Are you sure that the first bit is played arpeggio? I thought it was pick the 4th, 5th or 6th string (depending on the chord) and then strum the remaining strings. I’m sure that’s how Justin shows it in the video.
I might be muddling my terminology… when I play it, I pick the thickest 2 strings of each chord individually and strum the remaining thin strings
That’s how I play it as well!
Day 77 :
Trained on finger stretches and crawling as a warm up
Played on Yousician for 46 minutes
Trained on changing chords C G Am F major 7 ( 22 in 45 secs )
Knowledge level 4 : Scale minor blues : got gold on the exercise
Played The scientist by coldplay for picking control
Played blaze of Glory ( training for strumming on F major 7 with a C bass )
I Trained on kiss from a rose by Seal ( level 4 ) at 70 % speed
( training for strumming on F major 7 with a C bass )
Played Losing my religion ( training for strumming on F major 7 with a C bass )
grade 2 in JG :
I trained on the stuck 3&4 chords
I watched a video grade 2 module 14 : stand up
Yes I skipped quite a bit in the lessons cause I was interested in trying to play while standing up
So I tried it after watching the video
I Trained on changing chords G C D Em ( 26 in 45 secs )
I played a basic melody level 2 called: Wolf
and Played Set fire to the rain by Adele
and it went well , far better than i thought it would !!!
I made a few mistakes but not so much so i was very pleased
And I had less pain in my left shoulder
From now on I will add to my practice sessions : train on playing while standing up
I will go back to songs from level 2 or 3 to make it easier et re learn how to place my hands and strum in this position
Hi Deborah, good progress on your guitar learning. Some guitar things are easier for some persons than others. Good you have overcome those feeling stuck moments by just keeping on keeping on. Sometimes it has been useful for me going back to the lesson and finding that I’m doing something wrong. I like the way that Justin suggests how to finger power chords with a soft barre over the three thinnest strings to mute them and avoid them sound accidentally (Module 12). About standing up, I’ve found that Justin’s advice about adjusting the strap to the same length I use while sitting works for me. I mostly practice sitting but I move to standing position when practicing for OMs and for some AVOYPs. For me the position of the hands is not quite different between standing and sitting, but it took me a while to accustom to have the guitar hanging instead of supported on my leg. You can start with Justin’s advice and from there try other lengths and see which one suits you better (it may be one those very low positions some rock guitarist play theirs that look very uncomfortable). About songs I have the same approach than you, playing a song for exercise is like any other exercise and has to be done to progress despite if it’s a song that I really like it or not. If you haven’t done so, you may do a list of songs that you really like that you may want to learn in the future. It can help with your motivation as far as you manage your expectations and identify what you need to learn to play them in the future in case you try and some of them are not currently within your skill level. Keep using your LL in whatever form is useful for you. If you don’t get replies to all of your posts it’s still good.
Im not in module 12 yet … im only at module 8
the only length i need is the one that will be comfortable for my left shoulder and easy to play at the same time
Like Justin said , I’ll experiment various length
Oh I know what I wanna play later but I m very far away from being able to play it
Fingerstyle is something I will need to work on
Thanks for your nice reply
Day 78 :
Trained on finger stretches and crawling as a warm up
Played on Yousician for 51 minutes
Trained on changing chords C G Am F major 7 ( 25 in 45 secs )
Trained on changing chords C G Am F major 7 standing up ( 22 in 45 secs )
Knowledge level 4 :
Played a mini game on ear training : identifying notes from the minor blues scale
Played scale major pentatonic first part , got gold
Played The scientist by coldplay for picking control
Standing up :
Played a basic melody level 2 called: Wolf
Played blaze of Glory ( training for strumming on F major 7 with a C bass )
Played Losing my religion ( training for strumming on F major 7 with a C bass )
grade 2 in JG :
I trained on the stuck 3&4 chords
Its easier to train on the F major 7 while standing up , the neck is at a better angle to play
Day 79 :
Trained on finger stretches and crawling as a warm up
Played on Yousician for 51 minutes
14 week streak
Trained on changing chords C G Am F major 7 ( 26 in 45 secs )
Trained on changing chords C G Am F major 7 standing up ( 26 in 45 secs )
I completed Level 4 on Yousician !!!
When I started playing again in january I felt like i would never complete this level …
It took me 14 weeks of hard work
And I still need a lot of practice on that F major 7 so … Its back to playing songs songs and songs !
Played The scientist by coldplay for picking control
Standing up :
Played a basic melody level 2 called: Wolf
Played blaze of Glory ( training for strumming on F major 7 with a C bass )
Played Losing my religion ( training for strumming on F major 7 with a C bass )
played Dreams by Fleetwood mac ( F G ) at 70% speed
Its only F and G so its a good training for F major 7
grade 2 in JG :
I trained on the stuck 3&4 chords
Congratulations on the Certificate. Your discipline and commitment will continue to deliver in future.
Day 80 :
Trained on finger stretches and crawling as a warm up
Played on Yousician for 42 minutes
Trained on changing chords C G Am F major 7 ( 25 in 45 secs )
Trained on changing chords C G Am F major 7 standing up ( 28 in 45 secs )
Standing up :
Played The scientist by coldplay for picking control
Played a basic melody level 2 called: Wolf
Played the Challenge of the week a song called With you ( training for F major 7 and strumming )
played Dreams by Fleetwood mac ( F G ) at 70% speed and 80 %
Played Losing my religion ( training for strumming on F major 7 with a C bass )
Day 81 :
Played on Yousician for 28 minutes
Trained on changing chords C G Am F major 7 standing up ( 25 in 45 secs )
Standing up :
Played The scientist by coldplay for picking control
Made only 2 mistakes on 7 parts
Played a basic melody level 2 called: Wolf
Played the Challenge of the week a song called With you ( training for F major 7 and strumming )
played Dreams by Fleetwood mac ( F G ) at 70% speed and 80 %
Played Losing my religion ( training for strumming on F major 7 with a C bass )
Played blaze of Glory ( training for strumming on F major 7 with a C bass )
Do you feel that I want to know that bloody F ?
I want to play it better before starting on a new lesson on JG
Day 82 :
Trained on finger stretches and crawling as a warm up
Played on Yousician for 37 minutes
Trained on changing chords C G Am F major 7 standing up ( 25 in 45 secs )
Standing up :
Played The scientist by coldplay for picking control
I did it !!!
I finally played it without doing any mistake , the whole song while standing up
that’s the kind of moment where I feel im making progress
I almost know it by heart now
Played a basic melody level 2 called: Wolf
Played a song called With you ( training for F major 7 and strumming )
played Dreams by Fleetwood mac ( F G ) speed and 80 %
Played Losing my religion ( training for strumming on F major 7 with a C bass )
Played blaze of Glory ( training for strumming on F major 7 with a C bass )
grade 2 in JG :
I trained on the stuck 3&4 chords for 1 minute
I’m not up to where you’re up to Deborah, so I don’t know what a stuck chord is, but would mucking around with them by making your own tune / chord progression be more fun than just the minute changes? It might make it a bit more changeable like it would with a song, but you’d just be playing along to your own tune with a metronome to keep your rhythm.
true but the goal of the exercise is to practice on chords i struggle with so it being not fun is not really a problem
I play songs after for fun
This exercise is really different and essential
Keeping the rythm on the metronome is an entirely different exercise , not focusing on the same stuff i want to learn
I’ll practice the E minor pentatonic scale with a metronome for the rythm
and songs helps me practice on the strumming / keeping the rythm and its fun
songs / metronome / 1 minute changes are all different and are not focusing on the same stuff
for me its 3 different types of practice with 3 different goals
I use an app to practice the 1 minute changes so the order of the chords are never the same , it helps making it less boring
I never know what to expect
I feel like you are the composer type , loving to create some tunes aren t you ?
Lol, I am the incredibly impatient type and I am absolutely dying to create my own tunes. I’m just waiting to get smooth enough at the beginner chords and then I’ll bang out a ditty for sure, just so I’ve fed that part of me.
I am not that close to finishing the beginner grade, but I’ve done all the lessons, just so I had more variation in what I’m learning or I get too bored. I wish I were a savant, I just wanna get on with it.
Edit: I meant grade one, not the whole beginner one.
be careful to not rush
the boring part of learning is important to get a strong fondation on which you ll build your skill
Day 83 :
Trained on finger stretches and crawling as a warm up
Played on Yousician for 36 minutes
Trained on changing chords C G Am F major 7 standing up ( 25 in 45 secs )
Standing up :
Played a basic melody level 2 called: Wolf
Played Losing my religion ( training for strumming on F major 7 with a C bass )
Played blaze of Glory ( training for strumming on F major 7 with a C bass )
played Dreams by Fleetwood mac ( F G ) speed at 70 %
Played a song called With you ( training for F major 7 and strumming )
I practiced on kiss from a rose by seal on level 1 2 and 3 but I give up on the level 4
Its way too fast for me
I’ll come back to it maybe in a few months
grade 2 in JG :
I trained on the stuck 3&4 chords for 1 minute
Watched a video : Open E Minor Pentatonic Scale!
So I practiced on it for maybe 10 minutes
My yousician activity for last week
Day 84 :
Trained on finger stretches and crawling as a warm up
Played on Yousician for 24 minutes
Trained on changing chords C G Am F major 7 standing up ( 26 in 45 secs )
Standing up :
Played a basic melody level 2 called: Wolf
Played Losing my religion ( training for strumming on F major 7 with a C bass )
Played blaze of Glory ( training for strumming on F major 7 with a C bass )
played Dreams by Fleetwood mac ( F G ) speed at 70 %
Played a song called With you ( training for F major 7 and strumming )
Tried to start learning Hurt by Johnny Cash
grade 2 in JG :
Watched a video on the website : Muting Strings Deliberately
Practiced Open E Minor Pentatonic Scale!
How’s the standing and playing going? Both in terms of how it’s sounding and helping your comfort?
thanks for asking
I love it !!!
No more pain in my left shoulder and its way easier to play all the chords
I thought it would be super hard to learn to play but I was able to finish learning the scientist by Coldplay quite easily so it was no problem at all
I just have to be a little careful while strumming cause its easy to strum the E string when i shouldn’t
Will you try too ?