Making a Repertoire Book

Happy Holiday ya’ll!

I’m at the point where I’m want to start making a song book. Justin has mentioned it in an earlier lesson.

My main question is - where is the best place to pull my songs from to print out and hopefully for free that has the chord progressins and lyrics?


Google “Ultimate Guitar” and the name of the song, and you should find something.

But be warned…these are crowd sourced chord and lyric sheets…and often of very low quality.

No timing information, no indication of how many bars to play the same chord, no indication if chords change in a single bar, lyrics not properly aligned with chords…the list goes on.

For beginners, this may or may not be a problem…but it certainly was for me.

I use them as a starting point, copy them into a word processor, and edit as needed by listening to the song with the Moises app.


Like Tom @Tbushell says, the tabs can have their problems, but I find them a good starting point if I know how the song goes!

I also use the Moises track separator, in fact I signed up for the Black Friday deal which gave me a year’s subscription for half price, £17.50 (don’t know if that’s still running)


Thanks for sharing Moises.

Thanks for the Moises app info! How do I import non- Purchased songs into Moises?

I agree with Tom @Tbushell

I also use a word processor and divide the Song ’ sections in a way that the song structure is clear and immediately recognizable for me.
Then I carefully listen and re-listen to the original recording, work out the bars and Rhythm and I write down the chords on the lyrics. I believe there’s a lot of value in the process of doing this. I suppose the more advanced players don’t need to do this…me I’m not that smart yet and as a beginner I would reccomend to do that for learning so much in the process.


Thanks, didn’t know about that. Their “Beat Friday” deal lasts till Nov 30.


I’ve just spent the last 15 minutes chasing my tail trying to upgrade my monthly sub to yearly, with no luck.

How did you do it? I’m on iPadOS, but also tried from their website…but no joy.

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Oops…never mind.

Finally found their Support section. It states:

:musical_score: As a Monthly Premium subscriber, am I eligible to upgrade to the Yearly Premium Plan and get the discount?

Not at this time. The Beat Friday offer is available for users who do not currently hold a Premium/Musician subscription.

But I’ll probably upgrade to yearly anyway. Moises has become an essential part of my song learning workflow.

@mayabossa if you want something for a tablet this thread will be useful

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I too seem to get my tabs from ultimate guitar. And I agree, sometimes, they are close, sometimes not so much.
Ya gotta work with them tabs a bit to get them to sound like ya (I) want them to. When I’m done using that tab, into a 3 ring notebook they go for future playing. :wink:

As for the AI program to remove bits and pieces.
Here’s another one.

At this point, I’m not using that or mosies. I don’t have anything.
But it surely has crossed my mind to do one of them two programs. I’ve had the song master in a cart and just couldn’t spend the hundie that I didn’t have to spend.

For those of you that use mosies I have another question (not to hijack the tread, but the question seems pertinent) .
Once you eliminate the guitar for example, can you take what’s left, w/o the guitar, and put it into your daw so you can work with it?
I don’t know if ya can with the song master which is also another reason I’ve not downloaded it.

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@SILVIA Sounds like we have a similar process (in fact, I may have started down this path after reading some of your posts…so thanks!)

That’s been my experience, too.

One of the reasons I started doing things this way was to help me learn to sing and play at the same time. Phrasing was a big issue for me, and it was a huge help to write the chord changes over the exact syllable in the lyrics. And to write in the count when things happened in the middle of the bar.

More recently, I’ve found that I don’t need to do that as much. But I believe that creating my own sheets has been a big help in developing these skills.


For the stuff I play, Ultimate Guitar has been great.

There will usually be several versions of chord sheets for each song. Look for the ones with five star ratings and lots of downloads. I copy and paste into Word so I can easily modify it if I want but you can print them out from PDF directly from the site.

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Do you pay for Ultimate Guitar?

No. I’ve been perfectly happy with the free membership.

The reason why I asked is that with the free version, they don’t let you print the tabs out. Are you able to do this with the FREE version of Ultimate Guitar tabs?

I click and drag to highlight the text I want to print, right-click it, then select “copy” and paste it into Word. IIRC, when you right click, downloading a PDF is one of the options, but I just use Word.

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Thank you.

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I just tried bringing up a song on my tablet without even logging in with my free membership, and I see that downloading the PDF is available as a button on the screen.

Yes but when you try, you get a prompt to buy the premium version.

I’d been dithering whether to get a subscription or not, and the deal pushed me over the line - which I guess is the purpose of the deal. They’re banking on me being unable to live without it come next year and full price renewal :rofl: