Grade 2 Finger Style First Steps - HOTRS - ish

Going through grade 2 right now, so here’s my attempt at practicing this fingerstyle pattern.

This is (loosely) the chord progression for House of the Rising Sun, slowed down - when I play with the app I usually practice at 80% of full tempo. Also, I’m playing the “regular” F chord, instead of the mini-F Justin suggests on the lesson - for whatever reason I find the barre chord easier to fret than the mini-F, although sometimes it still sounds a bit muffled.


This was very good, tempo was consistent and your chord changes smooth, great job :+1:

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Hi Claudio,

You are way too modest, great job man :sunglasses: :clap: :sunglasses:
Grade 2 and you are going smooth and fast :sunglasses: and keep it up

And this version could easily have had its own topic and/or been included in your own learning log :sunglasses:

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I agree with Rogier! Too modest! You are doing well with what I see as excellent progress in this style, good economy of motion, keeping pretty good time & nice chord changes throughout the progression! Just keep going and gradually increase the tempo! :+1:t2:
Oh, attempt to sing when you feel like you have the playing of the song memorized! :smiling_imp:


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Great job !
That mini F… I use F7

As to false nails, are there not some sort of picks that can go on the ends of your fingers ?

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Bravo, Claudio, all looked and sounded good to my eyes and ears.

Keep on doing what you’re doing!

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Hello Claudio, very well done :clap::+1:. You played the melody smoothly. It was an enjoyable listen :blush:.
And regarding the F chord. Although the barre version is a real challenge for me, I find the mini F also more difficult (and it doesn’t sound so nice…).
Keep on the good work :smiley:!

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Good job dude! Great playing, consistent tempo, what’s not to like?

Keep going with the mini F. I reckon it was harder for me to learn than the F barre as well. But it’s SO useful, and loads of songs use it. This one in particular, it allows you to do the chord progression with the bass line escalating in pitch.


That is very impressive heckler.

Your notes ring out clean and precise and the tempo is steady. Your making good music.
You have very good posture too imho.
Great job man.

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Nicely done, nothing wrong with the tempo, it’s open to interpretation when you’re playing it this way. Keep it up, you’re doing very well!

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I have a set of those which connect to the fingers by pressure (they wrap around). But I did not quite like them, and never got used to - but mine are cheap metallic ones, with a finish that is not perfectly smooth, so they give a bit of a “rasping” sound when contacting the strings. I may have to try again at some point with hard plastic ones, which (IMHO) better approximate the feel of a hard guitar pick.

That’s good advice, I will certainly have to put the effort to play the mine-F, rather than just giving-up on it because right now if feels much more difficult.

Nice and smooth Claudio. Sounded great to me.

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That was terrific Claudio, and more than first steps in my book. Really steady tempo you kept all the way through and all chord changes nice and smooth. I also find full F easier than mini F and you have to really listen to identify any muffled ones in your performance.

Awesome job Sir :+1:

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Solid performance Claudio, nice and smooth as others have said.

F barre or mini ? Best advice I heard was stay out of the Bass players way, so worth working on the mini F. Its a shame Justin badges them as a “cheat” these days, kind of makes folks think the Barre is THE way to go. But in most songs the “mini” will be used rather than the full barre. And the first I was taught back in the day way the 4 string version, which cropped up in loads and loads of songs. Worth pursuing.

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Very nice Claudio. Sounded good to my ears and great work on the fingerstyle.

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Good steady tempo, well done Claudio!

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