French language songs

… and someone above mentioned Les Rita Mitsouko but this huge hit deserves a link :smiley:

Apart from PB, the only other belgian band that I know is Triggerfinger, and they’re ace! Unfortunately looking at their website, it looks like the band broke up last year :cry:

And I know it’s in English but what the hell…

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There’s also Hooverphonic from Belgium

and Puggy

My French must be improving- I understood every word! :rofl:
I’m sure a Belgian music thread will come along some day…


oupsy true , they dont sing in french

There has been no news about Triggerfinger quitting, only the bassist quit last year and was replaced. I saw them with the new bassist in June last year.

And if those are the only Belgian bands you know, you have a hell of a lot of catching up to do😉

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For people who are not only wanting ( hard ) rock songs

Some Stephan Eicher

And Calogero

I didnt know there was Casimir in the video XD

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Stefan Eicher studied in nearby Zurich when I lived in Switzerland in the early 80s. He sings in Swiss German, German, French, Italian & Romansch. Here’s one of his earlier new-wavy hits singing in French about the riverside walk in Zurich.

Trivia: I heard an interview with him, where he regrets making the grammatical error of singing “Tous les filles” when it should be “Toutes les filles” Oh, the shame… :roll_eyes: :rofl:

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I cannot believe this one hasn’t been posted yet. One of the best Frenchies out there.


So now I can’t restist any more to post another classic

Driving along Promenade du Solei in Menton and then along Cote d’ Azur… :heart_eyes:, sigh!!!

And then this well known guy came and picked it up:

Well… If we lift the rock restriction… then there is of course this melancholic song as well…

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Just a French language thread. The rock is Toby’s head :laughing:


no guitar and a bit fed up of the cliche of french = Piaf … we’re not in the 40s 50 s anymore …

there , its french , with a guitar ( lute is a kind of guitar ) and even older than Piaf

The best of two worlds :sunglasses:
This was our greatest singer in my eyes with an equally great wife/girlfriend (no lovers who shared bed, but everything else). …And I mean Ramses and Liesbeth


That was very kitschy and very, very beautiful, Rogier :slightly_smiling_face:

Starting to wonder to we “need” a non-English-language song thread then, because besides your Heideröslein (or what was their name?) and Zwangere Guy I actually don’t know any good acts performing in Dutch resp. flemish e.g. … :nerd_face: :thinking: :smiley: :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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Aaa, then there is still a world to discover :sunglasses:… but baby steps, very little people, steps… next door the bathroom is being demolished and I am without music all day long (headphones longer than 10 minutes don’t work for me)… I thought a good time to listen to French music here :joy:

Nice one Rogier, even if there are some ‘unintelligible’ parts :rofl:

Back to the ‘purists’ Manu Chao (sings in Spanish/ Italian/French & English) but has a whole album in sung only in French. It is gentler than much of his other more ‘energetic’ output, but very beautiful. Siberie m’etait contee

Helno est mort is a dedication to his friend Helno (from the band Les Negresses Vertes) who died from a heroin overdose at the age of 29 :cry:

Here’s a more up-tempo version of J’ai besoin de la lune (originally on Siberie…) :sunglasses:

An when one hears Manu Chao , one has to think La mano negra too !!!

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Amadou & Mariam are a blind musician couple from Bamako, Mali.
they sing in African, French and English
Damon Albarn from Blur produced Welcome to Mali

and In African and French

Manu Chao produced the album Dimanche a Bamako :sunglasses: