First Steps in Blues Improvisation using Minor Pentatonic Scale Pattern 1

Or throw on an acoustic blues backing track from YouTube if you have a decent speaker system.

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@mfeeney0110 THereā€™s always these lessons too

And this section of the AVOYP


I would be all in on ā€œSolo Blues Guitarā€ if the songs were traditional blues songs, instead of Justinā€™s compositions. No knock on Justinā€™s composing abilities, but itā€™s just more motivating if you are learning well-known songs. I suppose there might be copyright issues involved, but I would think that there of lots of blues standards in the public domain.

Maybe a follow-up course could teach such songs.

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Hi Richard ā€¦ is there an change I can get this backing track as a mp3 please ?:blush:

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The tracks that are made by justinguitar on soundcloud often have a download file button that you can use once you create a free account on soundcloud.

This backing track gave me the file 03 Track 03.mp3

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But you need to grow an extra finger to play that one from soundcloud :wink:


Bit late to this thread but finding it very useful as I am trying to progress my learning of basic blues.
Lots of great advice from Richard and others in these pages/ comments and your link to this old Justin very helpful - thanks.
Just wondering if you know if the improvisation that Justin played is available in tab format anywhere please?
If not then no worries as I will watch again - and again - and work it outšŸ˜Š

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Hi Huw, welcome to the Community.
Iā€™m glad this topic is proving useful to you.

It was an improv and Justin definitely wonā€™t have transcribed a tab for it. If youā€™re up for the challenge, you could try yourself. :slight_smile:

Hi Huw and welcome to this community and I can read Richards advice if you need help in doing this just ask and I will help you if you find it to difficult cheers Hec


Hi Both. Thanks for quick responses and advice.
As suggested, I will give this a go myself - good practice.
Finding all the blues tips/ guidance/lessons etc very useful as I try to focus in on this ahead of thinking about any immersion in the future!

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What does this mean by ā€˜in different keysā€™? Is this just playing the same licks but on fret 3 (for G) and fret 10 (for D)?

So for the first lick it would be frets 3 and 6 for G and 10 and 13 for D? Is that right?

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So whatever the Key the piece is, that will be the same Root note of the Pentatonic scale that your riff is based on for the most part.


Spot on Stuart. The scale is movable as are the licks. Be guided by the fret position of the root note.


Coming right back to this from the start

Iā€™d ā€™learntā€™ it before but actually I hadnā€™t. I simply learnt enough to memorise going down shape 1 and back up then sliding to shape 2 and doing the same, and so on and so on. So I ā€˜knowā€™ all 5 shapes but really I donā€™t know how to use them and interact correctly. Didnā€™t know all the root positions or any licks etc

So Iā€™m going back to shape 1 and just going to focus there, learn the actual note positions and know it inside out before I move on