Color Sepia by M.D. Pujol

This is a classical piece. I felt it’s somewhat under-arranged, so I embellished a few places with artificial harmonics, moved some lines to a lower/higher register, added a little of “flamenco” beat where it felt right…


Beautiful rendition of a piece representing a category quite unusual on this forum.

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That was wonderful. The older I get, the more I appreciate classical guitar music. Great job!



Wonderful. I like this best over all your previous performances. You seemed in almost total control of the piece and whatever embellishments were there, added to the musicality. Very enjoyable.


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A beautiful piece of music Alexey.

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That is very enjoyable. Nicely embelished. You sure have a lot of control of the tone on the finger work. I would love to get to a point where I could focus on the classic style.

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Tremendous, Alexey, a delight to watch and listen to. Thanks for sharing

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Hi Alexey,
That was amazing :sunglasses: :clap:

Yes, I know that…but uhhh… I just stick to a bass note here and there :roll_eyes::smile:


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Great job Alexey, I remember years ago starting classical and I gave it up, that just brought it all back Cheers Hec

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Beautiful performance Alexey. (no surprises there!)

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A beautiful piece beautifully played Alexey.

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So beautiful, thanks for sharing.

Beautiful :bangbang: :pray:

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Beautifully done. Thanks for bringing this song to my attention and for your masterful interpretation.

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Thanks everyone :smiling_face:

Amazing performance, I’m really impressed… :clap:

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It sounds to me like an old timer is telling a story of their youth, happy, yet wistful for the youth eclipsed by the years that have rushed by. At times the narrator gets swept up in the story and those years vanish from the forefront of his being and they are young again. And then they come to the present and are aware of how grateful they are for the life they have had the pleasure to live…

thank you so much


A beautiful piece, beautifully played. And it works well on a steel-string. Thank you for sharing.

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