JGC Open Mic XXIII / 23 Call For Interest

I need to pass on this one as a performer but please add me to the audience, thanks Eric

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I’d love a seat in the audience for this one thanks! UTC +1

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Audience please Toby, I need to knuckle down to better practice at the moment. Until I hear another song that makes me think “oh go on then” :wink: :rofl:

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I will contact the successful Performer Applicants via DM in the next 24 hours.

Thanks to all who applied.


Audience seats booked for


Welcome to the Community Christian :+1:

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Audience seat for me, please :hugs:.
Thanks, Toby.

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I would like a spot in the audience please.
UTC -4 (EDT)

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Seat booked Carolyn, thanks for the support. Oops and yours Nicole @NicoleKKB


Hey Toby,
I have a lot of travel over next few months so I’m not positive I’ll make it.
But in case I can, I’d like an audience seat. UTC-7

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Seat booked Dale, just in case.

Is there an open mic tonight?

Ian @MadModMcd
No it is in two weeks time.


Can I have an audience place please Toby.? UK time :+1:

Hi Toby. Can I have an audience slot please? Looking forward to this one.

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Seats booked for @MadModMcd and @ToshS :+1:


Please add me to the audience list.

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Hi Toby, can you put me down for an audience seat please.

UTC :uk:

Cheers, David

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Michael, David, seats booked.

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Just a heads up to say I will be DMing audience members this weekend but here’s your ticket in advance !!


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