March 2023, #3 added on 19th: Tennessee Whiskey; Blues Improv in D; Take It Easy (solo)

Thanks for the kind words. Much appreciated Helen. Its fun to play, and a good one to add your own stuff to.

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Indeed Shane,
The only “problem” is that I’m trying to master 2 short vingerstyle songs, but every time you post a video I open a new tab in my laptop :joy:…I don’t go that fast, so it`s growing :grimacing: :sweat_smile:
Still impressed with this performance :sunglasses:

That’s such a beautiful song, and I absolutely love your cover, Shane. It’s a great example of the beauty in simplicity, a little 3 chord song that’s gorgeous. It’s also very very similar to I’d Rather Go Blind, also a great song but how could it not be when they’re practically copies lol. :slightly_smiling_face:

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@Mari63 For sure, Mari, I was hearing that in the intro.

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Shane, an excellent rendition of Tennessee Whisky. Very nice guitar work and tones. You voice seems to fit this one well. A nice laid back vibe and enjoyable listen to go with my afternoon cup.

Hi Shane, thanks a lot for this Sunday treat. Listening to your song was such a pleasure :blush:.
Wonderfully played - and to be honest, I haven’t known what beautiful voice you have :star_struck:.

Cracking effort for a weeks practice :star_struck:

Nice feel to the rhythm, great singing too.



Balance sounds good. I normally set up vocals to around -6 to -8 db and guitar down a bit lower maybe -12 to -14 db depending on how much dynamic I want in there.
Best feedback is recording and listening back as sometimes it’s different to what’s in the headphones live.

Fantastic lead playing on Tennessee Whiskey. Awesome job all around!

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Thanks for the kind words Nicole. Glad you enjoyed it. Such a great tune…

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Appreciate the feedback and the kind words Dave. A fun song to play, and one you can add alot of your own feel to. Plus, its a bit of a ‘teacher’, which is a big plus

Thanks for the kind words Dave, and comments re sound.
Sound levels/ mixing is the one area of my whole music journey that continually frustrates me. It appears a very inexact science that I seem to spend too much time on, and still not get it right. I listen back on my headphones and monitors, but once rendered and uploaded its often quite different - in both levels and tone sometimes. It really does appear to be an art that I suppose becomes more finessed with experience. Might put up a separate post about it.

Cheers, Shane


Much appreciated Travis, from someone who’s out there doin it. :sunglasses:
Surely you’ve got a version of this song. It would be right up your alley, and most likely a cracking version to boot :+1:.

Cheers, Shane

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That was really good Shane. Nice song, laid back vibe executed well. Rhythm, lead lines, solo and singing, all came together nicely.

That was terrific Shane. Super bloozy feel, well played and sung. It might be a ‘simple’ song but you played it perfectly and that’s better than a complex one played badly.

I too nearly missed it as it’s one of those multi song threads.

Appreciate it JK. Thanks mate. Would bee a good song to practice ebelishments, improv over.

Cheers, Shane

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Thanks Gordon. Appreciate the kind words.
Yep, these so called ‘simple’ songs - simple as in straight forward chords and progression - can be great development tools, as you need to bring all your current skills to the table to really make them sound good. Gives you a feel for where you’re at, particularly with rhythm, phrasing etc, which I reckon is about 80% of the music.

Cheers, Shane

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That was great Shane. The playing was excellent as always and it’s easy to tell that you invest a lot of time into your guitar playing, but what really impressed me on this one was your vocals. You have a cracking voice mate!

Shane, that was marvellous. Some sweet tone coming for your guitar and the singing was excellent. A tasty solo to boot. What’s not to love about that performance.

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Hey Shane!

Really great stuff. Thought all three were played very well. My favorite is the blues improv here. The tone you have on your guitar sounds so sweet. Not to mention your playing is excellent. Love the space you placed between notes and the way it ties together. I’m working on my blues improv right now and this gave me a lot to think about! Keep it up.



that was really cool. nice work!