Mac's learning log

Is it time for fresh strings?

No … the guitar teacher i went to touched it and now it sounds awfull …

i changed the strings just a few weeks ago

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thanks for your advices !

true , picking accurately too :smiley:
I need to find a mix of the two

true , i was surprised when i tried playing hot asphalt
my fingers were moving alone , i didn t know they could do it
Now i need them to make less mistakes

oh non please do come back :slight_smile:

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In the past I played some Rocksmith which I think is a similar thing to Yousician - Rocksmith isn’t a perfect learning tool but it really did teach me not to look at the guitar because as you say, when the notes come quickly you have to look at the screen. At first I was quite tentative, scared of making mistakes, but it’s best when you just go for it and see what happens. Yes there’ll be mistakes but probably not as many as you think

Rocksmith is more in the game category isnt it ?

YS is a tool to learn and practice , but JG teaches way better :slight_smile:
On YS you get stuck at the level of playing along
With JG you learn to be independent

true … from now on that’s what I’ll do
But it’s hard to do it on chord you’ve just learned
I get back to watching the strings with F ( not the same F form )

Practice is a very long road

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Probably true I’d say. It does have some lessons but I think most people just go straight to the songs. If you learn a song in Rocksmith then you will be able to play it properly outside of the game, solos and all but it’s not a very structured way to learn. The main similarity is the thing of needing to get used to not looking at the guitar in order to see what is coming next

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I wasn’t meaning permanently, just on this particular topic! :rofl:
Above all just know you’re doing great and we’re all here to help where we can :slight_smile:

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thanks a lot both of you
I feel a little better now :slight_smile:

@Notter @mattswain


Day 68 :

Trained on changing chords C D A E G ( 28 in 45 secs )
Played heart of gold ( strum beat 1 ) ( practice for G chord ) with metronome

My guitar sounds really too bad for playing …

Played on Yousician for 49 minutes

Played set fire to the rain by Adele ( Training for strumming pattern EM G D AM C )

Trained on power chords : still stuck

Played I aint got nobody ( Training for Picking control )
still stuck on part 4

Played The boys of summer by Don henley ( Training for strumming EM C G D )

Played Hot asphalt to celebrate St patrick’s day ( Em D G )
many mistakes …

Tried to have a bit of fun by playing blaze of Glory level 4 ( training for strumming on F )

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No guitar today

I have too much tension in my shoulders muscles and the pain is killing me
this is why i feel so bad and why i 've not been able to play correctly in the last few days
the tension irritated a nerve … huge pain

The pain is caused by my work and health issues … it’s not guitar related

I feared at the beginning that my health would stop me from playing … well it’s happening
I hope the pain will go away as soon as possible

Hi Deborah, I’m back :wink:

A break is as good as a rest as they say, but it’s not good to read you’re in pain, very sorry to hear that. And while not being able to play is obviously frustrating how about the opportunity to do some other music related stuff like Justin’s theory course if you’ve not looked at it yet?

You’ve been so dedicated and done so much, which is awesome, you are allowed days where you don’t play!!

I just don’t want to see you lose motivation through unnecessary high expectations, hope you don’t mind me saying :heart:


Deborah, I’m sorry to hear that you are feeling sick. Hopefully, everything will be better soon.

Don’t worry about the break. I took a 3 months break in summer due to adopting a baby dog and it did no harm.

Mark’s idea about the theory course is a great idea.

good idea !
I wanted to finish some stuff before starting on the theory ( like finishing the damn power chords )
i didn t want to work on too many subjects at the same time
I already had too many
but looks like i can use my free time on the theory

Dunno … Work will start to get even busier in the months to come so i will probably keep on having pain issues ( that’s why i see the physiotherapist twice a week )
I just wish that the pain in the left shoulder blade gets better a bit
Its like having a knife planted in my back

I’ll take 3 days off work for now
just some relaxing time , reading and planting some flowers in my tiny garden


Hi Mac, as a beginner I enjoyed reading through your journey so far

Made me think about a learning log to hold myself to account and give me something to look back on as I progress, so that I can compare myself to my former self rather than where I think I should be.


Mac, I haven’t been around much here in the last weeks and might not be for the next days because I’m so busy with and stressed from work (you know why).but I just wanted to say, I’m so sorry to hear about your pain.

I also think that @Notter Mark’s idea sounds good. Reading some music theory, perhaps checking what will be ahead in Grade 2 videos, mindful listening … and maybe - if you can maybe just 10 min guitar a day. Without pressure or ambition to improve anything specific… just try keeping guitar or guitar-related things (at least) a habit if somehow possible despite the pain…

Sending some of the sunshine we have had here today :sun_with_face:


you should definitely do that !
A log is a great tool to see how much you’ve progress
If one day you think you’re going nowhere, the log will tell you that, on the contrary , you’re doing just fine :slight_smile:

it’s not a good news to hear that you’re still under so much pressure :frowning:
I will try to stay in touch with my guitar
first of all ill bring it tomorrow in town to get it fixed ( i hope they ll be able to help me in the guitar shop )

we had pelnty of sunshine too , i spent the afternoon planting flowers :slight_smile:
no heavy lifting just some easy digging

I sent my documents for you know what , wih me luck
answer in a couple of months i think

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Day 69 :

I only Played on Yousician for 24 minutes

I tried something new
I put the guitar on my left thigh to see if it eases the pain … it worked a bit , at least i ve been able to play a little
the angle was better for picking

Trained on power chords : still a catstrophe
this is the exercise im working on :

Im stuck on the last part
watching the video i realised that i was not playing the right note XD
there are 2 E5 and i misunderstood which one i should play somewhere in the song !!!
its a revelation :open_mouth:

Played I aint got nobody ( Training for Picking control )

Stuck in the last part here too
I always make mistake at the ending
I will slow down the speed and work on it regularly

Played blaze of Glory ( training for strumming on F )
I made mistakes on the C chord cause playing with the guitar on the left thigh makes it too easy to strum the E string when i should not XD

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Watched you play when johnny comes marching home and I was marvelling at how easily your hand was moving to the chords. :grinning:

ah lol no its not me man
I wish id play like that
Its just a random video to show what Im working on
I should really buy a camera to avoid such misunderstanding :sweat_smile:

ahhhh! :rofl: :rofl:

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