulary within each framework, moving beyond the constraints of traditional pentatonic boxes. You will grasp the harmonic structures of Blues Standards and acquire the rhythm skills necessary to play backing tracks and solos in any key. Additionally, you will gain confidence in transcribing the Blues and have a solid understanding of the historical contexts of various Blues styles and their major artists.

While there will still be work to doā€”Iā€™m not going to overpromise hereā€”you should be able to transition smoothly between patterns, although achieving fluency will take time and practice. It may take years for your vocabulary to flow effortlessly. Still, after six intensive months, you should see significant progress and have a clear direction for what to practice to continue your journey.

Alexey, from my understanding :

Having a structured learning path for blues in Blues Immersion will help you develop a deep understanding of the language of the Blues.

The 6 intensive months will make intermediate players progress a lot in their blues. But, it may take years of pratice to achieve a fluency in the Blues since we will also be working a lot on our technique.

Since you are already an advanced player with great technique, you will be able to focus more on connecting the dots and making the Blues a second nature to you. So, you will achieve that fluency much sooner.

And also, since it is a community course, you will be able to bring some cool perspectives in the discussions based on your previous experience.

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Hopefully, it will be like Dave says : guaranteed spot for everyone in the first 24 hours. :slight_smile:

I hate it when everyone have to hurry to buy a ticket at the exact same time. Tech problems often arise and it makes the customer experience frustrating.


Iā€™m in two minds as well. Part of me is up for the course but part of me is thinking Iā€™m not quite ready for it as still not got bends and 7th barre chords to a decent level. Iā€™ve completed a beginners blues rhythm course and third way through a blues beginner soloing course but doubt Iā€™m at a sufficient level for what is required for the BLIM course. I have a feeling I wouldnā€™t be able to keep up with the class.

Normally I would just pay for it and follow it to my best knowing that Iā€™ve got lifetime access to the material but on the occasion I wouldnā€™t want anyone more experienced than me to miss out.

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James, I have been looking at the grade 4 blues rhythm study and the blues lead solo module with the bends for the past month. Iā€™m pretty sure that you can do a few pratice sessions until July 1st and be ready on time.

It takes a lot of pratice to be perfect, but Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s not the requirement for BIM. It says having started to experiment grade 4 and being enthusiast about the blues.

I did 12 x 1 hour grade 4 pratice sessions and I am starting to feel more confident. Definitely not perfect, but making progress.

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I think you will be fine, it may be Immersion but reading how the course is planned to progress, I donā€™t think it will be in at the deep end. Your acoustic Blues melody lines, shows you can learn licks and motif and these can be transferred around the neck. Bends are about technique and timing but you should be more than capable of being consistent with practice. As its aimed at minimum Grade 3+ I think an understanding of the minor pent and major scale Pattern 1 will be a good starting point and open 7th but work on the barres as well. Guess we will know more when the prep work is assigned.


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And whatā€™s the next level after this? Advanced seems to be defined as learning Jazz.


ā€¦for me anyway


I think that after BIM, my next level will be to apply the new concepts to the Blues Lead Solos songbook. 18 solos to transcribe and work on with backing track.

Thatā€™s a projet that I would work at least a year for BIM consolidation. Then, continue with grade 4,5,6. And, continue the lead solo book.

And maybe in 3 years, move to advanced where Justin seems to show how to apply those skills to a new genre of music (jazz).

At that time, BIM may also have a follow-up course. Who knows ?

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