How do I mark all posts as read?

It needs to do the ‘latest’ as well!

I see Latest doesn’t have a Dismiss option but does dismissing in Unread not achieve that, Stuart?

I suppose Latest would always have posts in it and once Dismissed they’d be in the faded font?

I have not gone back to read all that was written on this issue but maybe making use of New and Unread would do the trick? I find I mostly use those options since I set them up to be displayed on my home page. You can do that in the Preferences.

No because I nothing in Unread at the moment and hundreds unread in latest. It needs something in ‘latest’.


I use New all the time (first port of call!) but don’t read everything (in fact not a lot) so get vey little in Unread.

@LievenDV Lieven please can you review the last few posts and comment further.

Stuart, I’m now not sure about Latest vs Unread.

I’m not either. Never understood why my Unread count goes up, especially as is in some cases it’s posts I’ve not read!!

Maybe worth checking this topic

Its my understanding that the unread posts are the posts which the system has setup as Tracking. The ones on the latest section are both unread posts which are set as Tracking and Normal.

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Latest is every thread ever created on this Forum from latest to the very first thread. This is why there is no dismiss button.

Unread are posts that you have read at on time and someone has posted a new reply to that thread since you last read it. @Stuartw This post will appear in you unread because I just posted this comment and you haven’t read it yet.

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I’m not sure what it is that you’re asking for here. In the same sentence you say you have no unread posts at the moment but hundreds of unread in latest! It can’t be both.

Unread posts are posts that either you or the system has set to ‘Tracking’. (any set to ‘Watching’, such as your own topics, are also classed as unread) They appear on lists with a count of the unread posts in a pale blue disc.

Topics that are set to ‘Normal’ appear on lists with the total number of posts in the thread. (no disc)

Do these hundreds of unread topics have the blue disc?

Forgotten I had started that one!! Still doesn’t answer the question though. At the moment my Unread is a 3 (because I dismissed a lot at the weekend) but on the 3 I have only set one to ‘watching’ so why do i get the other 2?

Why would it do that. I’ve not set these up.

It does you are right, but how does the system know that I have rad a thread? All a bit big brother.

It most certainly is! As I have said I have 3 Unread but there are 100’s in Latest that I haven’t read.

As I said I have only set one to watching, and it’s not this one.


This is very easily sorted. Get rid of Unread and just have one list. If you read a post it greys out and if unread then it’s bold. You then just need one button to ‘mark all read’ as the Bentley forum I’m a member of. This Bentley the software company that provides the CAD program I use, and not Bentley the car company.

You have logged in so the system tracks what threads you have clicked on.
By default all threads are set on tracking it is up to you set each thread how you want.
You can set whole categories to mute or just individual threads if you don’t ever want to see any posts in that category.

This system doesn’t have a Mark as Read so that’s probably why you’re not getting how this forum works. The only areas you need to check is new and unread. If it bothers you that you haven’t read every thread on this forum don’t look at Latest.
Also if you read a thread in New or Unread and it doesn’t interest you mark it as Mute and you will never see it again, it won’t even show up in Latest.


I think the default is ‘Normal’ not ‘Tracking’

It sounds like you are not making use of the topic controls.
As Rick says, if you set topics that you want to follow to ‘Tracking’, they will appear on the unread list when there’s new posts on them.

If you leave topics on ‘Normal’ they won’t appear on the unread list.

If you set topics to ‘Watching’, they will appear on the unread list and you will get email notifications for every post on the thread.
I never use the ‘Mute’ setting.

Like Rick says, you don’t need to look at the Latest list if you set these topic controls. You can just look at New and Unread.

The system automatically changes a topic control from Normal to Tracking if you have read in that topic for a certain length of time.

You can set that length of time in Preferences - Interface

A mate of mine is a nutter. He bought an old Bentley. (car, not software)!

the “Latest” is different from the “Unread”.
Latest is global, unread is personal

Latest is “latest” in reverse chronological order for everyone, Unread is your personal unread which you can use Dismiss to mark as read, and is based on your personal settings of what categories you are watching.

Here are some things that might help

You can control what is under “New” for you by changing your Account > Notifications:

You can also manage the default status of categories.
It might take a bit of work to gather which ones apply to you but it will enhance your personal experience


Unfortunately not correct. If I just relied on Unread and New I would miss out on the opportunity of reading other posts that come under Latest. See screenshot below for what I’m seeing at the moment.

Probably not but there again I don’t read many of the posts. I generally check latest for ‘interesting’ posts. I have set tracking to one thread only as far as know.

Not quite as there are unread posts in Latest!

If you set to watching or tracking!

Didn’t know that but will check them out thanks.

@Stuartw Everyone of those thread where in new at one time. You must not have read them when they where New and you default New setting is probably set for 2 days.
Set it for Last visited
Follow the instructions Lieven posted.

They were ‘new’ at one point as you say (which I dismissed) but obviously when someone responds they are not New but become Latest.

Will do. Let’s see if that works.

Mine doesn’t look like your screenshot. See below.

If you dismissed them they won’t show up under New or Unread. That’s what dismiss does. You’re telling the Forum your are not interested in that thread. They will show up under latest because that’s what latest is. It is every thread ever posted on the forum unless you have Muted them.

@Stuartw I think you should try viewing the forum by Category instead of latest.
For example if you click on the Community Hub Category it will bring up a list just like latest. It will have a Unread and New buttons. You can scan for interesting posts read the one you think you’d like and dismiss the rest. They will show up in latest but will be greyed out like the ones you’ve read. This way the lists will be shorter and easier to skim though. After doing this for a few days the list of Unread post in latest will be less and only the ones in Categories that you haven’t visited will show up as Unread.