Mac's learning log

i ll give it a try !

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Day 49 :
I watched the video and tried the weak G
It seems ok so i played with it tonight
I need practice for speed improvement especially on songs like heart of gold

Trained on changing chords between C G Am Em ( 29 in 45 secs )
Trained on strumming and changing chords on Nobody to blame with the pattern down down up down down up at full speed ( practice for forcing changing chords )
Played heart of gold by Neil Young ( strum beat 1 )
Played what’s up ( strum beat 1 )
Played edge of seventeen ( strum beat 1 )
Played wish you were here ( strum beat 1 )

Played on Yousician for 29 minutes
Played Misirlou part 1 2 and 3 separatly
I got gold on the 3 parts !
I should probably try to play and gold them all together now …

Played Lean on me by Bill Withers ( basic melody ) ( practice for picking )
Gold all parts ( 9 parts )
Will try to play all the 9 parts together tomorrow

My Yousician activity for last week

I start to be a little bit sick of module 8 :rofl:


Day 50 :

I spent more time today on Yousician than on JG
Played on Yousician for 47 minutes

I trained on the challenge of the week : set fire to the rain by Adele( strumming pattern EM G D AM C )
I got gold after 3 tries but since its a great exercice , i ll practice on it all week :slight_smile:
Trained on changing chords between C G D Em ( 28 in 45 secs )
Played Lean on me by Bill Withers ( basic melody ) ( practice for picking ) 3 times
I did only one mistake on the 9 parts
Played Misirlou ( practice for picking ) 4 times
this one is still real hard

Trained on strumming and changing chords on Nobody to blame with the pattern down down up down down up at full speed ( practice for forcing changing chords )
Played what’s up ( strum beat 1 )

I started to make mistakes so i decided to call it a day
Cluster headache crisis started …

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Day 51 :

Trained on finger stretches ( i even re watched the video )
Trained on strumming and changing chords on Nobody to blame with the pattern down down up down down up at full speed ( practice for forcing changing chords )
Played what’s up ( strum beat 1 )
Played wish you were here ( strum beat 1 )
Played heart of gold ( strum beat 1 )
Played Mad world ( strum beat 1 then I tried to strum on it at 80 bpm )
I like this song so i ll work on it

Played on Yousician for 23 minutes

Played set fire to the rain by Adele ( Training for strumming pattern EM G D AM C )
Trained on changing chords between C G Am Em ( 35 in 45 secs )
Played Lean on me by Bill Withers ( basic melody ) ( practice for picking ) 2 times
I did only 2 mistakes on the 9 parts
Played Misirlou ( practice for picking ) 3 times

Maybe im too much of a perfectionnist by playing the whole exercice and trying to make no mistakes
I saw many people saying they pass to the next exercice with Silver stars … meaning its not perfect
I always aim for gold , and being able to play the whole exercice with no mistakes …


I was a perfectionist for most of my life and a few years ago I realised it was ruining my life, removing the joy it. I’ve learned to recognise “good enough “ and not give myself a hard time when things aren’t perfect (because they almost never are perfect).

I’m not familiar with the finer details of Yousician but I can guess roughly how it works. I think it’s good to aim for no mistakes just as long as it doesn’t end up getting in the way of enjoying playing your guitar. I think being a perfectionist is partly why I quit playing a few times over the years. My aim remains to get better at playing guitar but I’m much less bothered by the mistakes now, they’re just part of the journey. I’ll only eliminate them with more practice, but if I don’t find practice fun then I won’t do it and won’t get better. Perfectionism is a curse not a good thing in my eyes but it can be tamed because I’ve done it!

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I’ve been a bit absent in terms of LLs. Good to see you are keeping up your routines, Deborah

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Ah true
I should probably pass to the next exercise and not dwell too much on the same song
but i feel like if i m not able to play the whole song correctly at least once , i need to practice more
like … i m not ready / good enough for this level

its the same play along stuff than JG’s app
but on YS it tells you when you make a mistake ( a string not strummed or being early or too late , playing the wrong string or … not playing the note )
the more accurate you are , the more points you earn
Like @JokuMuu told me , it can really trigger the competitive side we all have

Jg’s rely more on the ear training which is a good thing

I should also probably move on to the next module

@DavidP yeah im still praticing , a little bit stuck on module 6 though


Keep at it and you’ll crack it in time.

i play the weak G instead


I think my approach would be if I know I can play all of the sections individually (not just once by a fluke) then if I don’t quite string them together in one play through then it doesn’t matter. I’d maybe revisit it later but wouldn’t keep hammering the same song for the sake of a gold star because sooner or later I’d get irritated by it


I am sooo glad that you went for the weak finger G :smiley:

As to Yousician, yes it does trigger the competitive side both when it comes to guitar and singing. I used to look down on Yousician a lot. I did not like the approach at all. Well, then I slipped on the ice and hurt my left arm real badly. Playing chords hurt my arm a lot when I dared to play again… but I did not want to keep from playing foe an even longer time… So, I checked Yousician since you, @MacOneill and other people had mentioned it quite frequently in the recent weeks…

So, I tested it and noticed that playing riffs and melodies was much more forgiving on my bruised arm. Nice coincidence, since I had spent very little time on the riffs in Grade 1 for example.

And, yes it triggers competitiveness a lot. Both when it comes to guitar and singing. In some way Yousician and JG beginner courses seem to complete each other. JG will always be my main source when it comes to learning guitar and especially playing songs yet, the exercise in Yousician are a helpful addition for me.

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Ys is really just a fun addition but JG will remain the main structure for guitar learning

yup thanks to those who showed it to me :slight_smile:

hmm ok so tonight ill just try the parts separatly just to assure it was not a fluke and then move on to the next exercise

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Day 52 :

Trained on finger stretches
Trained on strumming and changing chords on Nobody to blame with the pattern down down up down down up at full speed ( practice for forcing changing chords )
Played what’s up and tried to strum on it
I can follow the beat but the hand is way too static playing always the same notes , it kills the hand
Played Mad world ( strum beat 1 )

I started to watch 2 videos from the next module : Consolidation and polishing , module 7

Played on Yousician for 30 minutes

Played set fire to the rain by Adele ( Training for strumming pattern EM G D AM C ) 2 times
Trained on changing chords between C G D Em ( 25 in 45 secs )
Trained a bit on movable power chords ( A5 D5 C5 G5 ) at 70% speed
Played Misirlou, the 3 parts separately , gold them all again so goodbye Misirlou
i wont miss you
I start training on a new song ( basic melody )

i ll play it one part at a time
Already got gold on the first 2 parts intro and verse 1


Day 53 :

I couldnt play yesterday cause i finished working way too late ( 10 PM)

So today a lot happened

Trained on strumming and changing chords on Nobody to blame with the pattern down down up down down up at full speed ( practice for forcing changing chords )
Played what’s up ( strum beat 1 )
Played wish you were here ( strum beat 1 )

Played on Yousician for 36 minutes

Played set fire to the rain by Adele ( Training for strumming pattern EM G D AM C ) several times
i love working that part but since its a weekly challenge it will be removed in a few days :sob:
Played Lean on me by Bill Withers ( basic melody ) ( practice for picking )
Played Lost on you by LP ( practice to strum on the C chord )
Played on Dream on by Aerosmith ( practice to strum on the C chord )
Played Brown eyed girl by Van Morrison ( basic melody ) ( practice for picking )
Got gold on chorus 1 and verse 2 ( gold : 4 parts on 9 )
Trained on movable power chords ( A5 D5 C5 G5 )
Gold on part 1 ( there’s 5 parts )

My mother asked me to show her a bit what have learned so far
i made some mistakes but it went well :sweat_smile:

I went to a guitar teacher today
its a pro jazz player working in a music school near my house
i wanted to correct my G chord problem , now i know how to play it :slight_smile:
I need to train on it again for some time to get used to it so im still a bit stuck on module 6
let’s say its part of the consolidation
He also adjusted my guitar neck and strings ( my thin E string was buzzing )
now my guitar sounds real good

Shame on me i never noticed that there was still a plastic foil on my guitar :sweat_smile: :rofl:
he removed it :rofl:

it was really awesome having my guitar plugged into a real pro amp
He asked me what bands i love the most , since i answered Fleetwood mac he gave me some finger picking exercices
Now i will add it to my daily routine
I trained on finger picking for 10 minutes


Love your updates, Deborah. Sounds like you are making progress, doing well

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@DavidP thanks a lot

I did a recording of the song im working on at the moment

just to prove how i progress

I always stress a lot when i record , so i make more mistakes than i usually do :sweat_smile:



That is really neat accompaniment. Good toneand energy.


I think you played very nicely on time and cleanly. I just got a lot of distortion…might be on my end :slightly_smiling_face:

Next time something without backing track? :slightly_smiling_face:

that’s where it hurts … removing the backing track is a huge hurdle

Day 54 :

Trained on fingers streches and crawling
Trained on changing chords C D Em G ( 25 in 45 secs )
Trained on strumming and changing chords on Nobody to blame with the pattern down down up down down up at full speed ( practice for forcing changing chords )
it’s getting better and better
Played heart of gold ( strum beat 1 )
Played Mad world ( I tried to strum on it at 83 bpm )

Played on Yousician for 35 minutes

Played set fire to the rain by Adele ( Training for strumming pattern EM G D AM C )
Played Brown eyed girl by Van Morrison ( basic melody ) ( practice for picking )
Got gold on the whole exercice now i’ll try to play all the parts together
Trained on movable power chords ( A5 D5 C5 G5 )
Gold on part 2 ( there’s 5 parts )

Trained on fingerpicking exercices for 10 minutes

My yousician activity for last week

recording of the day :