JGC Open Mic XVIII / 18 - Call For Interest

Hi Tobby,
No idea if I can sit upright until the start or long after, but to avoid the risk of missing an OM unnecessarily, I would like to reserve a ticket for tonight :sunglasses:.

I wish everyone a lot of anticipation and a super evening … ENJOY :partying_face: :guitar: :notes: :microphone:


And of course UTC + 2 :grin:
(i think the pencil at the top betray me :roll_eyes:)


@KevinKevan @roger_holland seats booked guys, DM to follow with link.
Thanks for your support.


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@TheMadman_tobyjenner Thank you Toby. Received. :+1:

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Look forward to the catch up. With all the sport on tv 03000 will be a bridge too far for me tonight :scream:

Good luck all. :+1:

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Hello. I’m not sure where to make the request or when but I’d sure like to be at least an audience member for the next OM. Yesterdays OM was very special. I would very much like try to perform at one as well. Bruce

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@Brucie Bruce each Open Mic is announced via a Call For Interest post/topic like this one. I will be issuing the next one sometime in the next 24 hours. To perform, there is criteria that must be met, which is explained here. If you meet that criteria you can apply to perform. There is no restrictions on audience applications, you just have to ask for a β€œseat”.

Hope that helps.


Wonderful. Thx, Bruce

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