DavidP's Learning Log

Just realised I “liked” this back in December but never followed it up with a comment.
So a belated Happy 6th sir !! You continue to make good progress in all areas of your playing. It might be taking longer than you’d like but life gets in the way some time. I could never get stuck into a practice routine when I was working, so it wasn’t until I retired that I started to actually learn. So hats off for all your achievements and great to see things are behind you on the health front now, :+1:

Always a great read, from a pillar of the Community.


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@DaveTC59 Firstly, thanks for the reply, Dave. My intention in sharing has always been in the hope that it is helpful to somebody who happens to read it. As for achieving a similar level as myself, I suggest you aspire to be beyond my level someday. While I may appear accomplished I think there are others who have developed greater proficiency in shorter number of years through their dedicated deliberate practice. I don’t consider myself to be naturally able to play, so tend to think whatever I have achieved is realistically achieveable for all.

That said, when it comes to singing, the step gain in performance came through following a programme, Chris Liepe’s Discover Your Voice. That did for my singing what Justin’s programmes did for my guitar.

And as you rightly say, keeping it fun, enjoying the hobby, is invaluable.

@TheMadman_tobyjenner Thanks so much, Toby. All I can say in reply is that I am generally quite content with rate of progress. Every now and then, I have a wobbly moment, when I watch some of the newer members who have made such fabulous progress. But I know they have worked hard to acvhieve it and then peace and tranquility returns.


Making my way through this (halfway ish) and it’s pretty inspiring. Thank you for sharing it David :v:

Very insightful update David, it helps to remind that behind learning log there is a person with a story to tell. I share your opinion, guitar is a hobby aside of everyday life, a refuge from the hassle.

@Chazzo78 @RadekSiechowicz

Appreciate the replies and always happy if my sharing is helpful in any way shape or form to others wondering and wandering down the path, pursuing mastery of the guitar.


#29 7th JGversary

That’s it, up to date for (most likely) another year. I shall continue to trip lightly down the lead path and learn a few more simple songs for the repertoire plus perhaps a few more blues studies, who knows what will take my fancy.

Prophetic words. And it’s the nature of the beast that this year became, that I am four days late in reflecting on my seventh year and have not produced a celebratory musical project to mark the occasion.

Why am I four days late … a family getaway. Why no musical project … health challenges. For those not interested in the minutiae of my life away from JustinGuitar, the details conveniently hidden.

The Getaway Report

For many years holidays away from home were not an option. As time passed, first my mother-in-law and then my father came to live with us. Their health declined as the years passed making holidays away as an extended family impossible. Not to mention the affordability of such, with the cost of educating our lad and topping up inadequate pensions. I mention this solely as context. While it came with stresses and strains, I’d do the same again without hesitation.

Since their passing and the lad starting his working-life as a young adult, holidays are again a possibility. He normally goes away with his mates but not this year. So we took a few days to getaway at a nearby game reserve and treat ourselves to the pampering of a dinner, bed, and breakfast lodge.

It was a wonderful start to the December festive season. Nothing to do but relax and enjoy a game drive to see all the wildlife, an elephant experience (let me tell you, an elephant kiss delivered with the trunk is quite an experience), reading, swimming, eating & drinking.

The Medical Report

For those of you who’ve been around more than a year or so, you may remember that last year also brought it’s share of health challenges. I certainly don’t consider myself to be an old dog but as I approach 60 I’ve started to feel like one. Last year was my contemplation of a heart condition that would certainly have brought my innings to a close far sooner than anticipated. But a valvle replacement took care of that.

I have suffered periodically with gout for decades now. I shan’t bore those ho may have opted to read this with the details of gout, it’s causes and complicating factors. Suffice to say, I had a treatment routine that cleared up an acute attack when required. However, the cardiologist is not happy with my taking anti-imflammatories. And to be fair, generally not good for one’s health anyway.

I also noticed different areas being affected. I started to suffer more with attacks in the finger joints, which is obviously not good for my guitar-playing. I also began to worry if it was athritis rather than gout. So off to the doc I went.

Cut that long story short, I was given yet another medication to add to my regular prescription. I guess I am becoming that old dog in some respects now that I put out my morning and evening pills in a suitable container once a week.

The downside of this new prescription was that it essentially triggered a gout attack. And to counter that I took the pills to manage those symptoms, but no anti-imflammatory. Those pills are unpleasant to take in more ways than one. Consequently I was not at my best for the last couple of months and am still dealing with the symptoms in my fingers.

On the upside, the chronic medication is working, I am off the acute gout meds, and have a natural anti-imflammatory. It apparently takes a few weeks to work, not the overnight impact of my regular pill, so hold thumbs that in due course my hands will feel better, energy will return, and with that more drive to resume my musical noodling.

Now that is all out the way, all that remains is to reflect on the musical year. Sad to say, highlights are few and far between. Thankfully there were a few worth remembering.

Unlike some in the Community, I am far from prolific when it comes to producing original songs. I have wanted to produce a 12BB forever. Some may remember that the second original I produced was intended to be that and ended up quite different. So the first few months of the year were taken up by developing a thematic idea into a song. I think it turned out OK, even better for the fact that I asked @sclay to add some bluesy licks and lead. If you missed that moment then you can check it out here: I Love the Blues (and Rock 'n roll), featuring Shane

Until the joint pain kicked in, I was continuing to perform at the TJ’s Open Mic. Unfortunately I don’t have any video footage of those peformances.

I’d planned to continue my learning by returning focus to finger-style blues, inspired by @Socio Just playing a most simple pattern with the steady thumb and a plucking the GBe strings a couple of times using 7 chords in E, A, and G proved more difficult than I expected. But as always practice leads to progress and I was enjoying that in the first half of the year.

Of course, GAS is always a go-to remedy to motivate when in a slump or rut. After enjoying various members having fun with a TRIO+ I acquired one. It may not be the best way for me to produce a backing track for live accompaniment at a Community OM but good reason is seldom sufficient to thwart a GAS attack.

Speaking of Community OMs, I was especially pleased with my rendition of Cortez the Killer during which I recorded the chord progression into my looper, engaged overdrive, and performed a short solo.

I was then focused on making use of the TRIO+ live. The first song choice was a got to when trying something new viz Knocking on Heaven’s Door, which I think worked out relatively well.

If I recall correctly, it was after that performance that I realised I needed an extra channel on my AI. Online gear shopping, it’s a gas gas gas. After a quick Community consult I opted for a Behringer UMC404HD.

All good and I set about preparing to perform Before You Accuse Me with the TRIO+. I wasn’t sure if my preparation was adequate for the challenge. As it turns out, locking into the intro and maintaining the chugga chugga groove consistently was not happening. And with the added pressure of the live moment, I lost the groove, lost my way, and abandoned ship. Thankfully I had a dry run, to show that every now and then I could pull it off.

Most of my playing has been done solo. I don’t think my timing is terrible, even if I am not a super tight, locked onto an internal metronome player. Perhaps if I had started in the Musopia App era I might have got more into the playing with a backing, but I didn’t. The TRIO backing band show the guitarist no mercy, they just keep playing and you just got to keep up. I look forward to more time with the TRIO as (hopefully) healthy fingers return.

In the absence of guitar, I decided to try my hand at chess. I’d learned the most basic of basics in primary school but never really got into it. Nothing like the way my (younger) brother did, perhaps that was part of the problem. Anyhow, he has been getting back into it over the last couple of years, so I thought why not. It has proved to be a lot of fun and gives us much to talk about. And before you ask, I guess my chess is as good (or bad) as my guitar playing.

Life is full of ups and downs, twists and turns (and potholes in SA) in the road. And all one can do is master one’s response to circumstances. I’ve struggled a bit the last few months but have another original song cooking in my DAW and am just about ready to perhaps learn a new song or two.

Till the next chapter, take care, be well, and keep on keeping on!

My Music

My YouTube Channel | SoundCloud Years Archive


Guitars: Fender Paramount PM-1 Deluxe | Honer Resonator | PRS SE Custom 22 Semi-Hollow | Celebrity CC67 (Nashville strung)
Amp: Blackstar ID15:TVP
Pedals: TC Helicon Play Acoustic | TC Electronics Ditto Looper | Caline Pure Sky Overdrive | Digitech Trio+ & footswitch
Mics: Samson CO3 | AKG D5 | Shure 545SD Unidyne III
AI: Focusrite Scarlet 2i2 | Behringer UMC404HD
Software Tools: Reaper | Guitar Pro

Learning Log Chapters

#28 6th JGversary
#27 Discover Your Voice
#26 5th JGVersary
#25 The three types of songs
#24 Biennial (The SoundCloud Years)
#23 About the 3Ps: Practicing Playing Performing
#22 Funny how it goes, just going as it flows
#21 My 4th JGversary
#20 5000th Forum post and 4 keys to learning
#19 My 3rd JGversary
#18 First Open Mic and setting up the Playroom
#17 My 2nd JGversary
#16 First live performance
#15 First two originals and winning the Forum Contest
#14 18 month update
#13 My 1st JGversary
#12 Going beyond my dreams
#11 September songs and success
#10 RC up to date, 8.5 month reflection
#9 A severe attack of GAS
#8 It’s not a linear journey
#7 Consolidation, Forum Contest, and BC Stage 4
#6 The onset of GAS
#5 Joining the Community and my first recording
#4 First time playing in public
#3 Beginning Justin’s BC
#2 Starting the guitar adventure
#1 Discovering a love of music


O My …David :flushed:

Congratulations on your 7th milestone here … and what a year it has been for you … I enjoyed reading that you enjoyed your holiday :smiley: :sunglasses: :partying_face: in an environment that I often see … so often, very often , but only on television :smiling_face_with_tear: … but I’m genuinely happy for you.

Your health indeed leaves something to be desired, but progress is cherished … and maybe what I type will help … I myself have had chronic gout for more than 20 years (yes, that sentence is actually incorrect, isn’t it). 2 types of medication and I got more and more inflammation but different types in my fingers and the rest of my body… now I have been pain free for over 4 years without medication… so keep hope…and keep playing…

Thanks for a lot :sunglasses: :mending_heart:

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Always thoroughly enjoy reading your updates, David, you have a very great way with words.

Congratulations on your 7th JGversary. No matter what life has thrown at you over the years you have risen above the challenges and achieved so much along the way.

You are an inspiration to this community, set a great example to others and always ever so helpful and encouraging.

It’s been a pleasure following your progress and delightful to see that YouTube alert pop up informing that you have uploaded new content.

Looking forward to hearing your latest original when it’s fresh out of the oven ready to be served to the community.

Wish you a merry christmas and all the best for the new year.

Take care and keep on keeping on.

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Oh dear this is a reminder that I have not done my own year end review ! :scream:

Despite an up and down year and the current problems, you are still moving forward.
So thank you for your friendship, support and encouragement and for all that you do on these hallowed pages.

New year new broom or something like that. Look forward to you bouncing back and sitting in that saddle again.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


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Great update David, you always write a good log. Hopefully 2024 will see health improvements and medical stability.
Yes time does indeed fly. I look forward to more songs (originals or covers) from you in the coming year. I anticipate the usual banter and chat in the Community along with the support and encouragement you offer to all of us here.
Keep on keeping on my friend.

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Great review of your 7th year, David. Congratulations!

I hope health matters settle down for you this year and you can get back to that guitar malarkey stuff :guitar:

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David, a great read as always.

I know I said this last year already (or maybe the year before, time flies!), but I still remember one of your earliest AVOYP videos of you playing in the parking lot. You’ve kept going and come far no matter the obstacles on the way.

Looking forward to hear from you again very soon.

Take care and all the best with health and guitar playing (and everything else) in 2024!

Happy Christmas my friend!

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Hello David,

Firstly, a very hearty congratulations my friend. Seven years is a terrific achievement. It takes committment, discipline, and perserverance; but we all know it is much more with you.
You’ve been a central figure in this community for several years, and have played a large part in the moulding of its great ethos and success.

It was a pleasure to collaborate with you earlier this on your Blues piece. A very enjoyable experience, and an educational one. Perhaps another one next year when things are on the up - bit of ‘Old Dog Blues’ maybe.

I’m saddened to hear your reflection on the year has not been great. Of course, your health issues were of a great concern to many of us, and I for am grateful for some positive outcomes.

On the guitar front, perceived progress, achievements etc is an intensely personal thing, but I for one have enjoyed your AVOYPs, and always admire your seemingly relaxed playing. And of course your contribution to this community is highly respected, and admired.

In times of personal difficulty, whether it be guitar related, or otherwise, I’ll sometimes throw my hands up in resignation, and say to my wife, " Oh well, it is said that great men often endure hard lives". I invariably get the ‘eye-roll’, buy hey it makes me feel better :nerd_face:.

In all seriousness though, congratulations mate. You’ll always be a success in my eyes, every year. Let’s hope 2024 is your biggest yet.

All the very best,

Cheers Shane

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Enjoyed this update, David! Regardless of how many tunes you put out there you remain a dedicated member of the community , that’s easy to see. Glad you got a chance for a little getaway, it sounds nice. And while health issues have kept you from playing as much as you’d like I hope you’ve been enjoying a feast of listening! That’s been my alternative when playing less than I’d like :slightly_smiling_face:.

If you don’t mind continuing your winning streak I might challenge you to a chess game in the next little while :slightly_smiling_face:

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@roger_holland @Socio @TheMadman_tobyjenner @sairfingers @BurnsRhythm @glpguitar @sclay @Mari63

Thank you all for taking the time to read and reply. I so appreciate the care, support, encouragement.

Mari, happy to play chess again if it takes your fancy.


We’ve been around here for similar length of time, David, and every time I read your LL, I am left with the weird feeling of how much we have in common, as well as our differences.
I’m so glad you took on the role of Third Musketeer . Not only for the forum’s sake, but I am guessing the commitment keeps you in much closer contact with the community, especially when ‘real life’ issues raise their head and pull you away from the guitar world…
We’ve mentioned many times how unimportant the rate of progress is and although I wish you a speedy return to your usual self, we both know you’ll continue moving in the right direction.
Hope you have a great 2024 :smiley:

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David, it sounds like it’s been a challenging year for you. Having our health is so fundamental to what we can do with the rest of our lives - let alone guitar - that if we’ve got it, we just take it for granted, and if we have health issues, it defines everything else.

I hope that your latest change in prescription helps you get back to a quality of life that will allow you to spend more time with the guitar, and the other things you enjoy doing.

I haven’t been around the forum for as long as some, but I’ve think I’ve been around long enough (and viewed enough of your back catalogue) to say that I think the last year has also seem some of your best all-round performances, particularly at the JGC OMs. Cortez the Killer & Heaven’s Door.

It’s always good to read your learning log updates. It was great to read you’ve spent some time away with your family. And thanks so much for being a core member (and mod!) of the community.

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I started a few months before you but am nowhere near as advanced, maybe I don’t play enough. Given the similar time we have been playing I have been impressed with your progress. I hope you can put your medical issues behind you enough that you can spend more time with the guitar(s).

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Well @DavidP , like happens alot around these here parts! You, and the many other regular community members have inspired me to get my first, well, for lack of better words “mashed” learning log in place. From beginnings to years end review. I have been a member now for a bit over a year. I will have to check when I actually joined. May be quite the write up.

P.S. - You seem to be driven to play no matter what! I believe that is a big part of keeping on playing and progressing. Obviously the meds and taking care of yourself is massive part as well! :wink: However I find motivation a very powerful tool! Here’s to many more years of playing bliss!! :partying_face::beer: .

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@brianlarsen @jkahn @skinnyt @Dman74

Thanks guys, I do appreciate all the comments, the encouragement.

It is true that I find massive value in being an active member of the Community. I have always spent so much time in the Community that many would say that more time playing would be a better choice. And that was before being asked to join the JG team as a Mod (probably why I was asked, chicken and egg).

But after many failed attempts to learn to play from the moment I first decided I wanted to be able to play, the difference that made the difference and enabled the progress made was Justin’s Beginner Course (as it was when I started) AND the Community.

As such my desire to support and encourage others in their adventures, is a high priority, to give to others more than others have given to me. It goes well with my own sense of purpose and actualisation (as per Maslow). My happiest most fulfilling place is where I am able to contribute to another’s learning, growth, and fulfillment. I see that in my role at work, in my years in Toastmasters, and here in the JG Community.

And over time if that has slowed my own progress as a musician that’s fine. No regrets. In fact, the fact that I can call myself a musician, irrespective of my play-grade, is more than I bargained for on Dec 16th, 2016 when I picked up the guitar for one final attempt. A few original songs, collaborations, live performances (both Community OM and the local music club), lessons with Justin, contributing as a Mod … I would not have believed it had you told me I’d accomplish that when I started.

Now, as people particularly in sports like to say, I am in a difficult moment. I can’t lie and say I have been resilient and persevered, pushed through. But in my mind I have not thrown in the towel and will find the way back into action.

And all the support and encouragement from the Community is a motivator.